From your wife traduction Français
706 traduction parallèle
No, you will never get a letter from your wife.
Non, tu n'auras jamais une lettre de ta femme.
Yancey Cravat... you let that hussy in black tights have your claim... after having been gone a whole month, away from your wife and child.
Yancey Cravat, tu as laissé cette dévergondée en bas noirs avoir ce que tu voulais après t'être absenté un mois entier, loin de ta femme et de ton fils.
Now, tomorrow you put on your nicest derby and you go and call on your customers and tell them you've separated from your wife because of her connection with those two terrible wretches.
Demain, tu mets ton plus beau melon pour rendre visite à tes clients et tu leur dis que tu t'es séparé de ta femme, qui était liée à ces deux misérables.
And you're spending the night away from your wife?
Et tu découches?
That idiotic statement didn't come from your wife's side of the family.
Cette remarque stupide ne vient pas de votre femme.
- Yeah, is it from your wife?
- Ça vient de votre femme?
Officer Peters I don ´ t wish to keep you from your wife and children any more than the D.A. who was so concerned about them a moment ago.
Agent Peters... je ne veux pas vous éloigner de votre famille... tout comme le procureur, qui se soucie tant d'elle.
Don't grab this from your wife.
Laisse ce pourboire à ta femme.
You got flowers... from your wife for example. She resurfaced now that you were better.
On t'offrait des fleurs... par exemple... elle refaisait surface.
Had you your letters from your wife, my lord?
As-tu des lettres de ta femme?
Have you had any news from your wife?
Des nouvelles de votre femme?
But when I was reduced in rank from your wife to a mere hostess for your friends, then to handling your public relations, you seemed quite pleased.
Quand je suis passée... du rang d'épouse à celui d'hôtesse, cela vous a convenu.
She's going to try and steal that play from your wife.
Elle va tenter devoler cette pièce à ta femme.
What do you hear from your wife Iris?
Tu as des nouvelles de ta femme, Iris?
He's shown us a signed confession from your wife... we'll have to go through this thing for appearance sake.
Il a des aveux signés par ta femme. Il faudra voir ça, pour la forme.
- Good news from your wife?
- Bonne nouvelle de votre femme?
And the letter from your wife?
Et la lettre de votre femme?
I was thinking that you want to get away from your wife.
Vous êtes parti en douce? Bravo.
A letter from your wife.
Une lettre de votre femme.
- From your wife, I think.
- De votre épouse, je crois.
I'll refrain from reminding you of your search for your wife, during which your feelings of hatred and revenge grew ever stronger.
"Je m'abstiendrai de te rappeler l'époque pendant laquelle tu cherchais ta femme," "époque pendant laquelle tes sentiments de haine et de vengeance sont devenus de plus en plus forts."
Your wife would walk up three flights to eat from paper plates?
Elle monterait trois étages pour manger dans des assiettes en carton?
You might, from your appearance, be the wife of Lucifer yet you shall not get the better of me.
Vous pourriez être la femme de Lucifer, cela ne changerait rien.
Oh, my love, my wife, death has libado honey from your breath but had no power about beauty.
Ô mon amour, ma femme, la mort a sucé le miel de ton haleine et n'a eu déprise sur ta beauté.
Keep away from my wife. If I ever see or hear of you being in her presence again... I'll see to it that your worthless carcass lies sizzling in the desert sun... at the mercy of the vultures.
Si je vous vois de nouveau avec elle, votre misérable carcasse rôtira au soleil du désert et sera la proie des vautours.
Mr. Arden, have you received any communication from your first wife Ellen Wagstaff Arden?
Avez-vous eu des nouvelles de votre première femme?
It's from your wife.
C'est de votre femme.
Oh, non, je n'ai pas de secrets pour ma femme, mais elle, peut-être si.
Your wife ought to hear from you, son.
Il faut que votre femme la lise.
From your point of view naturally. You're in love with his wife.
C'est ce que tu penses car tu es amoureux de sa femme.
Have you ever dreamed of Laura as your wife, by your side at the policeman's ball, or in the bleachers, or listening to the heroic story of how you got a silver shinbone from a gun battle with a gangster?
Avez-vous déjà rêvé d'avoir Laura pour femme? À vos côtés au bal de la police ou à la blanchisserie? Vous écoutant raconter vos exploits face aux gangsters?
From all accounts, your wife's illness... seems to date far back into her early childhood.
En fin de compte, la maladie de votre femme vient de son enfance.
As a soldier's wife, you have good reason to hate the king who keeps your husband from your side.
Tu dois ha : ï : r le Roi qui t'enlève ton mari pour l'envoyer au combat.
You should make some money from stocks, Okamoto, for your beautiful wife
Gagne en bourse pour faire plaisir à ta jolie femme.
Oh, sir, I plead with you on bended knee from the torn and wretched heart of a mother. Stop giving my little daughter diamonds and go home to your wife.
Oh, monsieur, je vous en conjure à genoux... avec mon cœur souffrant et déchiré de mère, ne donnez plus de diamants à ma fille, pensez à votre épouse!
Do you, Will Kane, take Amy to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?
Acceptez-vous de prendre Amy pour épouse pour le meilleur et pour le pire?
But although she may prevent us from becoming man and wife, nothing she can possibly do can alter my eternal devotion to you. Your...
Même si elle nous empêche de devenir mari et femme, elle ne m'empêchera pas de t'aimer pour l'éternité.
Your wife's lawyer from choice
Celui de ta femme surtout.
I don't suppose it worries you that this peasant from Rokuhara has fallen in love with your wife.
Serait-ce aux agissements de ce Môritô?
You understand, my friend, that it's incompatible with your dignity and mine for my wife to accept a gift of such value from you.
Vous comprenez qu'il n'est compatible ni avec votre dignité.. .. ni avec la mienne que ma femme puisse accepter de vous.. .. un cadeau de cette importance.
"I beg you to free me from the slavery of a corrupt court and take me as your wife."
"Je te supplie de me libérer de l'esclavage " d'une cour corrompue, et de me prendre pour épouse. "
The only one benefiting from the death of your wife is you, the heir.
La seule personne à qui profite cette mort, pardonnez-moi, c'est vous, son héritier.
- Your wife called. - From the bistro.
- Ta femme avait téléphoné.
I'd like to put you back on your wife's belly but in order to do so, I must have more cooperation from you.
Pour cela, il faut te montrer plus coopératif.
Have that dough at my place tomorrow night... or I'll collect it from you, or that ex-wife of yours, or your kid.
Je veux l'argent chez moi demain soir ou je viens te le prendre, ou à ton ex-femme, ou à ta gosse.
Your wife's from a wealthy family, isn't she?
Votre femme est de famille riche, non?
- Before God and the law, I'm your wife. - Get away from me.
Je suis votre femme devant Dieu et la Loi.
Sir, you got two or three calls from Rome. Your wife, I think.
Monsieur, votre femme vous a appelé de Rome trois ou quatre fois.
You can tell your wife you're coming back from Congo.
Tu diras à ta femme que t'étais au Congo.
Stanley, I'm gonna borrow your wife for a few hours and we're going to buy her everything, from lingerie to a mink coat.
Je vous emprunte votre femme quelques heures pour aller lui acheter tout ce qu'il faut, de la lingerie au manteau de vison.
Mr. Edwards, your wife is on the phone from Mexico.
M. Edwards, votre épouse au téléphone.
from your perspective 17
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
your wife 674
your wife is calling 16
your wife is here 25
your wife is dead 22
your wife's 16
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
from your mother 18
from yourself 21
your wife 674
your wife is calling 16
your wife is here 25
your wife is dead 22
your wife's 16
wife 1732
wife and kids 16
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from now on 1905
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from the start 66
from what i hear 195
from where 295
from you 300
from this day forward 62
from this moment 32
from here on 55
from the past 16
from me 297
from the hospital 23
from the beginning 207
from where 295
from you 300
from this day forward 62
from this moment 32
from here on 55
from the past 16
from me 297
from the hospital 23
from the beginning 207