More often than not traduction Français
144 traduction parallèle
True, sometimes we must pay money, but more often than not... a kiss, a little wine.
Il faut parfois payer, mais le plus souvent, les baisers et le vin suffisent.
I paid the guinea myself, more often than not.
Je réglais la note la plupart du temps.
I imagine that, more often than not, he's successful.
Et je suis sûre qu'il vise juste, le plus souvent.
Suspicions of marital infidelity are more often than not groundless.
Les soupçons d'infidélité sont souvent infondés.
Yes, sometimes. But not more often than not.
Oui, de temps en temps mais pas régulièrement.
Instead, more often than not, you're unbearable.
Au lieu de cela, le plus souvent, tu es insupportable.
They arrive with a smile on their lips And chatting as though at the music-hall, but leave more often than not pensive and serious even meditative at times, as though a hidden god suddenly opened the Golden gates for them.
Entrés le sourire aux lèvres et "babiolants" comme dans un music-hall, ils en ressortent, le plus souvent, graves et réfléchis, pour ne pas dire méditatifs, comme si quelque Dieu caché venait brusquement de leur ouvrir une porte d'or.
Do you know what it's like for a father to only spoil his child once a week, an ice-cream hurriedly bought, that'd melt more often than not.
T'imagines pas ce que c'est, pour un père, de ne pouvoir gâter sa fille qu'une fois par semaine, de lui offrir une malheureuse glace, à la sauvette, qui fondait la plupart du temps.
More often than not, I'm on the right side.
Mais le plus souvent, j'étais du bon côté.
Ancient Hawaiians often turned to the soothing rhizome of the ginger plant to ease the pain of profound confusion. Which, more often than not, was sexual.
Dans l'antiquité, les hawaïens utilisaient souvent la racine de gingembre pour calmer les désordres psychiques, qui étaient, la plupart du temps, sexuels.
More often than not Are hotter than hot
Insomnies d'amour Plus chaudes à minuit
Either we don't know what part of ourselves to give or more often than not, the part we have to give is not wanted.
Soit que nous ignorions quelle part de nous-mêmes donner... soit que la part que nous avons à donner... ne convienne pas.
# More often than not are hotter than hot #
Ô nuits d'Arabie Nuits de lune orientale
It's been my experience, more often than not... that a loser has more honor than a winner.
Je sais par expérience qu'un perdant a plus d'honneur qu'un gagnant.
More often than not.
La plupart du temps, en effet.
And, Babe, more often than not in this uncertain world, fortune favors the brave.
Dans ce monde d'incertitudes, la chance favorise les courageux.
But more often than not, I am identified as... a homosexual.
Mais la plupart du temps, je suis étiqueté comme étant un homosexuel.
More often than not, I've been a convenient scapegoat.
Et je fais souvent office de bouc émissaire.
Sometimes you get 30, sometimes it's 4 and... more often than not, it's just milk.
C'est parfois du 30, parfois du 4. Et la plupart du temps, c'est du lait.
And It was more often than not, frequented by roughnecks... and thugs.
Il est souvent fréquenté par les voyous et les brutes.
More often than not it's gonna be the other way around, so...
A mon avis, le contraire se produira plus souvent, donc...
Because you know once Joey sets his mind on something more often than not, he's going to have sex with it.
Tu sais bien. Quand Joey se met une idée en tête, il finit par coucher avec.
Because you have to know that if you're hiding, more often than not, your fears will come looking for you.
Parce que vous devez savoir que, si vous vous cachez, la plupart du temps, vos peurs viendront vous chercher.
But more often than not, the answers we've been looking for have been inside us all along.
Mais la plupart du temps, nous cherchons des réponses que l'on a déjà au plus profond de nous.
And, more often than not, you're gonna trade in the shot glass for a dozen Krispy Kremes and start pounding them away with both hands.
Et, plutôt deux fois qu'une, vous allez troquer le verre à digestif pour une douzaine de beignets et commencer à rejeter le reste?
About 50 % of all bombings are actually a product of vandalism. And more often than not, bombers end up accidentally blowing themselves up, so the first suspects you always look for in the bombing case are the victims.
et le plus souvent, le poseur se tue lui-même accidentellement dans l'explosion, c'est pourquoi les premiers suspects dans un cas de bombe sont les victimes.
Don't get in the ring with a puncher, when, more often than not, you're gonna end up on your back, on the canvas.
Ne rentre pas dans un ring avec un cogneur, car, le plus souvent, tu vas finir sur ton cul, au tapis.
You spend the night at my house more often than not.
Tu dors presque toujours chez moi.
Well, it varies.More often than not,
En fait ça dépend.
But more often than not, you have no idea just how close you've come to... bathroom?
Mais le plus souvent c'est pas le cas, vous n'imaginez pas à quel point vous êtes proche de... la salle de bain?
Wine experts get it wrong more often than not.
- Ils se trompent assez souvent.
The reality is, at the end of the day, more often than not, turned inside out and upside down.
La réalité, en fin de compte, est, dans la majorité des cas, sens dessus dessous.
Well, unfortunately, Pam, nowadays more often than not, you're right.
Et bien, malheureusement Pam, de nos jours tu as raison plus que tu as tort.
More often than not.
- La plupart du temps.
As you know, bioroids are, more often than not, diplomats, emissaries and, like your friend Hitomi, ministers of political affairs.
Les bioroïdes deviennent des diplomates, des émissaires et comme votre amie Hitomi, ministres des affaires politiques.
I'm sure there's a great deal of switching back and forth... but I think more often than not bears are tops.
Je suis sûr que ça change très souvent... mais je crois que les ours sont plus fréquemment au-dessus.
Given the circumstances, the age of the children, et cetera, more often than not, the judge leans towards the mother.
Étant donné les circonstances, l'âge des enfants, etc.,.. Dans la plupart des cas, le juge se penche sur la mère.
More often than not, things that you've shared with me can be explained away by simple things, like squeaky houses or rattling pipes or you know, some normal thing that's going on that has people more freaked because they're under a high degree of stress.
Le plus souvent, les choses que vous m'avez racontées ont des explications simples, comme des grincements de tuyaux, ou d'autres choses normales qui se passent et qui font paniquer les gens, à cause de leur niveau de stress.
More often than not, each cycle since'69 corresponds with an attack or with one of the letters, or an unsolved homicide.
Le plus souvent, chaque cycle depuis 1969 correspond à une attaque, à une des lettres ou à un homicide non résolu.
More often than not, our instincts are right.
Le plus souvent, nos instincts ont raison.
Like how, more often than not, medical skill doesn't matter.
Comme le fait que les compétences médicales n'aient pas importance.
Sure, he likes to pretend that I win more than he does, but he walks away victorious more often than not.
Il aime me laisser penser que je gagne plus souvent que lui, mais il en sort plus souvent victorieux que le contraire.
More often than not, that's as far as we get.
Et le plus souvent, c'est à ça qu'on se limite.
More often than not they lose from what I understand.
Mais souvent, d'après ce que j'ai compris.
More often than not, I get the pummeling.
Je leur apprends le noble art de la boxe.
- More than I do in surgery, but not often. My grandfather used to say you could divide the world into people who could read, people who could think, people who could write and fox hunters.
Mon grand-père disait que le monde était partagé entre... ceux qui savent lire, ceux qui savent penser... ceux qui savent écrire et les chasseurs de renard.
You look at all the evidence, talk to every witness, follow up every lead, but more often than not what wins in the end is pure luck, and you, my friend, are just not lucky.
- Tu t'en vas?
And what's... What's not being said is often more important than what's stated, particularly by Congress.
Et ce qu'on ne dit pas, c'est souvent plus important que les déclarations émanant du Congrès.
I mean, not that it's much better with my mother, who sees Lindsay much more often than I do.
Je veux dire, ce n'est pas que ce soit mieux avec ma mère, qui voit Lindsay plus souvent que moi.
The limb was saved more often than it was not.
Le membre a été sauvé plus souvent que perdu.
You can be religiously motivated and you can do good science, and they have more often gone together than not gone together.
Vous pouvez être religieusement motivé et vous pouvez faire de la bonne science, et ça allait plus souvent ensemble que pas ensemble.
more often 24
more or less 614
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more drinks 21
more tea 49
more than you 43
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than enough 37
more or less 614
more than you know 97
more than you think 24
more drinks 21
more tea 49
more than you 43
more than ever 118
more than you can imagine 30
more than enough 37
more than anything else 28
more than me 30
more than you'll ever know 22
more to the point 94
more than anything 252
more than likely 53
more than once 124
more time 37
more than that 286
more important 47
more than me 30
more than you'll ever know 22
more to the point 94
more than anything 252
more than likely 53
more than once 124
more time 37
more than that 286
more important 47