Like the man said traduction Français
208 traduction parallèle
In the interest of being polite I'll run down to the gunnery course of this battlefront and check my guns like the man said.
Justement, en parlant de politesse... Je vais à un cours de tir... pour apprendre à mieux viser.
- Like the man said, all a fella needs is a cup of coffee and a good smoke.
Comme disait l'autre, rien ne vaut une tasse de café et une cigarette.
Like the man said, "Can happiness buy money?"
Comme on dit : "Le bonheur n'apporte pas l'argent."
Now don't you do like the man said and ride that train out of town.
Pourquoi ne pas l'écouter et prendre le premier train?
Yeah, like the man said... Life is like a glass of tea, huh?
Oui, comme le disait l'homme... la vie est comme un verre de thé, hein?
Well, like the man said, be seeing you.
Comme il l'a dit, on revient.
Well, like the man said, who was asked if he was a communist,
Comme répond celui à qui on demande s'il est communiste :
Who ain't, like the man said.
Qui n'en a pas, comme dirait l'autre.
- Like the man said, "There aren't any hard women, only soft men."
Comme un homme a dit, il n'y a que des hommes doux.
Like the man said, just hold it.
Faites ce qu'il dit... Bougez pas.
It's like the man said : It's better to go like this than in some senseless tragedy.
Comme disait un type, mieux vaut mourir comme ça que dans son lit!
Well, like the man said, it needs a little work.
Comme il a dit, ça a besoin d'être rafraîchi.
Well, like the man said, "No good deed goes unpunished."
Comme on dit : "Les bonnes actions sont toujours punies."
And he can walk, just like the man said he could. Oi, guys!
Et il marche, comme il l'avait dit.
Like the man said, a man's rep travels.
La réputation, ça voyage.
I'd kill the first man who said anything like that.
Je tuerais le premier homme qui oserait le dire.
He's filth! " Like the old man said. Right?
C'est de la "vermine", comme dit le vieux.
Just like I said... I'd fight for you and yours like I'd fight for the old man's.
Comme j'ai dit, je me battrais pour toi et tes biens autant que pour le vieillard.
- Lookin'for the old man's gold, like Dude said.
On cherche l'or, comme a dit Dude.
You don't seem like the same serious man you were the other day, when you said all those things to Francesca.
Je croyais que tu serais sérieux comme l'autre jour.
But "May the best man win," you said. And when I won, you behaved like a gentleman.
Tu as joué, tu as perdu... mais tu t'es conduit en gentleman.
Things like you said that man would give so much to know... in matters of science like the direction-finding needle.
Comme tu l'as dit, cet homme donnerait tellement pour savoir. Dans le domaine de la science, comme cette aiguille d'orientation.
Like she said, I'm the man who finds everybody.
Comme elle l'a dit. Je suis l'homme qui ramène tout le monde.
But like I said, every wounded man has a breaking point when questioned by the police.
Tout homme blessé a ses limites dans les mains de la police.
It was just like I said, the poor man was starved.
C'est comme je disais, le pauvre homme est mort de faim.
He said the man in New York didn't like the tape.
L'homme de New York n'aime pas ça.
When we were in Amarillo the widow of some oil man- - she wouldn't even give us her name, said that you gave her such pleasure, and sang like the son she and her husband wanted- - she gave you the car.
Quand on était à Amarillo La veuve d'un roi du pétrole... elle n'a pas voulu donner son nom, a dit qu'elle avait eu tellement de plaisir, de t'entendre chanter comme le fils qu'elle n'a pas eu... qu'elle t'a offert la voiture.
The man would still like to have a drink with you. I said no.
Kogan insiste pour vous offrir un verre.
If I said anything about your old man you didn't like, I'll apologize all along the way.
Si je t'ai mal parlé au sujet de ton vieux, je m'excuserai tout le long du chemin.
I'd like to know whoever said that man originally inhabited the sea!
Qui a dit que l'homme descendait du poisson?
He said maybe it's some weeds that she ate on the parade ground and now she's got poison wind, but that don't seem right because I remember she ate a whole field full of weeds once and never acted like this. Yeah. I don't think the vet knows what to do.
Il pense à des mauvaises herbes qu'elle aurait mangé sur le terrain de manœuvres... et maintenant elle a des flatulences, c'est pas normal... je me souviens qu'elle a mangé une fois tout un champ de mauvaises herbes... et elle n'avait pas réagit comme ça.
The man said there ain't another like it in the whole world.
II y en a pas deux comme ça sur toute la terre!
Miss Martha said I should shave you. But I ain't so sure. I don't think the Lord wanted a man's face all smooth like a baby's bottom.
Il faut que je vous rase mais je me demande... si le Seigneur a voulu qu'un visage d'homme soit aussi lisse... qu'un derrière d'enfant.
I didn't say it was him... I just said that Mr. Sacco looks like the man that I saw in front of the factory.
Je n'ai pas dit que c'était lui, mais que c'était tout le portrait de l'homme que j'ai vu.
You said before the man looked like Sacco...
"mais cet homme ressemble à Nicola Sacco."
- The man up there, he said he'd like it better if he could go in to the judge and tell him... that you'd made one good case for Uncle and you were working on some others.
Le procureur, il a dit qu'il vaudrait mieux qu'il aille dire au juge d'instruction que tu as fait du bon boulot pour l'Oncle Sam, et que t'as d'autres coups en préparation.
Like I said, the man made a mistake.
Comme je l'ai dit, il s'est trompé.
You always said you wished you had a man like me with the company.
Tu as toujours dit que tu aimerais quelqu'un comme moi dans ton entreprise.
And then he asked my mother, he said, "I've just been fired from the Sea Spray. Would you like a maintenance man?" Mother took him home. I didn't want a maintenance man.
Il a dit : "Je viens d'être débarqué du Sea Spray, avez-vous du boulot?" Mère l'a pris.
"God does not like the man who considers himself above other men," he said.
'Dieu n'aime pas l'homme qui se considére au-dessus des autres.'
People have said to me I was like the man in my family.
On m'a déjà dit que j'étais l'homme dans ma famille.
Like I said, funny the things a grown man will do for a living.
Comme je vous le disais, c'est marrant ce qu'on peut être amené à faire.
Man, he was playing back, and I looked at the guy... and I said, " He looks just like that gangster...
Maman! II pouvait jouer! Et j'ai regardé le type et j'ai dit...
There they are, just like the old man said.
Elles sont là, comme convenu.
Do you know what the man, I like to call "Mr. Policeman," said? " Forget any mistakes cadets have made over the last few weeks.
Et ce Super-Policier a ajouté " Oublions leurs erreurs de ces derniers jours.
Like Professor Sariba said, and Eva's man said, when the time comes, I have to attack Eva.
Je devrais faire ce que Mme Sariba et l'homme m'ont dit. Me jeter dans le tourbillon du temps.
After the paramedics had revived the woman she said, " She must have been put there by a huge, hairy, man-like creature
Après que les ambulanciers eurent réanimé la femme, elle a déclaré avoir probablement été placée là par une créature énorme et poilue
Mm-hmm. Well, like I said, I sold it to the old man
Eh bien, comme je vous le disais, je l'ai vendue au vieil homme qui tenait le phare un peu plus bas.
He's comin'. Exactly like the man said.
Il arrive.
And he said : "I've been getting threatening letters from a China man, and the worst that it is, I look rather like one, myself."
Et il a dit : "Un Chinois m'envoie des lettres de menace. " Et j'ai l'air d'un Chinois. "
One man, two women. And you circled all the singles, like I said. Sergeant?
Un homme, 2 femmes, et tu as entouré les célibataires.
like the sun 18
like the old days 27
like the 81
like them 61
like these 28
like the movie 16
like the others 70
like the song 16
like they say 50
like the rest 17
like the old days 27
like the 81
like them 61
like these 28
like the movie 16
like the others 70
like the song 16
like they say 50
like the rest 17
like the rest of us 52
like the song says 17
the man said 28
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like the song says 17
the man said 28
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
like a bird 44
like me 894
like a 442
like a baby 70
like your brother 20
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like i care 29
like your brother 20
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like an angel 29
like your dad 19
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like i care 29
like always 190
like you 1448
like hell 158
like a cat 27
like you said 759
like us 230
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112
like your mother 32
like you 1448
like hell 158
like a cat 27
like you said 759
like us 230
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112
like your mother 32