From the other side traduction Français
753 traduction parallèle
And then Bobby looked outside and saw one too, but that one came from the other side.
Bobby voit aussi un policier, mais qui arrive par l'autre côté.
Could you conceive of a superhuman mentality influencing someone from the other side of death?
Croyez-vous en l'existence d'un esprit surhumain... capable d'influencer quelqu'un du fond des ténèbres?
O'Hara is now on the train, from the other side.
O'Hara est monté dans le train de l'autre côté.
Course, that big gorilla, Flatfoot, from the other side of the river is in town again.
Ce singe de Flatfoot est en ville.
You must go around the lake and climb from the other side.
Vous devez faire le tour du lac et monter de l'autre côté.
You wind the handle, it starts to smoke... and out come the clean sheets from the other side.
On tourne une manivelle et ca commence à faire de la fumée... , et les linceuls sortent tout propres de l'autre côté.
We in Beecham found out... we had no right to be incorporated in Brender County... because from the other side of the Bass River... we belong in Nevada.
Notre rattachement à ce comté n'est pas légal. Nous appartenons au Nevada.
Those writers from the other side get too fancy.
Ces écrivains d'outre-atlantique font trop de dentelle.
- I'll get in from the other side.
- Je passe de l'autre côté
I can see you're also from the other side.
Oui, je suis aussi de là-bas. Je suis le professeur Robinsón de Mantua.
Sam, the dirty, little boy from the other side of the tracks.
Sam, le sale petit gamin de l'autre côté de la voie ferrée.
It seemed like music out of another century. That came from the other side of the house.
Elle semblait venir d'un autre siècle, et venait de l'autre côté de la maison.
Hanson, you take your men in from the other side.
Placez vos hommes à toutes les issues.
It was possible they might remember me but I thought it unlikely, shop assistants being commonly regarded as an inferior race who never emerged from the other side of the counter.
Il était fort peu probable qu'ils me reconnaissent un vendeur étant un être inférieur rarement dissocié de son comptoir.
That's right. I have much pleasure in introducing Mr. Holly Martins from the other side.
Mesdames, Messieurs... j'ai le plaisir de vous présenter M. Holly Martins.
It's about the lady you brought from the other side of the world.
C'est sur la dame que vous avez ramenée.
Thirty-two deserters from the other side. They want to come over to us.
Eux aussi veulent nous rejoindre, mon Général.
Go back and close it... from the other side.
Va la fermer de l'autre côté.
But if they're ready for us, then the hell is going to come from the other side.
Mais s'ils nous attendent, ce sera l'inverse.
And because those little hunky waitresses from the other side of the town think you're hot stuff, you believe it.
Il suffit que les bonniches vous trouvent formidable... - pour que vous en soyez persuadé.
Gonna have to do a little pushing from the other side.
II va falloir pousser de l'autre côté.
You've come from the other side of the mountain.
Vous êtes donc celle qui doit venir du village d'en face?
When we get to the middle, we cut from the other side.
Quand on arrive à la moitié, on scie de l'autre côté.
- From the other side too.
De l'autre côté aussi.
Here you can see and hear everything, but from the other side, you can't.
D'ici, vous pouvez tout voir et entendre mais de l'autre côté, c'est impossible.
Comrade Captain, he says he came from the other side.
Mon capitaine, il dit qu'il vient de l'autre rive.
They come from the other side of the mountains...
Ils viennent de l'autre côté des montagnes...
I think you are from the other side of the mountains.
Je pense que vous venez de l'autre côté des montagnes. Si vous me montrez comment faire le feu, je vous ramènerai au pied des montagnes.
That puts me on the other side of the fence from you.
Je serai de l'autre côté de la barrière.
Later the priests removed Kharis from his unholy grave... into a cave on the other side of this mountain.
Les prêtres ont plus tard retiré... Kharis de son tombeau impie... et l'ont mis dans une qrotte sur l'autre versant de cette montaqne.
I got a firsthand report on what it's like on the other side from that Hamilton babe, and, I'm telling you, we gotta watch our steps.
La petite Hamilton m'a fait un rapport sur ce qui se passe. Croyez-moi, on a intérêt à faire gaffe.
It comes from the other side of the family.
- La mienne!
China is isolated, cut off from outside help... on one side by impassable mountains... on the other three, by the enemy.
La Chine est isolée, coupée de l'extérieur d'un côté par des montagnes infranchissables, des trois autres par l'ennemi.
Later, the priests removed Kharis from his unholy grave... and placed him in a cave on the other side of the mountain, together with a large quantity of the tana leaves.
Plus tard, les prêtres ont retiré Kharis de sa tombe impie... et ils l'ont mis dans une grotte de l'autre côté de la montagne... avec une grande quantité de feuilles de tana.
It's the other side of the river, little better than an hour's drive from New York.
À un peu plus d'une heure de New York.
It keeps cutting the ground out... from under everything in favor of Frank Wiecek... but the other side of it, that isn't so sharp.
qui coupe tout ce qui est en faveur de Frank Wiecek... Mais l'autre côté n'est pas aussi aiguisé.
I know it sounds crazy... considering who she is and where come from, way, way the other side of the tracks.
Evitez les "à peu près".
We live two blocks away from where it happened, on the other side of Main Street.
Ça s'est passé à deux rues de chez nous.
I just took an hour off from work, and it's way on the other side of town. And, well, tomorrow the boss says I can't come.
J'ai pris une heure de congé etje ne peux pas venir demain.
That's it. The town buried in the lava from the volcano, and the mine's on the other side.
Voilà la ville enfouie sous les laves.
But then here's the other side of the coin - being far from our women,
Mais il y a l'envers de la médaille, l'absence de femmes,
What are you doing? From one side to the other and back?
Que faites-vous donc là, affairée comme un petit écureuil?
If I could leap from the paint stick and reach the other side...
Si je pouvais sauter du bâton et atteindre l'autre côté...
I came from the village on the other side of the mountain.
Je suis venu du village d'en face.
You can go from one side to the other.
On peut être un jour ici, un autre là.
So that you can get from one side of the boat to the other.
Pour passer d'un côté du bateau à l'autre.
Traffic flowed freely through the Brandenburg Gate... and it wasn't really too much trouble... to pass from one side of the Iron Curtain... to the other.
On passait relativement facilement d'un côté ou de l'autre du rideau de fer.
They're from the other side of the city!
Ils habitent à l'autre bout de la ville.
From here until the other side, no water but what we carry.
Durant toute la traversée, pas d'autre eau que la nôtre.
It's inserted in a slot and the message comes out in a paper roll from another slot on the other side.
Elles sont introduites dans une fente et le message sort... sur une feuille de papier par l'autre fente, de l'autre côté.
Only there's nobody blowing it from the other side.
from the bottom of my heart 69
from the very beginning 50
from the future 31
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from the past 16
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from then on 61
from the store 18
from the very beginning 50
from the future 31
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from the past 16
from the beginning 207
from the hospital 23
from then on 61
from the store 18
from the moment i saw you 17
from them 20
from the top 131
from the 130
from the inside 37
from the looks of it 68
from there 193
from the outside 35
from the police 16
from the looks of things 21
from them 20
from the top 131
from the 130
from the inside 37
from the looks of it 68
from there 193
from the outside 35
from the police 16
from the looks of things 21
from the look on your face 17
from the back 17
from the bar 18
from the fbi 17
the other side 74
other side 97
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from here on out 107
from new york 38
from the back 17
from the bar 18
from the fbi 17
the other side 74
other side 97
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from here on out 107
from new york 38
from time to time 154
from a distance 46
from where 295
from what i hear 195
from you 300
from here on 55
from this moment 32
from your wife 16
from this day forward 62
from me 297
from a distance 46
from where 295
from what i hear 195
from you 300
from here on 55
from this moment 32
from your wife 16
from this day forward 62
from me 297