Ever since then traduction Français
379 traduction parallèle
And ever since then, Hamacher has been having a grand time.
Depuis ce temps-là Hamacher s'amuse comme un fou.
Ever since then, whenever you've gone away I've said :
Depuis ce moment, chaque fois que tu partais, je me disais :
Ever since then, Thursday don't go nowhere.
Depuis, Thursday ne quitte plus la maison.
But ever since then, scientists have followed the same principle.
Mais depuis, les scientifiques ont suivi le même principe.
He suffered an injury to his brain once, and ever since then...
Il a reçu un coup à la tête et depuis...
Ever since then I've had a hankering to be a fruit grower.
Depuis, j'en rêve.
But ever since then, I've done my duty.
Mais depuis, j'ai fait mon devoir.
I rushed over and found her unconscious and foaming from the mouth Ever since then, it seems she hasn't been quite right in the head.
Elle s'est cogné la tête très fort contre l'arbre et depuis ce jour-là, elle est bizarre.
Ever since then, they've bundled me out here as fast as possible.
Depuis lors, ils me laissent partir le plus vite possible.
Ever since then, I thought that nothing could happen to me as long as I kept this watch.
À partir de cet instant, j'ai su qu'il ne m'arriverait rien tant que... tant que j'aurais cette montre.
Well, I used to be bad when I was a kid. But ever since then I've gone straight, as I can prove by my record - 33 arrests and no convictions.
Eh bien, j'étais mauvais quand j'étais gosse... mais depuis, je me suis rattrapé... comme le prouve mon dossier... trente-trois arrestations et pas de condamnations.
Ever since then, when I think about candy I say to myself, well you can't complain.
Et quand je pense aux bonbons, je me dis : " Te plains pas, vieux.
Ever since then, I've been a sucker for girls in polo coats.
Depuis, les filles ainsi vêtues m'attirent.
Ever since then, sir, I've decided that my own pathway is clearly marked out for me
Depuis sa mort, mon destin est tout tracé.
Ever since then, we have been living here, in hiding.
Depuis, nous nous cachons ici.
Ever since then, numb, no feelings, like my heart was shot full of Novocain.
Depuis, je suis insensible, comme si mon cœur était plein de Novocaïne.
Ever since then this painting has had no owner
Et depuis cette peinture n'a plus de propriétaire.
Ever since then I've had bad dreams, Uncle.
Depuis, j'ai des cauchemars, mon oncle.
Ever since then Nicholas has been unable to live as other men.
Depuis, Nicholas ne vit plus normalement.
Well, naturally... the Whitlocks didn't take very kindly to this, and ever since then... they're supposed to have made the destruction of the Laniers... - the main item of business at their sabbats.
Naturellement, les Whitlock ne l'ont pas apprécié et depuis... ils ont fait de la destruction des Lanier la priorité à l'ordre du jour des sabbats.
Ever since then, she's been furtive, suspicious, imagining all kinds of terrible things.
Depuis, elle se comporte de manière furtive, méfiante, s'imaginant toutes sortes de choses horribles.
Ever since then, we've been looking.
Depuis, nous cherchons.
Ever since then... Niiro has been staying at Sagamiya and refuses to leave, no matter what we do!
Depuis ce jour, Niiro n'en sort plus.
Ever since then, Japan has worked so hard, so very hard, to prepare for this, the opening day of the Tokyo Olympiad!
Et depuis lors, le Japon s'est donné de la peine, beaucoup de peine, pour préparer ceci, la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo.
Ever since then, he's kept me locked in that room.
Depuis, il m'enferme dans cette pièce.
Ever since then he had felt extremely awkward and hesitant about approaching females sexually and every rebuff was excruciating.
"Depuis lors, il éprouvait des difficultés " à aborder toute relation sexuelle.
Ever since then he seems to have grown steadily worse.
Depuis, il semble aller de mal en pis.
Ever since then, my daughter has been deranged.
Depuis, ma fille a perdu la tête.
Ever since then, I have been studying sharks and that's why I know that I'm going to go to the Institute tomorrow and tell them that you still have a shark problem here.
Depuis ce temps-là, j'étudie les requins, et c'est pour ça que je vais aller à l'Institut demain leur dire que vous avez toujours un grave problème ici.
Ever since then I been workin'. I don't... I think ever since then I been workin'and doin'my...
Depuis ce jour-là j'ai travaillé Je n'ai pas... je pense que depuis ce jour-là j'ai travaillé et...
Several months ago, she was operated on for a brain tumor, and ever since then she gets these terrible headaches.
Il y a quelques mois, elle a été opérée pour une tumeur au cerveau... et depuis, elle éprouve de terribles maux de tête.
Ever since then the devil lies in wait.,... whispering wickedness to bring us fast to the doorstep of Hell.
Depuis lors... le diable est aux aguets, chuchotant ses malices... pour nous amener rapidement à la porte de l'Enfer.
And ever since then... I have never been hit by a bullet.
Et depuis ce temps-là... je n'ai jamais été touché par une balle.
Ever since then, I believe... our revolutionary governments have meant... to improve the lives of the people as well as that of the country.
Je crois qu'à partir de cette époque... la proposition continue... des gouvernements révolutionnaires... est d'améliorer la vie du peuple autant que celle du pays.
And ever since then, I'vE asked myself,
Depuis, je me pose cette question :
Ever since then, he gets in these weird moods.
Depuis, il a des mouvements d'humeur.
Ever since then I have known that I have to live.
Depuis, je sais que je dois vivre.
Ever since then, he runs, gets in a car, and drives away. - Oh.
Depuis, il... court et file en voiture.
Then he went daffy, and he's been here ever since.
Il est viré complètement fou et il est ici depuis.
I've loved you ever since that day in the rose garden. Only I kept it to myself then because I was too proud.
Je vous aime, depuis ce jour dans la roseraie, où je ne m'étais tue que par orgueil.
Since then, head of the most insidious international spy ring that ever existed.
Vous dirigez le réseau d'espionnage le plus insidieux qu'il y ait eu.
Well, the ether's been working perfectly ever since I started, then this morning I gave some to a patient and he jumped out the window.
Eh bien, l'éther a parfaitement marché depuis le début, mais ce matin, j'en ai donné à un patient et il a sauté par la fenêtre.
Estella has been part of my existence ever since I first came here the common boy whose heart she wounded even then.
Estella fait partie de ma vie depuis que je suis arrivé, petit paysan grossier à qui elle brisait le coeur.
Ever since Amelia's time the Elphberg face has cropped out on one of us every now and then.
Depuis Amélia, les traits des Elphberg ressurgissent parfois dans notre branche.
And since I hardly ever come to your office, with its foul stench of tanin, since you like strong odors and Madame Flament smells bad, and she's an excellent secretary, completely at your disposal, then you should keep her.
Comme je ne suis jamais dans ton bureau, que tu aimes les odeurs fortes, que Mme Flament sent mauvais, et qu " elle est excellente secrétaire, autant la garder.
I remind you of someone you were madly in love with but then she ditched you for another guy and you've been carrying a torch ever since.
Je vous rappelle le grand amour de votre vie qui vous a laissé pour un autre et vous ne l'avez jamais oubliée
She became a widow! Then she married her lover, and ever since, has led a model life.
Une veuve qui a épousé son amant.
How many strange things seem and then are ever since we got on this planet?
Combien d'événements étranges sur cette planète.
And then--so she's been jumping in front of buses ever since.
Alors, elle se jette sans cesse devant les autobus.
But then there's the love I've always dreamed of - ever since I was a little girl.
- Et l'amour dont j'ai toujours rêvé.
Then, six and a half months ago, he came here to Las Vegas. And he's been a one-man, non-stop party ever since.
Il est venu à Las Vegas il y a six mois, et il est toujours seul depuis.
ever since i met you 23
ever since i can remember 19
ever since i was little 33
ever since i was 20
ever since i was a little girl 22
ever since i was a kid 42
ever since 127
since then 344
then 34485
then nearly 94
ever since i can remember 19
ever since i was little 33
ever since i was 20
ever since i was a little girl 22
ever since i was a kid 42
ever since 127
since then 344
then 34485
then nearly 94
then don't 282
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then you're an idiot 17
then i'm leaving 17
then prove it 86
then you're wrong 16
then what 1564
then i 166
then you know 40
then it's a date 18
then you 156
then it's settled 125
then you're right 18
then leave 77
then i'll wait 16
then what are you doing here 94
then do it 228
then you die 16
then i will 133
then yes 211
then you're on your own 16
then you're right 18
then leave 77
then i'll wait 16
then what are you doing here 94
then do it 228
then you die 16
then i will 133
then yes 211
then you're on your own 16
then who 210
then what's the problem 77
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then tell me 167
then one day 195
then i'm out 28
then who did 184
then i'm in 23
then what's the problem 77
then go ahead 63
then you can 17
then tell me 167
then one day 195
then i'm out 28
then who did 184
then i'm in 23