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Who would have thought traduction Français

463 traduction parallèle
Now who would have thought it?
Qui l'aurait cru?
Who would have thought that I'd find the celebrated Dr. Jekyll?
Qui aurait cru que je trouverais le célèbre Dr Jekyll?
Who would have thought that we'd meet again so soon?
Qui nous aurait dit que nous nous rencontrerions si vite?
Who would have thought...
Qui aurait pense- -
Mr. Chico, who would have thought in my days of naiveté...
M. Chico! Si vous m ´ aviez connue quand j ´ étais jeune fille!
Who would have thought it?
Nous n'avions pas eu l'occasion de nous dire au revoir.
Who would have thought that I would be having lunch with my nephew's concubine!
Qui aurait dit que je déjeunerais avec Ia concubine de mon neveu.
- Who would have thought?
- J'ai du mal à le croire. - Attention.
Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.
Pourtant qui aurait cru que ce vieillard avait en lui tant de sang?
Who would have thought our Miquette would become a star?
Qui aurait-dit que Miquette deviendrait une étoile?
Who would have thought a French would borrow another French United States?
Qui aurait pensé qu'un Français irait emprunter à un autre Français aux États-Unis?
Who would have thought her to be so energetic?
Qui l'aurait crue aussi énergique?
Well, who would have thought?
- Alors ça, qui l'eut cru!
Who would have thought that I, Oskar Binding, would be... an art collector!
Qui aurait imaginé que moi, Oscar Binding, je deviendrais amateur d'art?
Who would have thought that it was so wonderful to be in love?
Que c'est beau d'être amoureuse!
- Who would have thought?
- Qui l'aurait dit, hein?
Who would have thought?
Qui l'aurait cru?
Who would have thought this lunatic could make such an impact!
C'est étrange que cette tête de fou puisse avoir tant d'impact!
A new word that hypnotized the world... ] [... even, who would have thought it, the town of Don Camillo and Peppone. ]
Un mot nouveau qui avait hypnotisé le monde et, qui l'aurait cru, le bourg de don Camillo et Peppone.
Who would have thought?
Qui l'eût cru?
Who would have thought that beneath that gloomy exterior the man was concealing a sunny nature?
- N'est-ce pas? Qui aurait cru que sous ses dehors sombres, cet homme cachait une nature enjouée?
Poor Ethel! Who would have thought...
La pauvre Ethel, qui pouvait imaginer?
Amigo, who would have thought the night we got out of jail... that we would be here like... a rich man, heh?
Qui aurait cru quand on était en prison qu'on atterrirait ici en hommes riches?
Who would have thought...
Qui aurait cru...
Who would have thought that this could happen?
Qui pouvait prévoir tout Sela?
Who would have thought it!
Tu m'en diras tant...
But who would have thought that he would be there.
Qui pourrait avoir pensé qu'il était là?
Who would have thought so?
Qui aurait pensé?
Who would have thought?
Des brigands, sur le même coup. Incroyable.
Well, I never! Who would have thought it of Frieda?
Qui aurait cru ça de Frieda.
Who would have thought you were going to steal the heart so easily.
Ton anatomie est très pratique. Qui aurait cru que quelqu'un pourrait pu te ravir ton coeur?
" Who would have thought it?
Qui l'eût cru?
Emperor after all Who would have thought it, eh?
Empereur, finalement! Qui l'eût cru?
Who would have thought?
Qui aurait pu penser?
Pepe, who would have thought we'd get such hot chicks?
Pepe, avez-vous imaginé que vous étiez si bon
Who would've ever thought he'd pass away like that.. Anyway, it's a big hit if we have to return the investment.
Qui aurait cru qu'il mourait comme ça... c'est un franc succès si nous devons rembourser l'investissement.
I got a very good job as a secretary... and my job brought me in contact with a lot of nice men... one of whom might have turned out, I thought, to be the one... who would give me all the things that you dream about when you ´ re 20 and lonely.
J'étais très heureuse de mon travail de secrétaire, cela me permettait de rencontrer des tas d'hommes charmants, l'un d'entre eux aurait bien pu devenir, me disais-je, celui qui m'aurait offert toutes les choses dont on rêve à 20 ans quand on est seule.
Who would ever have thought that she'd still be here, In Venice... that house.
Qui pouvait imaginer qu'elle était toujours vivante, ici à Venise dans cette maison?
- Who would have thought -
A Lady, who would have thought so?
Une lady, dis donc!
Who'd have thought a fat, sloppy drunk lying in the gutter would have a pistol hidden in his boot?
Qui aurait imaginer qu'un clochard ivre ait caché une arme dans sa botte?
Now, you wouldn't have thought it was going to be your own father... Who would be responsible for this change in my attitude?
Auriez-vous pensé que ce serait votre propre père qui serait responsable de mon changement d'attitude?
Who'd have thought that I would meet you on such an occasion!
C'est incroyable de te revoir dans ces circonstances!
Who'd have thought a coffin would be hard to find?
Qui aurait pensé qu'un cercueil serait si difficile à trouver?
Who would have ever thought... in an elevator?
Qui l'aurait cru? Dans un ascenseur.
Who'd have thought a ruddy great lust-box like her would have found her way into anybody's feelings?
S'attacher à un gros "puits d'extase" comme ça, avouez que c'est pas fort!
- Who'd have thought it would take that long?
- C'était plus long que je pensais. - En avant.
Who ever would have thought back in Boston I'd be saying "yes" in a cheap hotel room in Arizona to a tall gunslinger in black.
Qui aurait cru, quand je vivais à Boston, que je dirais "Oui" dans une chambre d'hôtel bon marché d'Arizona à un bandit armé vêtu de noir.
Who would have thought it?
Qui l'eût cru?
Who would have thought it? .
Qui l'eût cru?
Who would have thought that Hamza,
Qui aurait cru ça de Hamza...?

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