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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ D ] / Did you find anything

Did you find anything traduction Français

848 traduction parallèle
Did you find anything? No, nothing much.
Vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
- Did you find anything?
- Du nouveau?
Did you find anything?
As-tu découvert quelque chose?
- Did you find anything?
- Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose?
- Well, did you find anything?
- Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose?
Where did you find anything so beautiful?
Où as-tu déniché cette merveille?
Did you find anything else?
- Vous avez trouvé autre chose?
- Did you find anything?
Vous ne voyez rien?
- Did you find anything?
Vous l'avez trouvé? Non.
- Did you find anything?
- Et alors?
And where on the face of this old earth did you find anything like him?
Et comment avez-vous fait pour trouver sur cette vieille Terre... un spécimen comme lui?
Did you find anything like that?
C'est ce que vous avez vu?
- Did you find anything?
- Tu as trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find anything?
Tu as trouvé un indice?
Ben? What happened? Did you find anything?
Tu as trouvé quelque chose?
- Did you find anything out there? - Get moving, will you?
vous avez trouvé quelques chose là bas?
Did you find anything? Any evidence pertaining to the story that Mrs. Manion had told you?
Avez-vous trouvé des indices quelconques, se rapportant au récit que Mme Manion vous avait fait?
Did you find anything useful?
Et vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find anything that looks like a secret entrance in here?
As-tu trouvé quelque chose qui ressemble à une entrée secrète?
Yes, that's right Did you find anything?
Oui, c'est exact. Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose?
- Did you find anything? - No, inspector.
- Vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find anything?
Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose?
- Did you find anything
- Vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
Come on, did you find anything?
Vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find anything to drink around here?
Vous avez trouvé à boire?
Did you find anything?
Vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find anything else, you know, of a private nature?
Avez-vous découvert autre chose, d'ordre... privé?
Did you find anything?
- Du nouveau?
Samantha, how do they look? Did you find anything you like?
Samantha, vous avez trouvé quelque chose qui vous plaît?
You didn't happen to find anything in this brush, did you?
N'avez-vous rien trouvé dans ce blaireau?
Did you find anything new, Pop?
Tu as trouvé quelque chose de nouveau, papa?
Did you find anything?
Vous avez trouvé?
Did you find out anything?
Trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find out anything?
Avez-vous découvert quelque chose?
Did you find out anything today?
Vous avez découvert quelque chose?
- Did you find out anything?
- Trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find out anything else?
Vous avez du nouveau?
Did you find out anything?
A moins que votre femme... nous fournisse de nouveaux indices. Encore rien...
Did any of you find anything out about that old shepherd yet?
Vous avez du nouveau sur le vieux berger?
Oh, listen, did you find out anything about our friend Karl? He's high on the wanted list for the same racket in France.
Alors ça va bouger, surtout quand Cade va prendre le contrôle.
no thanks, I'm giving them up they're bad for your health well, in my opinion the old boys niece knows more than she's telling we'll find that out later - did you notice anything about the uncle?
- Non merci, j'ai arrêté. Mauvais pour la santé. À mon avis, la nièce du vieux en sait plus qu'elle ne veut bien le dire.
Whilst you were agog with each other, did you find out anything else?
Émoi à part, avez-vous trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find out anything?
Tu as trouvé quelque chose?
Mother, did you find out anything?
Maman, tu as trouvé quelque chose?
Toby. did you find out anything?
Tu as appris quelque chose?
DRACO : Did you find out anything?
Vous avez quelque chose?
Did you find anything?
- Vous avez trouvé quelque chose?
Did you find anything else?
Autre chose?
Did you find out anything about the lighter?
Et pour le briquet, vous ne savez rien?
Did you find out anything?
Tu as du nouveau?
- Did you find out anything?

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