You made it up traduction Français
768 traduction parallèle
You made it up.
Tu l'as inventée.
You made it up.
Tu l'as inventé.
But, Lord, in a way of speaking, you made it up to him.
Mais Dieu, si on peut le dire ainsi, vous l'avez bien dédommagé.
Do you really think Anthony made it up?
Pensez-vous vraiment qu'Anthony a tout inventé?
As you had instructed, I made it so that the rented ship won't come to them, but is it really necessary to go to this length when Anthony's money has already dried up?
j'ai fait en sorte que le navire loué ne viendra pas à eux. Mais est-il vraiment nécessaire d'aller jusque-là alors que l'argent d'Anthony manque déjà?
Remember when I wanted to quit and give the whole thing up and you made me stick it out?
Tu te souviens quand je voulais tout laisser tomber et que tu m'as encouragé?
Uh, well, uh... Have you made up your mind at all what it's going to be?
Alors avez-vous une opinion?
It's only fair to tell you, Peter, my mind's made up.
Il n'est que juste que je te le dise.
It was very gracious of you to elevate me to that lofty station and I hope Your Highness won't be too insulted but I have definitely made up my mind to remove the crest from my stationery my lingerie, and my life.
C'était très aimable de ta part de m'élever à ce noble rang, et j'espère que Son Excellence ne sera pas insultée, mais je suis décidée à retirer mon épingle du jeu, j'abandonne ma vie.
I'd already made up my mind to give it to you and Gillis.
J'avais déjà décidé de confier Ia tâche à vous et Gillis.
It has no name. I just made it up for you, madame.
Je viens de l'improviser pour vous madame.
You took the dough, made connections built it up. For you and me. Wasn't that it?
J'écopais 3 ans... t'avais le fric, tu faisais des relations pour nous deux.
- You made up a whole story about it.
Mais tu me l'as dit plus de vingt fois, tu m'en as fait toute une histoire là-dessus!
- It looks more like a soft sofa when it's made up. Can you imagine it has down quilts and lovely cushions to curl up on.
Ca ressemble plus à un sofa quand il est bien fait et que j'ai les coussins dessus.
You made it perfectly impossible for Mary. That's the sort of talk that mixes everything all up.
Avec votre façon de tout déformer!
I made it up when I first saw you, I guess.
Quand je vous ai vue la première fois.
Well, what is it that makes him, or you, think... that an organization like this, made up of well-meaning amateurs... buck up against those tough military boys of Europe?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser à vous deux qu'une telle organisation d'amateurs bien intentionnés tiendra tête aux militaires endurcis de l'Europe?
You made up your mind awfully young, it seems to me.
Un snob intellectuel! Vous êtes bien jeune pour juger les gens!
Well, you gave up the Colonel, so I expect I made it difficult for you too.
Vous avez lâché le colonel, c'est pareil!
It's possible Horace made up that part about stealing to tease you... or perhaps to punish you.
Il se peut que Horace ait invente cela pour te taquiner... ou peut-etre te punir.
- You made it up?
Vous? !
I made up my mind I was going to see you if it took me all week.
Je vous attends depuis 8 jours.
He's made up his mind. He won't drink it unless you do too.
Donne l'exemple.
Tu crois que j'invente?
It was seeing you again made me remember. I never took it up to the manor house after all.
J'ai oublié de le porter au manoir.
I think you've made up a good deal of it.
Même si tu exagères beaucoup.
I made it up. I bet you've got a good part.
- Je parie que tu as un bon rôle.
I don't want you to come around here no more. My minïs made up so don't try to change it with any of that soft talk of yours.
Je ne veux plus te voir, et je ne crois pas que je changerai d'avis.
The smell of it got all mixed up with the flowers. And the powder the ladies wore. And it made a wonderful new perfume that oh, made you feel good just to smell it.
Le parfum des fleurs mêlé au parfum des femmes... c'était enivrant.
You don't want me, not really. It's someone you made up.
En moi, tu veux une femme que tu t'es imaginée.
You thought it over and your mind's made up.
Ah bon, Monsieur a pris sa décision!
It's just a name that you made up to start me talking.
Vous l'avez inventé pour discuter.
We would have made it, if you didn't stop to pick up your gent.
On l'aurait eu, si on ne s'était pas arrêtés pour prendre monsieur.
Isn't it time you made up your mind?
- Il serait temps de te décider.
Your Majesty, was it me that you made him give up?
Oui. Avec lui, vous n'aviez qu'une chance sur un million d'être heureuse.
The years added layers to cover it up... but it was still there and made you hurt yourself.
Les années passant, cela vous poussa à vous meurtrir.
If you're up to it, we'll show this weather what we're made of.
Si vous êtes d'accord, moquons-nous de la pluie. Nous travaillerons tout de même!
The men made up for it. You weren't a substantial citizen unless you wore a mustache.
les hommes compensaient, les citoyens importants portaient la moustache,
" It's time you made your mind up not to stall with me
Il est temps que tu arrêtes de jouer avec moi
For another, you made $ 4000 like you said on the phone but somebody beat you up and took it.
Tu as gagné 4 000 $ comme tu l'as dit au téléphone, mais on te les a volés.
You think I made it up. You think there are no recordings.
Vous pensez que je mens, qu'il n'y a pas de disques.
I didn't ask you who made it up. I just asked you what's the name of it.
J'ai demandé comment ça s'appelle, pas qui l'a fait.
It's a good thing this army isn't made up of fatheaded slobs like you... that think this war's run by idiots.
Dieu merci, dans l'armée, y a pas que des ploucs qui traitent les officiers d'abrutis.
Can you imagine? When mankind will finally be made up of men... who believe in never-ending progress, which might make them masters of life and masters of the laws of the universe, then it will be paradise, a paradise for all mankind, built by men.
Pensez-y, le jour où le monde, l'humanité sera finalement... composée d'hommes qui croient en un perpétuel progrès, un progrès continu, qui les fait maîtres de leur vie, maîtres des lois de l'univers.
The way you cleaned this town up, you made it fit for women and kids to live in.
Grâce à toi, on est en sécurité dans cette ville.
It ought to be very interesting. When you ´ ve made up your mind about him, let me know. I ´ ll be waiting.
A vous de choisir, j'attendrai.
It reminds me, you've made up your mind.
Ça me rappelle... Tu as pris ta décision.
You just made it up.
Tu as inventé ça de toutes pièces.
It's a false letter he just made up my darling. To blackmail you. I thought so.
C'est une lettre qu'il a fabriquée pour te faire chanter!
You know, the bullfighter. He had it made this way so he could stand up and take bows.
Il l'a fait faire ainsi pour pouvoir saluer debout.
It's a complete lie, you've made the whole thing up... and you can't prove one word of it!
C'est un mensonge, vous avez tout inventé... et vous ne pouvez rien prouver!
you made it 730
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made me a promise 19
you made me 53
you made your bed 27
you made your point 111
you made a mistake 169
you made your choice 40
you made the right decision 46
you made the right choice 44
you made a promise 37
you made me a promise 19
you made me 53
you made a choice 27
you made the right call 27
you made a commitment 17
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made this 52
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made the right call 27
you made a commitment 17
you made sure of that 16
you made 28
you made this 52
you made that up 37
you made bail 25
you made a deal 26
you made them 16
you made that 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16