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But she wasn't traduction Portugais

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But a policeman's wife she wasn't.
Mas não era a mulher de um polícia.
So then I went home... but she wasn't there.
Assim que fui a casa... ela não estava.
- She was okay, but she wasn't anything special. - Special?
Foi, mas não especialmente.
But she wasn't married to a butcher.
Mas não era casada com um talhante.
They wanted her to go steady and be their girl, but she wasn't interested.
Todos queriam que ela fosse a namorada deles. Mas não lhe interessava.
- Yes, but she wasn't killed by the wasp. Forensic have already confirmed that.
Pois, mas ela não foi morta pela vespa.
But honestly, she wasn't very sturdy.
Ainda que, na verdade, não tivesse muita resistência.
But she wasn't an infant.
Mas já não era um bebé.
As if having a crooked back wasn't cross enough for a man to bear, but she had to up and die on him.
Como se ter as costas tortas... não fosse sacrifício suficiente, ela tinha de morrer.
It appears the Countess is a wee bit hard up, sir, and, you know, she wasn't born a countess at all, but sort of worked her way up through the ranks.
Consta que a Condessa está sem dinheiro, senhor, e sabe, ela não nasceu condessa, mas trabalhou a sua subida ao título.
She wasn't even gonna stop by and drop one off, but I, uh, convinced her to do so.
Ela nem queria deixar aqui uma, mas convenci-a.
And it wasn't pretty, it wasn't easy, but, uh, she won't be bugging me anymore.
E não foi bonito, não foi fácil mas ela não me vai aborrecer mais.
Oh, well, I once told a girl I was a member at Wentworth when I wasn't, but she didn't play golf anyway.
Uma vez disse a uma rapariga ser membro do Wentworth e não era. Mas, de qualquer modo, ela não jogava golfe.
She could have torn my head off, but she didn't cos she sensed I wasn't a threat.
Ela podia ter-me arrancado a cabeça, mas não o fez porque sentiu que não era uma ameaça.
She wasn't a rich woman- - but she was rich in spirit.
Ela não era rica materialmente... mas de espírito.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she one of the illustrious 1 2?
Não foi uma das famosas doze, se não estou em erro?
She said, "This earring wasn't dear, but lose it and you lose an ear."
Ela disse : "É uma jóia velha, mas se a perder, perde a orelha!"
Darin Romick wasn't there, but his assistant said she'd talk to us.
O Darin Romick não estava, mas a assistente falará connosco.
She wasn't badly hurt but she's had a nasty shock.
Não a magoaram, mas apanhou um grande susto.
I tried to contact the Major to reschedule but she wasn't where she said she'd be.
Tentei contactá-la, mas não estava onde me tinha dito.
I called her but she wasn't at home.
Telefonei-lhe, mas não a apanhei.
I was supposed to pick up my wife here, but she wasn't on the plane.
Vinha buscar a minha mulher, mas ela não veio no avião.
She said she wasn't sure, but said, "the leader?"
- Obrigada. - Ora...
She was dotty but she wasn't so far gone that she couldn't tell a stranger from her own flesh and blood.
Era velhita, mas não estava assim tão cheché que não percebesse a diferença entre um estranho e alguém do seu próprio sangue.
Poor Celia. She wasn't that bright or anything, but I liked her.
Pobre Celia, não era muito inteligente, mas eu gostava dela.
Torias, but, of course, in those days, she wasn't Lenara.
O Torias, mas, claro, nessa altura, ela não era a Lenara.
I know she wasn't built for it, but I think the ship can handle it.
Sei que não foi feita para isso, mas a nave aguenta.
She's worked this area for a couple of years now, but she wasn't mostjohns'first pick, if you know what I mean.
Trabalhava nesta área há uns anos, mas não era das preferidas, se é que me faço entender.
Well, I wasn't sure when she told me she was going to marry a man who was a judge, but...
Bom, para dizer a verdade eu não fiquei convencido quando a Natalie me disse que ia casar com um juiz.
She knew she wasn't supposed to drink, but that didn't stop her.
Sabia que não podia beber, mas continuava a beber.
So he knew who she was, but it wasn't about her?
Então, ele sabia quem ela era, mas não tinha nada a ver com ela?
Correct me if I'm wrong, Sydney, but wasn't my mother's session with you... one of the last things she did before she got on this elevator?
Corrige-me se eu estiver errada Sydney mas a minha mãe não teve uma sessão contigo antes de entrar neste elevador?
I really wasn't serious about her, but when I was injured, she visited me every day.
Eu não estava a sério com ela, mas quando fiquei ferido, ela visitou-me todos os dias.
But she wasn't there.
Mas não estava lá.
See, if there wasn't nothin'... in that bag but them towels... then maybe she didn't get a chance to take the money... out of her suitcase and the A.T.F. got it.
Se dentro do saco só estivessem as toalhas, talvez ela não tivesse tempo de tirar a massa da mala.
Well, she wasn't really a meanie... but this was my wedding anniversary... and my wife had just flown into town.
Mas era o meu aniversário de casamento e a minha esposa tinha vindo ter comigo.
She wasn't completely alert but she could recognize all of us.
Não estava totalmente alerta. Mas reconheceu-nos a todos.
She wanted to go there also, but I wasn't in the mood.
Ela também queria lá ir, mas eu não estava com disposição.
I knew she wasn't my wife but sometimes she would smile at me a certain way and then the light would hit her eyes and it was my Jennifer.
Sabia não ser a minha mulher, mas, às vezes, ela sorria de uma certa forma, a luz iluminava-lhe os olhos e era a minha Jennifer,
But she wasn't married.
Mas ela não era casada.
But she wasn't happy here. "Too much space," she said. - So why didn't you stay in Chicago?
Mas ela não era feliz aqui.
Don't take it personally, but I assume she wasn't a romantic interest.
Não se ofenda, mas presumo que não tiveram nenhum romance.
Anne was trying to tell us what you did for a living, but she wasn't very clear.
Sim, a Anne estava a tentar dizer-me qual é a tua profissão, mas não foi muito clara.
She wasn't a practising witch, but...
Ela não era bem uma bruxa, mas...
She wasn't so bad when she first came in here for nervous exhaustion... but one night about two years ago, she broke out, tried to offherself.
Não estava tão mal quando para cá veio, devido à exaustão nervosa... mas uma noite, há dois anos atrás, fugiu e tentou matar-se.
- But she wasn't raped.
- Mas ela não foi violada.
She wasn't famous, but she was published.
Não era famosa, mas teve as suas obras publicadas.
But it wasn't until years later that I began to appreciate how brave she was and how alone she must have felt.
Mas só mais tarde comecei a dar valor à sua coragem e como se deve ter sentido só.
Rose had nothin to do with it but, ah on account of the way Rose is, the State figured she wasn't competent to take care of them kids and they took'em all away from her.
Ela não teve culpa nenhuma, mas devido à maneira de ser da Rose o Estado achou-a incompetente para tomar conta dos filhos, e tirou-lhos.
- No, she isn't. That's what they wanted you to believe, but it wasn't me.
Foi isso que quiseram que pensasses, mas não era eu.
You see, she wasn't born a rotten apple...,... but her upbringing left something to be desired...,... jumping from orphanage to orphanage.
- Mas minhas preces... foram ignoradas. - Era o direito deles.

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