But there you are traduction Français
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It's a common enough story, I wish it wasn't, but there you are.
- Je n'aime pas en parler, mais comme vous êtes là.
But there you are. lt was quite good for him cos look where he is now!
En tout cas, c'était une bonne chose pour lui, vu qu'il a percé.
- But you... can fix him? There are a few things we could do for Elliot, one of which is bypass surgery.
- On a plusieurs options pour Elliot, dont un pontage.
But I don't want either of you involved so if there are consequences I'll take the blame.
Vous serez pas impliqués. J'assumerai seule les conséquences.
Yes, but now you're free, and there are a lot of things you could be doing with that freedom, Kat, so go for it.
Oui, mais maintenant vous êtes libre, et cette liberté vous donne le droit à faire beaucoup de choses, Kate, alors ne manquez pas une occasion.
But, believe it or not, there are other cases that could use my attention. You know what I mean?
Mais croyez-le ou pas, j'ai d'autres affaires à traiter.
I was surprised, too, given what happened this morning, but she thinks there's something wrong with the baby, and she thinks that you and Zoe are lying to her about it.
Ça m'a surprise après ce qui s'est passé ce matin, mais elle pense que le bébé a un problème, et elle pense que toi et Zoe lui mentez.
There are some earrings and bracelets, too, but you, I think, look best without.
Il y a des boucles et des bracelets, mais... Je te trouve mieux sans.
But I wanted to tell you, there's these fellers on TV. They go out in the ocean and try to stop the Japanese wherever they are!
Mais il fallait que je te dise, y a ces gars à la télé, ils essaient d'arrêter les Japonais partout sur l'océan!
And there are things I could've told you, could tell you, that would make it easier, but I don't wanna go back there.
J'aurais pu t'en parler pour faciliter les choses. Mais j'ai pas envie de me rappeler ça.
{ \ pos ( 220,230 ) } I know this might sound a little forward, { \ pos ( 220,230 ) } but I saw you from over there, { \ pos ( 220,230 ) } and I think you are... stunning.
Je sais que ça a l'air un peu direct, je vous ai vu tout à l'heure, et je vous trouve... renversante.
You see foes where there are friends, you see sorcerers where there are but servants.
Vous voyez des ennemis là où il y a Des amis, Vous voyez des sorciers là où il n'y a Que des serviteurs.
I am sorry, there is no delicate way to say this, but on March 15th 2010, you are going to be murdered.
Je ne sais pas comment vous le dire autrement, mais le 15 mars 2010, vous allez vous faire tuer.
Hey, Seth, don't take this the wrong way, but you really think a roomful of politicians who you've paid to be there are actually gonna listen? One problem at a time, Kenny.
Seth, ne le prenez pas mal, mais vous croyez vraiment que des politiciens soudoyés vont vous écouter?
Sadly, most of you will pass, but there are one or two of you out there who will botch this miserably, proving once and for all that you don't belong here.
Malheureusement, la plupart d'entre vous réussiront, mais un ou deux vont échouer pitoyablement, ce qui prouvera une fois pour toutes que vous êtes ineptes.
"I have fixed my eyes to it, " but there are days when its distance seems beyond my calculation " and I miss you,
J'ai fixé mes yeux dessus mais il est des jours où il me semble hors d'atteinte et vous me manquez plus que je ne saurais le dire.
There are three gateways but you may choose only one.
Voici trois portes. Vous ne pouvez en choisir qu'une.
Now, as you know, the stakes in this room are high, but the stakes for our competitors out there are the highest possible.
Maintenant... comme vous savez sans doute, les enjeux ici sont importants. Mais les enjeux de nos compétiteurs, là dehors, ne peuvent pas être plus élevés.
But there's no way that the two of you are walking out of here.
Mais vous ne sortirez pas d'ici ensemble.
When I wake there are no bears, but you're always afraid.
Quand je me réveille, il n'y a pas d'ours, mais tu as toujours peur.
It means that you act like you believe "c'est la vie"... "have fun, everyone, there are no rules". But you are all rules.
Tu dis qu'il ne faut pas s'en faire, qu'on doit s'amuser, ne pas s'imposer de règles, mais en fait, tu veux tout contrôler.
No, the truth is, Dad, there are lots of things that we don't tell you, but that doesn't mean that we want to hurt you.
Non, la vérité, c'est qu'on te cache beaucoup de choses, mais on ne veut pas te faire de peine pour autant.
Hey, farm boy. Maybe you can't count, but there are four of us and one of you.
Dis donc, bouseux, tu sais pas compter?
But some things you should never forget. { But there are some things a man should never forget. }
Mais certaines choses ne devraient jamais être oubliées. { But there are some things a man should never forget. }
Inside of each of you, there are sirens, honking horns and gridlock, but there's also this.
À l'intérieur de vous tous, il y a des sirènes, des klaxons et des embouteillages, mais il y a aussi ceci.
You see, there are many people waiting and no offense but...
Sans vouloir te vexer, il y en a plein d'autres avant toi.
You know most people, they think that we've chosen this life because there are no rules, but in our world, there are rules.
Tu sais, la plupart des gens croient qu'on a choisi cette vie parce qu'il n'y a pas de règles. Mais chez nous, il y en a.
We bought this land, and the cops here told us who you are, and we mean no disrespect at all, but we're about to start construction, and we can't do anything if you're still up there.
Nous avons acheté ce terrain. La police nous a dit qui vous êtes et, sauf votre respect, ça bloque tout le chantier si vous restez là-haut.
I don't know if you have any plans or not but, well, Sam and I are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner and the neighbors are going to be there.
Si tu n'as rien prévu, on fait le repas de Thanksgiving avec les voisins.
You are right, but there is a problem.
Vous avez raison, mais il y a un problème.
I know you do not want to think about it, but there are plenty of other turtles here.
Tu le sens pas comme ça en ce moment mais il y a d'autres tortues.
It will take a little tiny bit of getting used to, but you are going to be so happy there.
Sois un peu patiente. Tu vas vraiment finir par t'y plaire.
Young ladies, I know there are attractions that your parents would like to take you to, but this is not one of them.
Il y a des attractions que vos parents veulent vous faire voir, mais celle-ci n'en fait pas partie.
But there are other notes, other things you need to know.
Mais il y a d'autres notes. D'autres choses à connaître.
I've been asking around a bit and there's a few theories floating around but I don't know if any of them are true or not but might be able to help you with your investigations.
Je me suis un peu renseigné et j'ai entendu circuler quelques rumeurs. Je ne sais pas si elles sont vraies ou pas mais ça pourrait vous aider à faire avancer votre enquête.
So, you can make diethyl, dipropyl, there are some other types of carbon change you can attach to that end that do give you compounds that have activity, but very different from DMT.
Ainsi, vous pouvez créer l'éthyle ou le propyle. Il y a d'autres échanges à base de carbone que vous pouvez générer qui donnera des composés avec certains niveaux de psycho-activité, mais très différents du DMT.
Well, when a woman my age writes mysteries everybody automatically assumes that you're a lesbian but in my case, there's this cruel irony in that when one finally figures out how the equipment works then all the men are dying or they're chasing teenagers.
Quand une femme de mon âge écrit des polars, on croit tout de suite que c'est une lesbienne, mais dans mon cas, l'ironie de la chose, c'est que quand on finit par comprendre comment tout ça, ça marche, tous les hommes meurent ou poursuivent des adolescentes.
lmpossible according to me, but as you can see there are so many bars..
On peut dire, mais comme vous pouvez le voir il ya beaucoup de bars...
I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but there are no experienced vampire hunters because there are no vampires. They do not exist.
Je suis désolé de vous l'apprendre, mais iI n'y a aucun chasseur de vampires ici, vu que Ies vampires n'existent pas.
I can respect that, but there are people back on the ship who don't have a choice, and you have an obligation to them as well, Lieutenant.
Je le respecte, mais les autres à bord n'ont pas le choix, et vous avez des obligations envers eux aussi.
But you didn't master it and there are four errors in your technique.
Mais pas en totalité. Il te manque 4 coups.
I realize you are under a great deal of pressure, but there is no reason for these baseless accusations.
Vous avez beaucoup de pression, mais ce n'est pas une raison d'accuser sans fondement.
You know, there are a lot of things grieving coworkers do... but hunting with guns for someone on docks, not one of'em.
Il y a beaucoup de choses que font des collègues en deuil... mais s'armer pour en pourchasser un sur les quais n'en est pas une.
Weres have lived in Jackson for almost 200 years without a single human knowing. Now these sons of bitches come to town, there's a crime streak a mile wide. Not to say the rest of us are above violence but you shut the barn door behind you.
Deux siècles à Jackson sans révéler notre existence. ces enfoirés commettent un tas de crimes. mais on reste discret.
But what are you doing up there?
Mais que faites-vous là-haut?
But there are several comics here that you could ask.
Mais iI y a plusieurs comédiens ici à qui demander.
Of course there are, but it never occurs to me to act on it because I'm married, to you.
Bien sûr, mais il ne me vient pas à l'idée d'aller plus loin, je suis mariée... avec toi.
Okay, I get that there are some things that you have to keep from me, but why would they have attacked me?
Je comprends qu'il y a des choses que tu dois me cacher, mais pourquoi m'aurait-il attaqué?
There's something that goes on in the making of a horror film where you're dealing with these things that in real life are terrifying and sometimes morbid and horrible, but by acting it out you release some sort of childish laughter, which is totally
Ils sont quelque chose qui se passe quand faire un film d'horreur où les face à ces choses dans la vie réelle sont terrifiants et parfois morbide et horrible, mais une fois enlevé une sorte de lâche rire des enfants, ce qui est vraiment
But one day you find out that blind girls realize that you're there, that you're breathing, that you are still alive.
Mais un jour, tu réalises que les femmes aveugles savent que tu es là, que tu respires, que tu es encore en vie.
But you know my secret, And there are strings attached to that.
Tu connais mon secret, et ça implique des choses.
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there are others 19
but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there you are 4720
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there you are 4720
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are free 73
you are right 482
you are good 169
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are free 73
you are right 482
you are good 169