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Who were you with traduction Français

865 traduction parallèle
Who were you with?
- Avec qui étais-tu?
Who were you with tonight?
Hah. Avec qui étais-tu ce soir?
Who were you with?
Avec qui?
- Who were you with?
- Avec qui étais-tu?
Who were you with at Dourdan?
Avec qui étais-tu à Dourdan?
You have this world in which these people, who maybe were neighbors at one time, find themselves at odds with each other.
Vous avez ce monde dans lequel ces gens, qui étaient peut-être des voisins à un moment donné, qui se trouve en opposition avec les autres.
Who were you talking with?
A qui est - ce que tu parlais?
What would you do if you were shut up all day with an old crosspatch who flies off the handle every move you make?
Tu te vois bouclée avec une vieille sorcière... qui t'engueule tout le temps?
Who was the man you were with yesterday?
- Qui? L'homme avec qui tu étais hier.
For you who were slaves with me... it means that we're no longer slaves.
Pour vous, vous n'êtes plus des esclaves.
Do you know, the only men I've ever seen... with muscles of the back developed enough to do a thing like that... were those who served a term in the galleys.
Vous savez, les seuls hommes que j'ai vu... avec les muscles du dos assez développé pour faire ça... étaient ceux qui ont fait les galères.
As for the girl you were with, I'll find out who she is.
Quant à celle qui t'accapare ainsi, je saurai vite qui c'est, celle-là.
You were sitting in a box with a fur coat on and Gaston, a chap whom I know who knows you said, "Marguerite's been ill."
Gaston, un ami commun, m'a dit que vous aviez été malade.
Savarin - that's who you were really in love with.
Savarin — Voilà qui tu aimais vraiment.
You think I'm just Terangi who swam with you when you were a little fish.
Tu penses que je suis que le Terangi qui nageait avec toi petit poisson.
LAUGHTON : And who were you pretending to dance with?
Et avec qui faisiez-vous semblant de danser?
You were with the pranksters who gave him that contract?
Tu étais parmi les farceurs? Ceux du contrat?
You picked the men who were to go with you very carefully, Moll.
Tu as bien choisi les hommes qui t'accompagneraient.
You were the only boy who danced with me in school.
Quand nous étions enfants, vous étiez le seul qui dansait avec moi.
Who was the man you were dancing with?
Qui était l'homme avec qui vous dansiez?
And a very neat trick it was to divert suspicion from yourself but it struck me as odd that the man who murdered both Musgraves with such a sure hand should have missed so badly in your case unless of course, um, you yourself were the murderer.
Excellente diversion pour vous blanchir. Mais ça m'a étonné que l'auteur de deux meurtres parfaits ait été aussi maladroit dans votre cas. À moins, bien sûr, que vous ne fussiez l'assassin.
Who were you last with?
Avec qui étiez-vous?
Oh, as I was saying, Mellie Sewell told me that you were playing in a gambling game at the German embassy with the young Phili von Ramme and Sam Chandler, who is a relative of mine and who's always been a scandal.
Je disais donc, meille sewell m'a dit que vous aviez joué aux cartes à l'ambassade d'allemagne, avec le jeune phili von ramme et sam chandler, qui est un parent et a toujours fait scandale.
Who's the girl you were seen with in the street last week?
Qui est cette fille avec laquelle on t'a vu récemment?
About someone who should be of great interest to you. You were with her this afternoon.
D'une personne qui doit t'intéresser beaucoup tu étais avec elle cet après-midi.
Who's the gentleman you were just talking with?
Qui est l'homme avec qui vous parliez à l'instant?
With who you were in cahoots and your sister found it out?
- et que votre sœur a découvert?
Who were you running around with in those days, Nick?
Qui fréquentiez-vous, alors?
Mr. Palmer, in view of this, I'm afraid I must recommend... that you permit me to get in touch with those gentlemen... who were just here, and ask for more time... or until I've had an opportunity to go over the case.
M. Palmer... Au vu de tout cela, m'autorisez-vous à demander... aux personnes qui étaient là, plus de temps... afin que je puisse étudier cette affaire.
You were with the owl, weren'tyou, Mr Richards? That's what Who's Who says.
Vous étiez au Bureau d'informations des armées, c'est ce que dit le Who's Who.
If we were not watched, I would lash you until my arm wearied. Then I'd take you to Colonel Creighton, who'd lash you with his tongue.
Si on ne nous observait pas, je te rouerais de coups, pour t'amener devant Ie colonel Creighton qui te dirait sa façon de penser.
Who were you talking with?
Avec qui parlais-tu?
I've assigned pilots who were with you at the Canal.
Vous retrouverez vos hommes.
I saw your light and I didn't imagine you were the kind who slept with it on.
J'ai vu de la lumière, je me suis dit que vous ne dormiez pas avec.
How scornful you are of money - you and Marc Bennett - all you people who were born with it.
Comme tu méprises l'argent. Toi et Marc Bennett. Vous tous qui êtes nés dedans.
Who saw to it that you were arrested and charged with murder?
Qui vous a fait arrêter et accuser de meurtre?
Finally, it was me a month ago when you were returning with the basket of eggs who jumped on you with a stick.
Il y a 2 mois, quand vous portiez des œufs, je vous ai battu avec un bâton. C'était vous, mon fils?
Who's that lady You were with last night?
Qui est cette dame En votre compagnie hier soir?
In cutting off my head, you will punish those who were born in poverty and who have the chance or misfortune to receive a good education, and so the insolence of mingling with that pride that the rich call "society".
En me faisant couper la tête, vous punirez ceux qui sont nés dans la pauvreté et qui ont eu la chance ou le malheur de recevoir une bonne éducation et l'insolence de se mêler à ce que l'orgueil des riches appelle "la société".
I thought you were the one who never took the studio home with you.
Tu ne ramènes jamais tes soucis chez toi.
All right, let's have it, sport. Who were you out with?
Alors, Joli-Cœur, avec qui étais-tu?
Who's the guy you were with last night?
Alors, ton type, hier soir, qui c'était?
You were out with some guy who thought "no" was a three-letter word.
Vous étiez avec un mec qui croyait que "non" voulait dire "oui".
Thank you. If he were only here to argue with, Colonel Koehler... Who's he?
S'il était ici, le colonel koehler dirait... qui c'est?
She has a dinner appointment. Oh, thank you, monsieur. I think it might be with the gentleman who brought her the beautiful flowers... just the day after you were here.
Elle est allée dîner avec ce monsieur qui lui a apporté des fleurs le lendemain de votre visite.
You were supposed to tell me who you are, what you do, how you live, who you live with -
Qui êtes-vous, que faites-vous, comment vivez-vous... avec qui?
The hoodlums who attacked you weren't all your Japanese neighbors. They were troublemakers sent to your street to create an incident specifically with you.
Ceux qui vous ont agressés n'étaient pas tous des voisins, mais des fauteurs de troubles envoyés là-bas spécialement pour vous attaquer.
If anyone asks who you were walking with, you can say, "With Modigliani, the painter and drunk."
Si on vous demande avec qui vous vous promeniez, vous direz : "Avec Modigliani, le peintre, l'ivrogne."
You've got to say "I couldn't have been there because here is where I was, and these are the people who were with me to prove it."
Il faut dire : "Je n'étais pas là parce que j'étais à tel endroit et voici les gens qui peuvent confirmer ce que je dis."
Have you seen the three women who were here with us?
Vous avez vu les filles qui étaient avec nous?
So who was the young man you were with?
Qui était le jeune homme avec vous?

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