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Who would you choose traduction Français

59 traduction parallèle
If you were in my place, who would you choose?
Qui choisirais-tu à ma place?
All right, who would you choose? A sweet little innocent who plays the harp or someone who knows the other door to the Black Room?
Une innocente qui joue de la harpe ou celle qui connaît l'autre porte de la chambre noire?
If he was alive and standing beside me, who would you choose?
S'il était là, à coté de moi, qui choisirais-tu?
Who would you choose, among us?
Qui choisirais-tu, parmi nous?
Qui tu choisirais?
I mean, who would you choose out of Jonathan or David?
Qui choisiriez-vous entre Jonathan et David?
- I mean, who would you choose? - Hi, how are you?
À leur place, qui auriez-vous choisi?
Dad, if bad men broke into the house, and they had guns, and they put a gun up to your head and made you choose who you wanted to live, me or Meg, who would you choose?
Si des bandits entrent dans la maison, te pointent un revolver sur la tempe, et t'obligent à choisir entre Meg et moi, qui tu choisis?
Who would you choose?
Laquelle choisirais-tu?
Tell me... deep down inside... in the very bottom of your soul... who would you choose to be?
Dites-moi, au fond de vous-même, au fin fond de votre âme... qui aimeriez-vous être?
Who would you choose?
Tu choisirais qui?
Angela, who would you choose?
Qui tu choisirais Angela?
Well, who would you choose?
Tu choisirais qui?
. - } If you had to choose, who would you choose?
- Faux. - À choisir, tu prendrais qui?
= ).. say tnx.. after finish watching.. If you had to choose a son in law who would you choose?
Nous savons que le drama est licencié alors nous vous prions encore de respecter notre travail.
- who would you choose?
- laquelle tu choisirais?
Who would you choose?
Qui choisirais-tu?
Dad, who would you choose, seriously?
Papa, qui choisirais-tu, sérieusement.
If you were forced to choose between Guido and Serena, who would you choose?
Si tu avais été obligé de choisir entre Guido et Serena, qui est-ce que tu choisirais?
So who would you choose?
Alors qui choisiriez-vous?
Know that old question, "If you could have dinner with any five people, living or dead, who would you choose?"
Connaissez la vieille question, "Si vous pouviez diner avec cinq personnes, vivant ou mort, qui choisiriez-vous?"
if you were I... who would you choose?
Si tu étais moi... Qui choisirais-tu?
if you had to choose between the Osaka and Kanto side, who would you side with?
Si vous deviez choisir entre Osaka et Kanto, qui choisiriez-vous?
Who else would he choose but you?
Qui choisirait-il d'autre que toi?
But if there was someone in this universe I could choose to be like, someone who I would want to make proud of me it's you.
S'il y a quelqu'un dans l'univers à qui je choisirais de ressembler, quelqu'un que je voudrais rendre fier de moi,... .. c'est vous.
Those of you who would still choose to be with God... come stand by my side now.
Que ceux d'entre vous qui choisissent encore de suivre Dieu viennent près de moi.
Richard, if you had an extra ticket to the Nicks game and you had to choose between a friend who smelled and one who bruises you, who would you pick?
Si t'avais un ticket pour les Knicks... et que tu devais choisir entre un ami qui pue... et un qui te fait des bleus, qui tu choisirais?
You would choose a soldier who has not yet proposed above a king?
Vous choisissez un soldat qui n'a toujours pas fait sa déclaration plutôt que votre roi!
If you could choose, who would you fight?
Si tu pouvais, tu combattrais qui?
If Hee and I point a gun at each other... and you have to choose one, who would that be?
Si Hee et moi, on se vise... et que tu dois choisir un de nous deux, ce sera qui?
Who if you had to choose, would you sooner kill :
Qui, si tu devais choisir, préférerais-tu tuer?
Perhaps you could find someone who would choose to be a host.
peut-être pourriez-vous trouver quelqu'un qui choisisse d'être un hôte.
If you had to choose between Sam and me, who would you prefer?
Si tu devais choisir entre Sam et moi, tu prendrais qui?
There are those who would choose it for you, madam.
Certains aimeraient choisir pour vous, madame.
Hannah, you have to go. Even if you don't like him which you do, because you should, he's who the Yahoo personals would choose.
Hannah, tu dois y aller, même si tu ne l'aimes pas, ce qui n'est pas le cas parce qu'il a la personnalité qu'il te faut
What I need to know- - because this might have an impact- - is if you had to choose between Tommy and Sully, who would it be?
Répondez-moi, c'est important. Entre Tommy et Sully, qui choisiriez-vous?
If you ask a dozen people who they thought would win in a fight between you and me, people would choose you, hands down.
Si on demandait à une douzaine de personnes, lequel gagnerait un combat entre nous, les gens te choisiraient les yeux fermés.
If you could choose, who would you rather live with?
- Si tu pouvais choisir... - Oui?
Well, if you had to choose who to fool around with, would it be...
Bon, si vous deviez choisir avec qui baiser, ce serait...
Look, if you really wanna know who Francine would choose, you have to disappear for a while.
Si tu veux vraiment savoir qui Francine choisirait, tu dois disparaître un moment.
In fact, I think it would be fair if you let us choose who gets to stone us.
D'ailleurs, on devrait pouvoir choisir qui nous lapide.
What would you do if you had to choose between spending a few more months with Meredith knowing she was gonna die, watching her hurt, watching her sick or spending the rest of your life with someone who looked like Meredith,
Que ferais-tu si tu devais choisir entre passer quelques mois de plus avec Meredith, sachant qu'elle va mourir, la voyant souffrir, la voyant malade, et passer le reste de ta vie avec quelqu'un qui ressemble à Meredith, mais qui n'est plus elle.
Who would you choose?
Qui choisiriez-vous?
If you could choose someone from "the odyssey" that most resembles me, who would it be?
Si tu devais choisir le personnage de l'Odyssée qui me ressemble le plus, ce serait lequel?
- Dad, if you had to choose, who would it be?
Papa, si tu devais choisir, ce serait qui?
And I don't know how to be with Laurel knowing the entire time... that if she ever found out who you really are... she would choose you.
Et je ne sais pas comment être avec Laurel sachant que pendant tout ce temps... si elle avait découvert qui tu étais réellement... elle t'aurait choisi.
But there can't be if you choose to do this, because I can't be with someone who ever would.
Mais pas si tu choisis de faire ça, parce que je ne peux pas être avec quelqu'un qui ferait ça.
If your mother and I had to split custody, who would you guys choose?
Si votre mère et moi demandions la garde, vous choisiriez qui?
If I could choose anyone else, I would, but you're the only man who knows implosion well enough to run the program.
Si je pouvais choisi quelqu'un d'autre, je le ferais, mais tu es le seul qui puisse diriger l'implosion.
Now, who among you would choose not to turf a few farmers off our land, rather than gain, through this alliance, a greater part of England itself?
Parmi vous, qui choisirait de ne pas chasser quelques fermiers de nos terres plutôt que de conquérir, par cette alliance, une part plus grande de l'Angleterre?
If you had to choose between Rhaenyra and Aegon... who would you have chosen?
Si tu avais dû choisir entre Rhaenyra et Aegon... Qui aurais-tu choisi?

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