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Let it traduction Français

81,283 traduction parallèle
Let it go.
Laisse tomber. Ca va marcher.
Oh... let it go...
Oh tu sais...
That is what is going on here, and I am not going to let it happen, okay?
Voilà ce qui se passe ici, et je ne vais pas laisser ça arriver, d'accord?
Don't let it happen again.
Ne commets pas cette erreur.
You let it happen. Why?
Pourquoi as-tu laissé faire?
Whatever that guy saw in me, we think he let it go.
Quoi que ce type ait vu en moi, on pense qu'il a laissé tomber.
If I had known the facts, I never would have let it get this far.
Si j'avais su, je ne l'aurais jamais laissé aller aussi loin.
Diane, let it go.
Diane, laisse tomber.
You had it right in your hand, and you let it go.
Tu l'avais juste dans ta main, et tu l'a laissé filer.
Let it go.
Laisse tomber.
Huck almost never turns his phone off, and he doesn't let it die.
Huck n'éteint jamais son téléphone et il le laisse jamais sans batterie.
♪ And it will, if we let it, destroy everybody ♪
♪ And it will, if we let it, destroy everybody ♪
[ "Let It Be" plays ]
♪ Let it be ♪
♪ Let it be ♪
♪ Let it be, let it be ♪
♪ Let it be, let it be ♪
♪ Let it be, let it be, let it be ♪
♪ Let it be, let it be, let it be ♪
- ♪ Words of wisdom ♪ - ♪ Let it be ♪
- ♪ Words of wisdom ♪ - ♪ Let it be ♪
- ♪ Let it be ♪ - [Crying]
- ♪ Let it be ♪ - [En pleurs]
♪ Yeah, let it be ♪
♪ Yeah, let it be ♪
♪ Oh, let it be ♪
♪ Oh, let it be ♪
♪ Leave it alone, let it be ♪
♪ Leave it alone, let it be ♪
- ♪ Let it be ♪ - [Sobbing]
- ♪ Let it be ♪ - [SANGLOTS]
I mean, let's think about it.
It seems that crazy bitch, Polly Cooper, escaped from some looney bin, the same night Jason's car was torched. So let me do the math for you.
Cette cinglée de Polly Cooper s'est échappée d'un asile, la nuit où la voiture de Jason a été incendiée.
Then let's make it work.
Arrangeons-nous pour que ça marche.
And let me guess, it's been reported stolen.
Et je parie qu'on a signalé son vol.
And you didn't let us have that, neither of you. And you know it cost Jason his life.
Et vous savez que c'est ce qui a coûté sa vie à Jason.
- you've ditched me. - Let me make it up to you.
- Laisse-moi me racheter.
A first-aid kit or some bandages. Or anything like that, and bring it to me, But don't let anybody see you.
Une trousse de premiers soins ou quelques bandages et apporte-le-moi, mais personne doit te voir.
Let's just leave it and go home.
Laissons-la et rentrons.
And let me tell you, it was quite the scene, Sheriff.
Et laissez-moi vous dire, c'était une sacré scène.
- Let... let the law handle it.
- Laisse la justice s'en charger.
Let me know when you UN-complicate it.
Fait moi savoir quand ce sera plus simple.
Let's wrap it up.
On remballe.
And that teacher of hers, I let her have it.
Et son professeur, elle lui montrera.
Let's make it official, then.
Allons l'officialiser.
Let's just scale it back. Okay?
Retrouvons notre calme.
All right, all right, okay, let's just take it down a notch here, all right?
Bon, calmez-vous tous.
Let's call it a Balkan vendetta.
C'est une vendetta des Balkans.
So you just let them take it?
Vous les laissez le prendre, alors?
Let's light a match, watch it burn.
Craquons une allumette, faisons tout brûler.
So let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- On y va.
Let's do it.
- C'est parti.
I'll let you have it for ten.
Je vous la vends pour 10.
Let her go now! Drop it!
Relâchez la!
- Okay, let's wrap it up.
- Terminé pour aujourd'hui.
- Let's write it.
- Écrivons la.
Let me handle it.
Laisse-moi faire.
It says I'm sorry I let you down.
Il dit que je suis désolée de t'avoir laissé tomber.
For fear of what it might be carrying. Let's go to video.
Regardons la vidéo

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