Do the words traduction Français
491 traduction parallèle
How do the words go?
C'est quoi, les paroles?
Do the words "work" and "duty" mean nothing to you since you've been here?
Ces mots n'ont-ils plus de sens pour vous?
What do the words "nervous breakdown" mean to you?
Tu connais l'expression "dépression nerveuse"?
Do the words matter?
Quelle différence?
Well, believe me that I do not wish to offend you... but your words are more like what one of the patients here would say.
Eh bien, loin de moi l'idée de vous offenser... mais ce que vous dites ressemble au discours de nos patients ici.
To that oath, mr. Hornblower, we shall add the words, "so long as the hornblower family do us no harm."
Pour le serment, ajoutons... tant que les Hornblower ne nuiront pas...
He speaks the same meaningless words as you do.
Qui emploie les mêmes mots dénués de sens que vous.
Do you know the words?
Connaissez-vous les paroles?
What else did he say about her? Do you remember the exact words?
Qu'a - t-il dit d'autre?
Never mind the big words, what do you want me to do?
Laissez tomber les grands mots. Que dois-je faire?
- Do you know the words?
Vous connaissez les paroles?
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but the words do not touch me."
Les insultes ne nous atteignent pas.
- Yes, but do you get the play on words?
- Oui, mais tu saisis le jeu de mots?
Her own testimony in the witness box her bearing throughout this ordeal stamp the character of this remarkable woman more than any words of mine could possibly do.
Son propre témoignage, sa conduite pendant l'épreuve, la dépeignent plus fidèlement que mes paroles ne sauraient le faire!
In other words, we can do the work, while he gains enormous sums without risk.
En d'autres termes, nous pouvons faire le travail, Alors qu'il gagne des sommes énormes sans risque.
If the sight of you did nothing to restore his memory... what can words do?
Votre vue n'a pas déclenché le moindre souvenir.
I hear myself saying words that never have anything to do with the things I feel about you.
vous me faites dire des choses si éloignées de mes vrais sentiments.
Do you remember the master last words?
Tu te souviens des dernières paroles du maître?
Do you need the words?
Tu as besoin de mots?
Well, Dutilleul, do you realize the seriousness of the words I'm now forced to include in my report to Mr. Director?
Alors, Dutilleul, savez-vous la gravité des propos que je rapporterai à M. le directeur?
Do you have any words for the growing boy on how to become a millionaire?
Quels conseils donneriez-vous aux jeunes... Pour devenir millionnaire?
How do I find the words to tell you what you are?
Comment exprimer ce que vous êtes?
Do not forget, madam, that love is a continuous game with three balls, the names of which are : heart, words and loins.
N'oubliez pas, madame, que l'amour est un jeu à trois balles : Le c ur, la parole, le sein.
Do you remember your words when I gave you the cigarette case?
Tu te souviens de tes mots quand je t'ai offert l'étui?
Words do not carry the greatest tribute, my son. No more than they may hold the perfect truth.
Les mots ne portent pas le plus grand tribut, mon fils... pas plus qu'ils ne contiennent la vérité parfaite.
Do you know the words, Mr. Allison?
Vous connaissez les paroles?
I can't find the words to tell you how bad I do feel.
Il n'y a pas de mots pour le dire.
In other words a 19-year-old girl didn't know what to do with the body until an 8-year-old boy told her.
En d'autres termes, une fille de 1 9 ans ne savait pas quoi faire du corps jusqu'à ce qu'un garçon de 8 ans le lui dise.
What do you want me to do now, eat my words? No, just the cake.
Je devrais ravaler mes mots?
I don't want to answer like I do, but the words just fall from my lips.
Je ne veux pas parler comme je le fais, mais les mots sortent tout seul
You do not understand the poetry of words.
Le moustachu, tu n'entends rien à la poésie.
St Crispin I pray, I beseech you, put the record straight, But if any of those who had intended to take these bulls lending credence to the words of this man cease to do so, it will cause a great damage
St Crispin, je vous en prie, mettez les choses au clair, si celui qui avait l'intention de prendre ces indulgences et qui, croyant aux paroles de cet homme, ne veut plus le faire, cela pourrait causer un grand tort
I can do without the endearing words.
Je peux me passer de mots tendres.
800 grisly words on thrombosis, and look what they do to me. "Stubborn men and the killer they caught."
800 mots sur la thrombose et voilà ce qu'ils en font.
Do you need the words?
Il te faut des mots?
All you've gotta do is say the right words.
Il suffit de dire les bons mots.
Do you want the truth or only words to justify your evil?
Veux-tu la vérité, ou des mots pour justifier le mal que tu as fait?
All I had to do was mouth the words. Excuse me.
Je n'avais plus qu'à polir mes phrases.
All one has to do is put the words in the proper order.
Tout ce qu'il faut c'est mettre les mots dans l'ordre.
I do declare, I get the all-overs when I hear them fearsome words.
Je dois dire que j'ai des frissons en entendant ces mots effrayants.
When you are given up into their hands do not fear what to say, because when the time comes, you will be given the right words.
Quand vous serez entre leurs mains, Ne vous souciez pas de ce que vous devrez dire. Cela vous sera suggéré à l'heure même.
Know what they do? They sign the words in at the bottom of the picture in English, so you can understand it. - Oh, yeah?
Ils mettent la traduction en bas de l'image
You can't take the words of a drunk man seriously those words have nothing to do with my true sentiments.
Vous m'emmenez où?
I think we would do well to remember the Churchwarden's words.
DOCTEUR : Mieux vaut nous souvenir des mots du marguillier.
- Do you hear the words of Don Vincenzo?
- Tu as écouté les paroles de Don Vincenzo?
All my thinking could be summed up with these words : Since corrupt people unite among themselves to constitute a force, honest people must do the same.
Et la mienne se résume en cela que si tous les êtres malfaisants s'unissent et constituent une force, il ne reste aux gens honnêtes qu'à faire la même chose.
I forgot the words, but you'd better say, "I do".
J'ai oublié ce qu'on dit. Mais dites "Je le jure".
You're the kid with all the words. What do I tell her?
Toi qui es bon avec les mots, je lui dis quoi?
I haven't got the words down yet, but I know what I want them to do.
J'ai pas encore les paroles, mais je sais ce qu'elles diront.
Look, all I want you to do is change the wife, say the words, blah, blah, back to my place, no questions asked.
Tout ce que je veux c'est changer d'épouse, faites ce qu'il faut sans complications.
You know, say anything you like, do anything you like, but use the language of love... glamorous, sentimental, romantic words... that conceal - You should see my girl.
Tu sais, tu peux dire ce que tu veux, faire tout ce que tu veux... mais en utilisant le langage de l'amour - des mots chics, sentimentaux, qui cachent - Tu devrais voir ma nana.
do the math 89
do they 819
do the best you can 18
do the right thing 102
do the thing 16
do the job 17
do the honors 24
do they know 51
do the 22
do they not 38
do they 819
do the best you can 18
do the right thing 102
do the thing 16
do the job 17
do the honors 24
do they know 51
do the 22
do they not 38
the words 90
words 313
words to live by 22
words like 23
do that 435
do that for me 24
do that again 97
do this 162
do this for me 68
do things 21
words 313
words to live by 22
words like 23
do that 435
do that for me 24
do that again 97
do this 162
do this for me 68
do things 21