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Did we get him traduction Français

132 traduction parallèle
Did we... Did we get him?
On l'a eu?
Did we get him?
On l'a eu?
- Did we get him? - No.
- On l'a eu?
How did we get him?
Comment est-il arrivé ici?
Did we get him back?
L'a-t-on récupéré?
This rat motherfucker, where did we get him?
D'où sort cette salope?
If he's not going, then why the hell did we get him out of jail? - He's smart.
S'il ne vient pas, pourquoi l'avoir sorti de prison?
Did we get him?
- Tu l'as eu?
- Did we get him?
- On l'a arrêté?
Did we get him?
- On l'a eu?
Oh, did we get him.
Oh, on l'a bien eu.
- Did we get him?
- Est-ce qu'on l'a eu?
- What did we get him?
- On lui offre quoi?
- Did we get him?
- On l'a eu?
- Did we get him? - Yeah, we got him.
- Vous l'avez eu?
We didn't get much information out of him, did we?
On ne lui a pas tiré beaucoup d'informations.
Then the war came and we were swept apart and I came back here and I did everything to get him over.
Et puis la guerre nous a séparés. J'ai tout tenté pour le faire venir.
Of course, we did get him the next day.
Nous l'avons rattrapé le lendemain.
You did a good job, and we might get him yet.
Tu as fait du bon boulot. Et tout n'est pas perdu.
Even if we did get him aboard, we ain't got room to pole.
On n'aura plus de place pour manœuvrer.
Well, if they want him, they'll give us millions of millions of millions, so we'll get a house,... dresses, shoes, food and all the things we need, did you understand? Huh?
Hé, s'ils le veulent, ils nous donneront des millions, des millions et des millions, et nous achèterons une maison, des vêtements des chaussures, de la nourriture et tout ce dont nous avons besoin, vous savez?
I did everything with him I could, but we gotta get that body out of there. Yeah.
J'ai fait tout ce que j'ai pu... mais il faut enlever ce corps de là-bas.
Sonja, we'd never get near him. If we did, we'd shoot and miss.
Même si on pouvait s'approcher de lui, on le raterait.
– Well, how did you get to know him so well? – We don't know him so well.
On ne le connaît pas bien.
Where is he coming from, how did he get here? We only know that none of our weapons could stop him,
Ce qui est certain, c'est qu'aucune arme ne l'arrête.
We've got to get it back. After all we did for him, he loses it?
Après tout ce qu'on a fait, il le perd!
Did we get him?
- On l'a eue?
We dressed up a pretty girl in a highway-patrol uniform. We told her to get real ornery with him and she did.
On a déguisé une jolie fille en policier, puis on lui a dit d'y aller carrément avec Cole, et elle l'a fait.
- Honey, did we get a resumé on him?
- On a eu son curriculum vitae?
- Did you get him? - We got him.
- Vous l'avez repéré?
- We must try and get it out of him, even though it may do as much harm coming up as it did going down.
C'est sûr, j'aurais crié.
We'll get him ourselves... and carve him up like he did with the ladies.
On va l'attraper nous même... et en faire un puzzle comme lui avec ces femmes.
I looked Ronnie up, and he did his full bit in prison... so we can't get him on a parole violation.
J'ai cherché dans le fichier. Il a purgé sa peine. On ne peut pas le coincer pour violation de conditionnelle.
You said we could get John back if we needed him. - I did.
On peut appeler John en cas de besoin?
- How lame were we? Why did we always get him a belt?
On était nuls, c'était toujours la ceinture.
Even If we didn't get along, if someone did something to him, I'd defend him.
Même si on ne s'entendait pas bien, si quelqu'un l'avait attaqué, je l'aurais défendu.
Did we get him?
On la eu?
We think she did the same thing to Harper, but we don't know which key he was using, so we can't get him out.
Nous pensons qu'elle a fait la même chose à Harper, mais nous ne savons pas qu'elle clé il utilisait, donc nous ne pouvons pas le sortir.
Lisa, we know what he did must've hurt you... and we know you wanted to get him back... but you've got to tell us where this picture was taken, and where he is.
Lisa, on sait que ce qu'il a fait a dû te faire de la peine et on sait que tu voulais te venger, mais il faut nous dire où cette photo a été prise et où il est.
We did not get him where it hurts.
Sa force de frappe est intacte.
I told him to get her over to the house so we can question her. Did he make the call?
Je lui ai demandé de la faire venir à la maison pour pouvoir l'interroger.
You did everything you could... and now we need to do everything we can to get him back.
Tu as fait tout ce que tu as pu. On doit tout faire pour le ramener.
Whoever did this needed to get to him before we did.
Celui qui a fait ça avait besoin de le retrouver avant nous.
What did you do with him? ! We've got to get him out of here.
Le meilleur poste d'observation du coin.
You did the right thing. We've got to get him home.
Tu as fait ce qu'il fallait.
NAVSAT lost him crossing the border, but we did get a consolation prize.
Le NAVSAT l'a perdu alors à la frontière, on a eu un lot de consolation malgré tout.
Plus I did a little nosing around, and I heard that if you grease the palm of the Stars Hollow zoning commissioner, a man named Taylor Doose, you can get him to change property lines, so we can give you a Stars Hollow address if it's really important to you.
En plus j'ai mené ma petite enquête, et j'ai appris qu'en graissant la patte du responsable du zonage de Stars Hollow, un homme du nom de Taylor Doose, tu peux l'amener à modifier les limites de la propriété, on peut donc te procurer une adresse à Stars Hollow si c'est vraiment important pour toi.
How did we get fooled by him so much?
Comment avons nous pu être autant trompé?
Because the man who did that is still out there and I'll be damned if we let him get away with it.
Parce que l'homme qui a fait ça est toujours dehors et je serais maudit si nous le laissons partir comme ça.
If he did all this to take off with his girlfriend, we can use her to get him here.
S'il a fait tout ça pour partir avec sa copine, on peut l'utiliser pour l'attirer.
Um, how did we get him? It was basically- - there was a contract involved.
Comment on l'a eu?

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