We'll get him traduction Français
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Something's not right. We should get him down to autopsy.
Bizarre. ll faut lautopsier.
It's good that we didn't, because we'll need him to get Piper back.
Eh bien non. On en a besoin pour retrouver Piper.
Okay, so if he's out, we'll send him packing back to the spirit realm, because nothing is gonna get in the way of Wyatt's Wiccanning.
S'il est vraiment ressorti, on le renverra dans l'au-delà, car rien ne perturbera le rituel pour Wyatt.
We'll have to dive out of the way, get all dirty, and we're just gonna end up vanquishing him anyway.
On va devoir esquiver, se salir, et on le détruira de toute façon.
Okay, so we write a summoning spell, and we get the Tracer here, we freeze him, force him to talk, we'll vanquish him and his boss, and then the sandman can go back to keeping dreams where they belong.
On peut écrire une formule pour faire venir le démon ici, on le force à parler, on le combat, lui et son patron, et le marchand de sable pourra continuer à nous faire rêver.
We need to get him into isolation.
- ll faut le mettre en isolement.
- We have to get him out of that house.
- ll faut le faire sortir de chez lui. - Bien d'accord.
Okay, we'll get him a salad spinner first thing tomorrow morning.
Ok, on lui achètera une essoreuse à salade à la première heure demain
That way we'll all get to meet him at once.
Comme ça, on pourra tous le rencontrer en même temps
Don't worry, sir. We'll get him to crack.
On va le faire craquer, chef.
Just go get him or we'll all be late.
Va le chercher ou on va tous être en retard.
We'll let the smoke clear, wait a few months, then we'll get him out.
Laissons les choses se calmer quelques mois, et ensuite on le sortira de là.
We get a call, we'll grab him.
On l'aura.
Okay, so we keep at him. We hit him long enough and hard enough, he'll get the message.
Si on tape longtemps et dur, il aura le message.
If we get hold of him first, is there not value in seeing what he'll say to us for a fee, as opposed to what he'll say to you to avoid charges?
Si on l'interroge nous, ce qu'il nous dira contre paiement, sera peut-être plus intéressant, que ce qu'il vous racontera pour ne pas être inculpé?
It ll keep Fez s teeth alive until we get him to the dentist
Pour garder les dents de Fez en vie jusqu'à ce qu'on arrive chez le dentiste
Yes, ma'am, we'll get him!
Quelqu'un doit les aider! - SVP sauvez les!
We get that to the police, they'll have to let him go. In which case- -
Si on le dit à la police, ils vont devoir le remettre en liberté, et dans ce cas...
Well, let's see... You two get his attention while I sneak up behind him... and then I'll knock him into the cart... and then we'll rope him up and wheel him to justice!
Je me faufile, je le pousse dans le wagon, on le ligote et on le livre!
Get me everything you can. I'll put together a press kit on him, and we'll just do it. OK.
Donne-moi tout, je monte le dossier de presse et on le fait.
We'll get him! Eventually!
Vous en faites pas, on finira par l'avoir... un jour.
Get in. We'll go and look for him.
Monte, on va le chercher.
We'll get him.
On l'aura.
He's an embarrassment for the show. We should get rid of him.
C'est la honte du spectacle ll faut s'en débarrasser
No, he'll- - We'll get him here.
On le fera venir jusqu'à nous.
Once we get some coffee in him, he'll become the man of truth, passion, and unflagging courage I know him to be.
Après un café, sa vraie nature franche et courageuse réapparaîtra.
- Nah, we'll get it back to him.
- On lui rendra.
We'll get him out of there, all right?
On va le sortir de là.
We'll never get him on our side.
Nous ne l'aurons jamais de notre côté.
We'll get him to do our dirty work.
Nous lui ferons faire le sale travail.
Put him in first thing in the morning... and we'll get this sorted out then...
Demain, première heure. On réglera ça, avant d'aller sur le bateau.
When you've finished, we'll go and get him.
Quand ça sera fini, on ira le chercher.
We didn't get into that. I'll ask him next time I see him.
Non, mais je peux lui demander.
Besides, once we get ashore, I'll need him to command real tanks.
Quand nous aurons débarqué, j'aurai besoin de lui pour commander de vrais chars.
Speak up, or we'll carve you out! Get him!
PARLEZ, ou nous vous taillerons!
- We'll see He'll come and I'll convince him to get treated and I'll win the bet
- Nous verrons ll viendra etje le convaincrai de se faire traiter, etje gagnerai le pari
We need your father to believe we'll do anything to get him.
Nous avons besoin que ton père en soit convaincu.
We'll get him out.
On va le sortir de là.
As soon as we get answers, we'll tell him.
On lui transmettra les résultats.
I just want to get him through high school ; then we'll deal with me.
Qu'il termine son secondaire, après on s'occupera de moi.
We'll just have to get him out ourselves.
On le sortira nous-mêmes.
Paige, come on, quick. We gotta get him to Gideon.
Vite. ll faut le conduire à Gideon.
Okay, let's get him to magic school, and we'll find out who they are.
Ok, amene-le à l'Ecole de Magie, et on découvrira qui ils sont.
What's the matter with you? But with all the powers that we'll get from the demons who sign up, we'll have more than enough to kill him when the time comes. Why do you trust him?
Pourquoi lui fais-tu confiance?
We'll just get the lot bought and have nothing to do with him.
On va acheter la parcelle et on aura plus affaire à lui.
Okay. We'll get to him real soon.
On s'occupe de lui très vite.
well, we'll just have to call social services, get him placed somewhere.
Bien, Nous allons appelle l'aide sociale, Il vont le place quelque part.
We'll just get him cleaned up a bit.
Nous allons juste le laver un peu.
We'll send the G-4 to pick up Walker's son and put him in a suite. Put Walker in a suite... get him clothes to make him look like he belongs in a suite... and then get our PR person to come up with a plausible... "this is why I've been gone for the past 10 years" explanation.
On va envoyer le G-4 pour ramasser le fils de Walker... l'installer dans une suite, installer Walker dans une suite... lui trouver des vêtements pour qu'il ait l'air de quelqu'un qui a une suite... puis, on va demander à notre attaché de presse de trouver une explication à... la phrase "voici pourquoi j'ai été parti pendant 10 ans."
We'll get him some therapy.
On va lui trouver une thérapie.
- We'll swing by, pick him up, but we need to get you someplace safe now.
On décolle, on passe le prendre, on a besoin de vous trouver un endroit sûr maintenant.
we'll get him back 23
we'll get through this together 19
we'll get through this 109
we'll get' em 26
we'll get there 126
we'll get you there 19
we'll get her back 25
we'll get through it 33
we'll get by 19
we'll get back to you 40
we'll get through this together 19
we'll get through this 109
we'll get' em 26
we'll get there 126
we'll get you there 19
we'll get her back 25
we'll get through it 33
we'll get by 19
we'll get back to you 40
we'll get started 16
we'll get it done 28
we'll get married 30
we'll get right on it 22
we'll get to that 62
we'll get to the bottom of this 23
we'll get you out 39
we'll get it back 20
we'll get you out of here 38
we'll get her 17
we'll get it done 28
we'll get married 30
we'll get right on it 22
we'll get to that 62
we'll get to the bottom of this 23
we'll get you out 39
we'll get it back 20
we'll get you out of here 38
we'll get her 17
we'll get it 49
we'll get 22
we'll get together 16
we'll get you out of there 17
we'll get them 39
we'll get out of here 18
get him 1464
get him in 33
get him back 65
get him off 84
we'll get 22
we'll get together 16
we'll get you out of there 17
we'll get them 39
we'll get out of here 18
get him 1464
get him in 33
get him back 65
get him off 84