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But she wouldn't traduction Portugais

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But she wouldn't lend Jeff the money.
Mas ela não emprestaria o dinheiro ao Jeff.
She could have claimed a lot of alimony. But she wouldn't take any.
Ela podia ter-me exigido uma boa pensão, e não o fez.
I asked her to go to bed, but she wouldn't hear of it.
Pedi que fosse dormir, mas não quis ouvir.
She tried to get a divorce from him to put in with you but he wouldn't give it to her.
Ela tentou divorciar-se dele para viver contigo... - mas ele não o concedeu.
She was no prize package, but she wouldn't frame you.
Não era nenhuma maravilha, mas jamais lhe incriminaria.
She's willing to run away with you and ruin everything for herself... but she wouldn't care, because she'd be with you and that's what she wants.
Está disposta a fugir contigo e a arruinar sua vida... mas não lhe importa, porque estaria contigo e isso é o que quer.
I even knew she wouldn't come the first night... but I sat there, grinding it out.
Sabia que ela não viria nessa noite, mas esperei na mesma.
- But I wouldn't want her to stay unless she likes it out here.
- Mas, ela só deve ficar se lhe agradar e se ela quiser.
Well, I would marry her, but she wouldn't marry me.
Bem, eu me casaria com ela, mas ela não se casaria comigo.
I wanted to run her out before she ever got in but you wouldn't listen, none of you.
Quis correr com ela antes de ela cá chegar, mas não me ouviram. Nenhum de vocês!
I wouldn't know about a man. But I've just seen how low a woman will go to get what she wants.
Quanto a um homem, não sei... mas sei quanto pode descer uma mulher, para conseguir o que quer.
What about the time she wanted to make dinner, but you wouldn't let her?
E quando ela quis fazer o jantar para o meu irmão?
I don't know, but she said she wouldn't come back ever.
Não sei, mas disse que nunca mais voltava.
She thought I should live with him, but I wouldn't.
Ele achava que eu devia viver com ele, mas eu não queria.
I tried to get her to see Doc Pursey, but she wouldn't.
Tentei enviá-la para Dr. Pursey, mas ela recusou.
But she knew I didn't have a copy and that he wouldn't lift a finger to help me.
Mas ela sabia que eu não tinha uma cópia e que ele não levantaria um dedo para me ajudar.
I tried to tell her of your belated surge of honesty, but she wouldn't listen.
Tentei informá-la do seu impulso tardio de honestidade, mas ela não ouvia.
But if she loved that fella hard enough, she'd stay a widow, wouldn't she?
Mas se o amasse muito, manter-se-ia viúva, não era?
If she was only ugly, it wouldn't be so bad, but pretty like she is, it's an out and out waste.
Se ela fosse feia, não me sentiria tão mal, mas bonita como ela é, é um grande desperdício.
But she wouldn't tell.
Mas ela não disse nada.
But she wouldn't tell them anything.
Mas ela nunca lhes disse nada.
It was supposed to be tonight, but she told them unless they switched and she was finished by 7, she wouldn't be there.
Era suposto ser esta noite, mas ela disse que, se näo trocassem e näo acabasse às 7h00, näo iria.
I wouldn't ask you, Miriam, but she needs the medicine.
Não te pedia isto, mas ela precisa do remédio.
You wouldn't believe it now, but 20 years ago, she was a mighty handsome maid.
Não acreditarias agora, mas há 20 anos, ela era uma rapariga muito bonita.
I could say she is pretty, that I wouldn't mind, but until I get to know her and develop a moral attraction to her, I wouldn't consider her - a girl I could love.
Eu posso dizer que ela me agradaria mas como eu não a conheço, uma vez que não existe atração moral, eu não posso ve-la como uma garota que eu posso amar.
I offered to pay her for the ranch, but she wouldn't hear of it.
Mas ela recusou.
Eu queria vir sozinho, mas ela não me deixou.
I hoped, vaguely, that she'd understand my motives, maybe she wouldn't. But I just hoped she'd join me here later.
Esperava que ela percebesse as minhas razões ou talvez não, mas que viesse cá ter comigo mais tarde.
She's freezing to death, but she wouldn't admit that.
Está a morrer de frio, mas nunca o admitiria.
- Yeah. She said she'd like a Bible, but she wouldn't do nothin'without him.
Ela disse que queria uma Bíblia... mas que não faria nada sem falar com ele.
But she wouldn't get up for anything.
Nada a fazia levantar-se.
But if I do, she wouldn't be too unhappy.
Mas se te bater, ela não desgosta.
She could have hidden, but she wouldn't.
Podia esconder-se, mas näo quis.
I don't know. I want to but maybe she wouldn't know me.
Não sei. Quero fazê-lo... mas talvez ela não me irá reconhecer.
I wanted to, but she wouldn't let me.
Queria fazê-lo, mas ela não deixava.
I don't say with its all ends. But the condition that she's in, I wouldn't count on talking to her before tomorrow afternoon if I were you.
Nas condições dela não creio que ela fale até amanhã pela tardinha.
I've heard she wanted to play comedy parts, but her husband wouldn't have it.
Sei que quis fazer comédia mas seu esposo não permitiu.
She wouldn't tell me, but I forced it out of her.
Não queria, mas forcei-a a dizer.
Everyone kept asking her who the father was but she wouldn't say.
Toda a gente lhe perguntava quem era o pai, mas ela não disse nada.
I tried several times to call her but after the first call, she wouldn't come to the phone.
Tentei várias vezes telefonar-lhe... mas depois do primeiro telefonema, ela nunca mais atendeu.
But she wouldn't listen.... and next thing I knew was that she has bought these instruments for her.
Eu disse a ela, o que está dizendo. Não posso prever o meu pão de cada dia onde posso gastar em música? Isso a fez enervar-se.
By the way, I tried to see Julia in Vienna, but she wouldn't see me.
A propósito, tentei ver a Julia em Viena, mas ela não me quis ver.
A weird lady tried to give Penny a ride, but she wouldn't have anything to do with trashy people like them.
Uma mulher estranha que quis dar-lhe boleia. Mas a Penny não se metia com gente má como ela.
I suppose it must look awfully black against Jackie,... but I just know she wouldn't commit cold-blooded murder.
- A coisa deve estar má para a Jackie. Ela era incapaz de matar alguém.
I know, I didn't want to believe that... but now they've killed Ruth Mayer... and they could kill you or me, and she wouldn't even be aware of it.
Eu sei, eu não queria acreditar... mas assassinaram a Ruth Mayer... e poderiam matar-nos, a si e a mim, e ela nem se aperceberia.
But she wouldn't return my calls.
Mas ela não respondeu aos meus recados.
He tried to get Mommy drunk, but she wouldn't go for it.
Tentou embebedar a mãe, mas ela não foi na conversa.
I w-wouldn't ask, but she'll be havin'a child shortly.
Não pediria se não fosse pela criança que esperamos.
I said I didn't care, I was just an adventuress but she wouldn't understand because she had no sense of humor.
"Não quero chegar a lado nenhum. " Sou uma aventureira, "só que tu não me percebes porque não tens sentido de humor."
Her father furnished this room just like hers at home, so she wouldn't miss anything. But she didn't want to be reminded of him. On the contrary.
O pai, o Marquês, fez este quarto igualzinho ao que tinha em casa para que não sentisse falta de nada, mas ela não queria nada que lhe lembrasse o pai, pelo contrário, fugia dele.
She wanted to go back to Phoenix last year but Eddie wouldn't let her.
Queria voltar para Phoenix no ano passado, mas o Eddie não a deixou ir.

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