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Who would've thought traduction Français

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Who would've ever thought he'd pass away like that.. Anyway, it's a big hit if we have to return the investment.
Qui aurait cru qu'il mourait comme ça... c'est un franc succès si nous devons rembourser l'investissement.
Who would've thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?
Qui eut cru qu'une petite fille modéle vaincrait ma splendide méchanceté?
That's funny, who would've thought I could've forgotten that?
C'est drôle, comment ai-je pu l'oublier?
Who would've thought an hour ago I'd be on my way to Carolina?
Qui eut cru que je serais en route pour la Caroline?
Who would've thought five minutes ago you would not be going to Carolina.
Qui aurait dit il y a 5 mn que vous n'iriez pas en Caroline?
Who would've thought that they were friends?
Qui aurait dit que c'était des amis...
Yeah, who would've thought, just to listen to my sister sing.
Oui, je n'aurais pas cru, juste pour écouter chanter ma soeur.
Yes, sir, who would've thought?
Ça alors, qui l'eut cru!
Different from what you've always been, different from who I thought you were a woman who would never live like one of them with a head full of nothing but bank notes!
Oui! Différent de ce que tu étais, différent de ce que je croyais une femme qui ne serait jamais comme eux la tête remplie seulement de billets de mille!
Who would've thought that one day our kids would be, well, engaged sort of?
Qui aurait cru qu'un jour nos enfants seraient presque fiancés?
Who would've thought...?
Qui aurait pu croire cela...
But who would've thought they'd be in Mimi's house...!
Mais qui aurait pu imaginer qu'ils se réfugieraient chez Mimi?
- Who would've thought that my house would turn into a brothel opened 24 hours a day?
- Qui aurait dit que mon domaine de Buone Pere deviendrait un bordel à ciel ouvert?
Poor mister Leon, who would've thought?
Pauvre M. Léon! Qui se serait douté?
Who would've thought of it?
- On pouvait pas deviner.
Who else would've thought of keeping Garth alive this long?
Qui d'autre aurait gardé Garth en vie si longtemps?
Who would've thought bees would be the first alien force to invade America?
Qui aurait cru que les abeilles... auraient été les premiers envahisseurs... des Etats-Unis?
And in case you've got the idea that a woman would be afraid to shoot you, just forget it,'cause you wouldn't be the first one I've had to shoot either. I took care of one jerk who thought he was tough enough to rape me.
Et si tu penses qu'une femme n'oserait pas tirer, détrompe-toi, parce que ce ne serait pas la première fois.
Who would've thought we'd both make so much bread?
Qui aurait pu prévoir qu'on gagnerait autant de fric?
Who would've thought he was a sugar daddy?
Qui aurait cru que c'était un vieux beau?
Who would've thought that crummy team would of won one.
Qui aurait pensé que cette équipe minable allait gagner.
Who would've ever thought it, huh?
Qui aurait pu le croire, hein?
Who would've thought?
Qui l'aurait cru?
Who would've thought seeing an accident like that would be so fun?
Qui penserait qu'assister à un accident puisse être si marrant?
Who would've thought that this bargain marriage would have lasted this long?
Qui aurait cru que ce mariage en solde durerait si longtemps?
Who'd have thought that I would've become a cop?
Qui aurait pensé que je deviendrais flic?
Who would've thought they'd be used to create a monster?
Qui aurait pensé qu'ils serviraient à créer un monstre?
Who would've thought these clowns were tellir the truth?
Qui aurait cru qu'ils disaient la vérité?
Who would've ever thought a guy like me would wind up with a class act like her?
Qui aurait cru qu'un type comme moi finirait avec une femme de cette classe?
Who would've thought?
Qui pouvait prévoir?
Now, who would've thought- - America against the scary Canadians.
L'Amérique contre ces Canadiens si impressionnants.
Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?
Qui l'eût cru capable de telles atrocités?
- Who would've thought?
- Qui aurait pu le croire?
Who would've thought law and order
Qui aurait crû que la loi et l'ordre
Who would've thought that someday Chandler Bing would buy me a drawer?
Qui aurait cru qu'un jour... Chandler Bing m'offrirait un tiroir!
Who would've thought something so beautiful could be replicated... by a four-year-old boy in only two hours?
Qui aurait cru qu'un enfant de 4 ans pourrait en faire une réplique en 2 h?
Who would've thought one ex-soldier would be such an obstacle.
Qui aurait pu croire qu'un ancien soldat serait un tel obstacle?
I can't believe how late I am. Who would've thought?
C'est insensé ce que je suis en retard.
Who would've thought he'd just snap like that?
Qui se serait attendu à un tel comportement?
Who would've thought anyone even reads those government reports. You know?
Qui aurait pu imaginer que ce genre de rapport était lu?
Who would've thought?
Ma nounou, ton majordome.
Who would've ever thought it?
Qui aurait put y croire?
I mean, who would've thought she would do something like that? I mean, she's weird and everything, but -
Qui aurait pu imaginer qu'elle ferait un truc pareil?
Who would've thought asbestos would take so long to get out?
Qui aurait cru que retirer de l'amiante prenait autant de temps?
Who would've thought Cupid had a station at 1 4th Street nails?
Qui eût cru que Cupidon allait chez les manucures?
Who would've thought that before summer was over I would stand in a crowd hearing the most famous black man in America preach about Taylor Jackson?
Qui aurait dit que ce même été... je serais allé... écouter le Noir le plus célèbre d'Amérique... parler de Taylor Jackson?
Who would've thought getting drunk would get me $ 150,000 a week from the government?
Qui aurait cru qu'une telle cuite me rapporterait 150 000 $ d'argent public?
Who would've thought such a miracle could be?
Jamais je n'aurais cru ça possible
Who would've thought?
Qui l'eût cru?
Who would've thought it wasn't really about a dragon, huh?
Qui aurait cru que ça parle pas d'un dragon?
Who would've thought that, by the time the war ended... the world would be so different?
Qui aurait imaginé, quand la guerre est finie... que le monde changerait tellement?

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