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Squeeze my hand traduction Français

149 traduction parallèle
Squeeze my hand.
Serre-moi la main!
Don't squeeze my hand so hard.
Tu m'écrases la main.
If you can hear me, squeeze my hand.
Si oui, serre ma main.
"Don't squeeze my hand so, Sir Roland," I interrupted his speech. "You will sadden me if you make me repeat..."
Sire, ne serrez pas si fort ma main, l'interrompit-elle, vous me feriez déplaisir en m'obligeant à vous le répéter...
If you do squeeze My hand, son.
Si tu m'entends, serre ma main, mon fils.
Squeeze my hand.
Serre-moi la main.
Can you squeeze my hand?
Tu peux la serrer?
You won't be able to speak, but if you understand me, squeeze my hand.
Vous ne pouvez pas parler, mais si vous me comprenez, serrez mon bras.
Just squeeze my hand once.
Serrez ma main juste une fois.
- Squeeze my hand as hard as it hurts.
- Serre autant que ça fait mal.
Squeeze my hand as hard as it hurts.
Serre ma main aussi fort que ça fait mal.
Squeeze my hand.
Serrez-moi la main.
Rudy, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand!
Rudy, tu m'entends?
Vickie, squeeze my hand.
Vickie, serrez ma main.
Okay, squeeze my hand.
Bon, serrez ma main.
- Squeeze my hand.
- Serre ma main.
If you can hear me, squeeze my hand.
Si oui, serrez ma main.
You want to squeeze my hand?
Tu veux me serrer la main?
Squeeze my hand.
Serre ma main.
Just squeeze my hand if you hear me.
Si oui, serrez ma main.
Sir, can you squeeze my hand?
Monsieur, essayez de serrer ma main.
Just squeeze my hand.
Serre ma main, ma puce.
Squeeze my hand.
Pressez ma main.
Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Dad.
Serre-moi la main si tu m'entends.
Squeeze my hand.
Serrez ma main.
Squeeze my hand if you agree.
Serrez ma main si vous m'approuvez.
Okay. Now I want you to squeeze my hand.
Maintenant, je veux que tu serres ma main.
Valerie, squeeze my hand!
Valerie, serrez-moi la main!
Okay. Squeeze my hand. Yeah, squeeze my hand.
Serre ma main.
If you recognize any of these men as Machete, just squeeze my hand, okay?
Si tu reconnais Machete, tu me sers la main.
Squeeze my hand, Rudy.
Vous pouvez serrer ma main?
- Can you squeeze my hand?
- Serre ma main.
Would you squeeze my hand as hard as you can?
Veuillez serrer ma main aussi fort que vous pouvez.
Hi, sweetie. Can you squeeze my hand?
Salut, ma puce, tu peux serrer ma main?
If you can hear me, squeeze my hand.
Si tu m'entends, serre ma main.
Jordan, squeeze my hand.
Jordan, serrez ma main.
Come on man, squeeze my hand, squeeze it.
Allez mon gars, serres ma main, serres - là.
Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, okay?
Serre ma main si tu peux m'entendre, okay?
- Can you squeeze my hand?
- Vous pouvez me serrer la main?
Glenda, can you squeeze my hand?
Glenda... serrez ma main.
Let's see. Try and squeeze my hand. Squeeze my hand.
Allez-y Glenda, essayez de serrer ma main, serrez ma main.
And if it hurts, you squeeze my hand really hard, okay?
Et si ça fait mal, tu serres ma main vraiment fort, d'accord?
Mr. Luthor, squeeze my hand if you can hear me.
M. Luthor, serrez ma main, si vous m'entendez.
If you hear me, squeeze my hand.
- Monsieur. Si vous m'entendez, serrez ma main.
if you can hear me, squeeze my hand.
Si tu peux m'entendre, serre ma main.
Squeeze my hand!
serre ma main!
Now, whenever you feel you're about to lose control, just take my hand and give it a little squeeze.
Quand tu sens que tu vas craquer, prends ma main et serre-la.
No. lt's Just, when you hold my hand, you squeeze it too hard.
Non. C'est juste que tu serres ma main trop fort.
- I'll get that one. - Robbie, can you squeeze my hand?
- Tu peux serrer ma main?
When I get nervous, I stick my hand in my pocket and squeeze my balls.
Quand je suis stressé, je mets ma main dans ma poche et je serre mes burnes.
I mean, I am going to claw my way through the hair and the flesh and the fat, and the internal hair, and more fat... until I hold his beating 40-pound heart in my hand and squeeze until it is still!
J'enfoncerai mes ongles dans les poils, la chair et la graisse, et les poils intérieurs et encore la graisse... Puis je prendrai son coeur de mammouth dans ma main et je le presserai jusqu'à ce qu'il cesse de battre. "

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