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Gather your things traduction Français

58 traduction parallèle
Laurent Gather your things and leave, as soon as possible.
Laurent rassembler leurs affaires et partir, le plus tôt possible.
Come, gather your things.
Rassemblez vos affaires.
Gather your things together, and leave at once.
ramassez vos affaires, et partez immédiatement.
You'll want time to gather your things.
Je vous laisse prparer vos affaires.
- Gather your things up, Rach.
- Rachel, prends tes affaires.
Gather your things together, Robin. Let's go.
Ramasse tes affaires.
So gather your things and follow me to the orientation gallery.
Prenez vos affaires et suivez-moi.
Beebe, Moonshee, gather your things.
Beebe, Moonshee, prenez vos affaires.
Gather your things.
Prenez vos affaires.
Stewie, gather your things. Time to go.
Rassemble tes affaires, tu rentres chez toi.
Gather your things and we'll help you to the landing stage.
Prends tes affaires, on va t'aider
Those of you who are able should gather your things and begin to move south towards Hadrian's Wall.
Que les plus vaillants se préparent et partent vers le sud, en direction du mur.
Vildosola and Parraguez, gather your things and go to the office.
Vildosola et Parraguez, prenez vos affaires et sortez.
Gather your things.
Rassemble tes affaires.
I'll gather your things and meet you in the limo, Mrs. Marsh.
Je récupère vos affaires et je vous retrouve dans la limo Mme Marsh.
Tommaso, gather your things and go.
Tommaso, fais ton cartable et vas-y.
Mr. Ellsworth will help you gather your things, - darling, for school.
M. Ellsworth va t'aider à rassembler tes affaires, ma chérie, pour l'école.
Gather your things, and I'll show you to your seats.
Prenez vos affaires, je vous conduis à vos bureaux.
- Gather your things.
- Rassemblez vos affaires.
OK, baby, let's gather your things.
OK, bébé, allons chez ton père.
Gather your things.
Rassemblez vos affaires.
Gather your things and make it quick.
Prenez vos affaires rapidement.
I had them gather your things.
J'ai fait rassembler tes affaires.
Yes. Gather your things.
Tu as parlé de ça à ton professeur?
Just gather your things.
On va faire ton sac.
Mr. Curtis, please gather your things.
M. Curtis, rassemblez vos affaires.
You can gather your things, but I need to have your room key back.
Faites vos bagages. Mais, d'abord, rendez-moi la clé.
Gather your things, Gaius.
Rassemblez vos affaires, Gaius.
I think you should gather your things and leave.
Je pense que vous devriez rassembler vos affaires et vous en aller.
Gather your things.
Récupères tes affaires.
Gather your things, Jane.
Ramassez vos affaires, Jane.
Gather your things! Come on! Come on!
Ramasse tes affaires, vite!
Gather your things! Come on! Come on!
Ramasse tes affaires!
All right, man. Gather your things, boy.
C'est bon, prends tes affaires.
As quickly as you can, gather your things, and form in groups!
Aussi rapidement que vous le pouvez, rassemblez vos affaires, et former des groupes!
Gather your things and let's go.
– Votre voyage s'est-il bien passé? – Rassemblez vos affaires et on y va.
I'm going to have to ask you to gather your things.
Je vais vous demander de rassembler vos affaires.
Now, please, gather your things and come with us.
Prenez vos affaires et suivez-nous.
Gather your things, Da Vinci.
Rassemblez vos effets, Da Vinci.
- Go inside and gather your things.
- Rentrez et prenez vos affaires.
Jyn, gather your things, it's time.
Jyn, rassemble tes affaires, il est temps.
Come on, now. Let's go gather up some of your things.
Bon, allons chercher tes affaires.
I promised to let you go you can gather up your things
Je vous ai promis de vous laisser partir rassembler vos affaires.
- Why don't we gather up your things - - Wait. Wait.
- Si vous repreniez vos affaires...?
We've got time before the next set-up. Why don't you say your goodbyes, gather your things?
On a quelques heures avant la prochaine prise.
Why don't you gather up your things and come down to the office with us?
Pourquoi vous ne rassemblez pas tout ça pour venir dans mon bureau?
Everybody gather up your things, here we go.
Ramassez vos affaires, on y va!
Well, that's why I'm here, to keep you from slipping any further, so gather up your things and let's go.
C'était mon but, vous empêcher de déraper. Prenez vos affaires, et allons-y.
Gather your things.
We will gather the rest of your traveling things.
Nous allons réunir le reste de vos affaires de voyage.
Look, just gather up your things, and let's move.
Ecoutes, ramasse tes affaires, et on bouge.

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