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You made your point traduction Français

502 traduction parallèle
You made your point. The object lesson was brutal.
Votre leçon est plutôt brutale.
I think you made your point.
Je pense que tu y as réussi.
You made your point, sweetie.
Le message est clair.
OK. You made your point.
Vous avez raison.
You made your point.
Ça suffit!
All right, you made your point.
D'accord, vous avez gagné.
I would appreciate if you made your point and let us leave.
Je préférerais que vous vous expliquiez et que vous nous laissiez partir.
All right, now. Look you... you made your point.
Ca va, j'ai compris.
Now that you made your point I suppose you'll want to change back into the old grey flannel.
Maintenant, je pense que tu peux aller te changer.
Okay, okay. You made your point.
D'accord, d'accord, j'ai compris!
You made your point.
On a compris.
You made your point.
Vous marquez un point.
You made your point, Captain. There's no need to overdo it.
Vous seriez gentil de ne pas en faire trop, capitaine.
OK, you made your point very clear.
Tu as été très clair.
You made your point.
Vous vous êtes fait comprendre.
Well, I'm not gonna let you. You've made your point.
Je ne vous laisserai pas faire.
I can't tell you how thrilled we were about your man-made Christmas tree.
Je ne peux pas vous dire à quel point votre sapin de Noël nous a ravies.
Now that you've made your moral point, why don't you relax and get comfortable?
J'ai entendu votre argument moral, détendez-vous et mettez-vous à l'aise.
I fully appreciate your pride in your achievement... but I would like to point out it's made my position in the house untenable... and I hold you entirely responsible.
Je comprends votre satisfaction. Mais la situation est intolérable et vous êtes responsable!
Now the time is here, Monsieur Patout has made a point of asking for your presence, you're suddenly very nonchalant about the most eligible bachelor in New Orleans.
Maintenant, c'est le moment, M. Patout vous a demandée, et vous devenez très indifférente envers le célibataire le plus intéressant ici.
All right, Rick, you've made your point.
Mais si... J'ai bien compris.
Okay. You've made your point.
Bon, j'ai compris.
You've made your point very vividly, Doc but I still want to get in this thing.
T'as été très convaincant, Doc, mais je veux toujours me battre.
Yeah, well, you've made your point.
Bon, vous avez dit ce que vous vouliez dire.
You've made your point.
Un point pour vous.
You've made your point. Here, put this in your mouth.
Étouffez-vous avec ceci.
You've made your point.
Mais qui sera marshal?
You've made your point, Louis.
J'ai compris, Louis.
Richards you've made your point.
Bon, on vous a compris.
All right, Dr. Ashe, you've made your point. I can't help. I'll go.
Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes, ni ce que vous faites, mais vous vous trompez.
You've made your point.
Votre démonstration est faite.
You've made your point.
Vous vous êtes exprimé clairement.
You've made your point, Captain Hargreaves.
Vous avez exposé vos arguments.
- You've made your point, doctor.
- Capitaine?
All right, Mark, you've made your point. We can discuss it later.
Si on le garde, aucun cambrioleur n'osera approcher.
You made your point.
Un point pour toi!
You've made your point.
C'est bon.
Uncle Arthur, you've made your point.
On a compris la leçon. S'il te plaît?
You've made your point.
J'accepte votre explication.
All right, Mr. Spock, you made your point.
Vous avez raison.
You've made your point.
J'ai compris.
I think you've made your point quite clear.
Vous avez été très clair.
♪ I think you've made your point now ♪
Tu as dit ce que tu avais à dire
You've made your point. The account will be settled.
Pas du tout le genre d'ouvrage que vous avez là.
You've made your point.
Vous avez gagné.
You've made your point.
Vous avez été claire.
You've made your point.
Tu l'as bien souligné.
- All right, you've made your point.
- C'est bon, ça va.
All right, Stromberg. You've made your point.
Très bien, Stromberg, vous avez gagné.
- All right, you've made your point.
- Bon, vous avez raison.
I think you've made your technical point.
Vous nous avez donné assez de détails techniques.

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