But there are others traduction Français
141 traduction parallèle
It's because you see me on a beautiful day, but there are others my friend...
Parce que tu me vois dans un bon jour, mais y en a d'autres mon vieux!
- But there are others.
- Il y en a d'autres.
But there are others, Gaston.
Mais il y a les autres.
Yes. But there are others.
Il en existe d'autres.
But there are others who might.
Mais certains pourraient penser à mal.
But there are others who don't understand... who will try to kill you before allowing you to sign this pact with Diana.
Mais il y en a d'autres qui ne comprennent pas et qui essayeront de vous tuer avant que vous ayez signé ce pacte.
You can stop me, but there are others.
Vous pouvez m'arrêter, mais il y en aura d'autres.
But there are others who burn easily, so they stay in the shadows.
Mais certains sont fragiles et préfèrent rester dans l'ombre.
I am but there are others.
Oui, mais il y en a d'autres.
Ladies and gentlemen, my own elevation to the peerage debars me from standing but there are others to carry on my great work.
Mesdames et Messieurs, ma propre élévation à la pairie me n'interdit de debout mais il ya d'autres pour continuer mon bon travail.
But there are others that can be saved.
Sauve-en d'autres.
But There Are Others Who Need Me As Well.
Mais d'autres aussi ont besoin de moi.
But there are others involved.
Mais il y a quelqu'un.
But there are others, like Doyle Brunson... who consider No-Limit the only pure game left.
Mais d'autres, comme Doyle Bronson, considèrent le Sans-limite comme le seuljeu vraiment pur.
Well, yes, but there are others...
Oui, enfin... il y en a d'autres...
Mom warned us, but there are others.
Maman nous a prévenues, mais il y en a d'autres.
Maybe he's not, but there are others out there just like him.
Peut-être, mais il en existe d'autres comme lui.
But there are others who intentionally refuse to leave mostly due to unresolved problems during their lifetime
Mais il y en a d'autres qui refusent intentionnellement de s'en aller, la plupart du temps pour résoudre leurs problèmes.
But there are others like him waiting for us to turn our backs.
Mais iI y en a d'autres comme lui qui attendent qu'on ait tourné Ie dos.
Please, dear family... thank you, thank you for your efforts to comfort me in my bereavement... but I feel there are others who need even more consolation than I do.
Chers parents... Merci de votre sympathie. D'autres en auront encore plus besoin.
Well, there are others, but those are the ones the Apache use most.
Ceux que prennent les Apaches.
Others there are who, trimmed in forms and visages of duty, keep yet their hearts attending on themselves, and throwing but shows of services on their lords, do well thrive by them, and when they have lined their coats do themselves homage.
Mais d'autres, ne servant leur seigneur qu'en apparence, prospèrent à ses dépens, puis, leur habit bien garni, se gobergent.
But there are three others who served San Francisco... who also must not be forgotten.
Mais trois autres ont servi San Francisco... et ils ne doivent pas non plus être oubliés.
Others. But there are no others, Commander.
Les autres... il n'y en a pas d'autres, commandant.
They are admired and hero-worshiped... But there is always present others... To see them destroyed at the peak of their growth.
Ils sont admirés et adorés comme des héros... mais il y en a toujours d'autres présents... pour les détruire à leur apogée.
But, if he is to be found guilty, there are others who also went along,
Cependant, s'il devait être déclaré coupable, ses compagnons de route
But there are undoubtedly others.
Il y en a certainement d'autres.
They might be able to destroy this machine, but in all probability there are others waiting to attack us!
Ils pourraient peut-être détruire cette machine, mais d'autres doivent attendre d'attaquer.
Maybe there are others like you around, maybe you've caused a lot of suffering, a lot of history, but that's all over.
Il y en a peut-être d'autres comme toi, tu as peut-être fait beaucoup de mal, mais tout ça, c'est fini.
I do understand that there are people who want to kill others but I don't understand why people want to kill themselves!
Je comprends qu'on veuille tuer, mais certains préfèrent se tuer!
There are one or two others in the running, but, frankly...
Il y a un ou deux autres candidats, mais honnêtement...
So we've heard, but surely there are others just as good.
Il n'est sûrement pas le seul.
Of course, there are others, but those four are the ones who would stay.
Bien sûr, il y en a d'autres, mais ces quatre sont ceux qui resteront.
But by your mistakes we shall all be judged... when there are thousands who dedicate themselves unselfishly to helping others.
Mais nous serons toutes jugées par vos fautes... alors que des milliers se dévouent généreusement pour les autres.
We live in this one but there are many others.
Nous vivons dans celle-ci... mais il en existe d'autres.
But instead, we got a dead man... who can't tell us why he's here, who sent him, are there others...
On a un macchabée qui ne peut pas nous dire ce qu'il fait là, qui l'a envoyé, combien ils sont...
But surely there are others who had motive or opportunities?
Mais il doit y en avoir d'autres avec un mobile et les occasions?
I am convinced that there are not three mysteries here, but only one, and the solution of one may prove the solutions to the others.
Nous n'avons pas affaire à trois mystères, mais à un seul. Et la solution de l'un peut être celle des deux autres.
But now comes this money from a stranger to help others gain their freedom. My faith returns again, because I know there are good people still in this world.
Mais avec cet argent d'un étranger donné pour aider la liberté des autres, je reprends espoir, car je sais qu'il y a des gens généreux sur terre.
But meanwhile, there are others who Live their lusts without limit.
D'autres, en revanche, se débauchent sans limites.
Today, perhaps but if there are others with the courage of Admiral Jarok we may hope to see a day of peace when we can take his letter home.
Mais s'il existe d'autres hommes avec le courage de l'amiral Jarok, nous pouvons espérer voir naître la paix, et ce jour venu... .. nous pourrons apporter cette lettre à sa famille.
But what about when there are no others?
Mais quand les autres sont absents?
There are others in Germany and Switzerland, one in Belgium... all could do the job. But...
J'en connais des autres en Allemagne, en Suisse, et un en Belgique.
But there are similarities between this culture and others I've studied.
Mais il y a des similitudes entre cette culture et d'autres.
All the others are downtown... or in Culver City or Santa Monica, but this one's right in the Valley... and there are gonna be no massage parlors in the Valley!
Tous les autres sont dans le centre ou à Santa Monica. Mais celui-là est dans la vallée et il n'y aura pas de ça ici.
- He explained two but there are three others.
- Il a retenu 2 cas... mais il y en a 3 autres.
But there are times when I think back to those days of meeting Kirk, Spock and the others, and I am pleased that I was part of it.
Mais quand je repense à ma rencontre avec Kirk, Spock et les autres, je suis heureux d'avoir vécu cette époque.
There are many others, but these are the most urgent.
Il y a beaucoup d'autres, mais ce sont les plus urgentes.
But be careful! Unfortunately there still are co-workers who don't use the prescribed walkways, thus endangering themselves and others.
Il y a toujours des collègues qui s'en tamponnent et utilisent les mauvais passages, mettant ainsi en danger leur vie et celle des autres.
There are diseases that have no effect on the carrier but can still infect others.
Certaines maladies ne se déclarent pas chez le porteur, mais sont transmissibles.
Now, to some, these deaths are just tragic coincidences, but to others, they're an indication that there are more sinister events taking place.
Certains n'y voient que de tragiques coïncidences, mais pour d'autres, cela cache des événements plus sinistres.
but there are 38
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there are limits 17
but there you go 27
but there's no time 25
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there we are 16
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there are others 76
but today 329
but that's not you 16
but thank you 574
but tell me 152
but there isn't 28
but there you are 27
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there are others 76
but today 329
but that's not you 16
but thank you 574
but tell me 152
but that's beside the point 34
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not true 78
but that's the thing 39
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's not the point 136
but that's okay 199
but that's not the problem 16
but that's not true 78
but that's the thing 39
but that's not why i'm here 50
but that's the way it is 43
but that's normal 26
but that's not all 68
but that's not the point 136