But there are traduction Portugais
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But there are plenty more battles to be won, and one closer to home that I fear the Helicarrier won't solve.
Mas há muito mais batalhas para serem vencidas. E uma mais próxima que, receio, o helitransportador não resolverá.
- But there are two families back in Sandbrook.
Mas há duas famílias em Sandbrook.
That's great, but there are places that already do it.
Isso é ótimo, mas já há sítios que o fazem.
But there are some things you can't run from.
Mas, existem algumas coisas das quais não podemos escapar.
But there are some wounds that can never be healed.
Mas, há algumas feridas que nunca podem ser curadas.
But there are a select few who seek it out, who use it as a tool to create something so beautiful that it transcends this world and makes them immortal.
Mas há alguns poucos, que procuram por ela que a usam como ferramenta, para criar algo tão lindo que transcende este mundo e os faz imortais.
- Oh, I appreciate that, but there are questions about the circumstances of Mr. Grayson's death.
Ela acabou de saber. Agradeço-lhe isso. Existem perguntas sobre as circunstâncias da morte do Sr. Grayson.
But there are some kinds of demons that aren't so easy to satisfy.
Mas há alguns tipos de demónios que não são assim tão fáceis de satisfazer.
But there are some people who find the strength to turn and face the darkness.
Mas existem pessoas que encontram forças para enfrentar as Trevas.
They haven't ruled it a homicide yet, but there are signs of a struggle.
Não descartaram homicídio ainda, mas há sinais de uma luta. Honestamente...
Look, I know that you're having a lot of feelings right now, Cole, but there are other people's lives at stake here, okay, besides your own!
Ouve, sei que estás a ter muitos sentimentos neste momento, Cole, mas está em jogo a vida de outras pessoas, está bem?
I'm doing everything in my power to save this city, but there are forces out there working just as hard to make sure I fail.
Estou a fazer tudo o que posso para salvar esta cidade, mas existem forças lá fora a trabalhar no duro para garantir que eu falhe.
There are moments when even I struggle to, but he does... very deeply.
Há momentos em que até a mim me custa a compreender, mas ele adora, muito.
But in the summertime, the light comes and... and you won't believe how many birds are there.
Mas no verão, a luz aparece e... e não vais acreditar quantos pássaros estão lá.
There are very few examples of this one in our ancient texts, but... I believe this one is the symbol for the human soul.
Há muito poucos exemplos deste nos nossos textos antigos, mas... acredito que este seja o símbolo da alma humana.
Well, Francis and I are only halfway there, but I bet you know your husband as well as you know yourself.
Bem, o Francis e eu estamos apenas a meio do caminho, mas, aposto que conhece o seu marido tão bem como a si mesma.
Of course I know who you are, Ms. Lyon, but there's new security protocol.
- Claro, Mrs. Lyon, mas há um novo protocolo.
But all her belongings are still there. I...
Mas as coisas dela continuam lá.
And, yes, there are risks, but it's also a pretty common procedure.
E sim, existem riscos, mas este é um procedimento muito comum.
I will tell you anything that you want to know, but I think we're both aware that there are certain disadvantages to that.
Eu posso contar-te tudo o que quiseres saber. Mas ambos sabemos que isso acarreta desvantagens.
Bro... seems like the lady's on a completely different date than you are, but, uh, if that chicken right there doesn't turn that around, I don't know what will.
Amigo, a sua namorada parece estar noutra, mas, se esse frango não mudar isso, não sei o que mudará.
I mean, I'm sure there are, but I can't think of any to...
Digo, tenho certeza que há, mas não consigo pensar em nenhumas que...
The short essay questions were worth five points each, um... but because there are six questions that account for 25...
As perguntas de desenvolvimento valiam cinco valores cada mas como há seis perguntas que valem 25...
Well, certainly, if there are other people who feel they have been controlled by this Kilgrave character, they are more than welcome to contact my office, but it is more likely that my client experienced a psychotic break.
Se houver outras pessoas que pensem terem sido controladas por esse tal Kilgrave, podem contactar o meu escritório, mas é mais provável que a minha cliente tenha tido um episódio psicótico.
But there's nothing to link the boy in that video to the man you are torturing.
Mas nada liga o rapaz do vídeo ao homem que estás a torturar.
I don't know exactly what they are, but there's something in them that doesn't really belong.
Não sei o que são, mas há algo nelas que não se encaixa.
There are 4 students with the exact same schedules but only one with the initials M.M...
Há 4 alunos com o mesmo horário, mas apenas uma com as iniciais M.M.
The experiments were bad enough, but now that there are targets on our backs...
As experiências foram suficientemente más, mas, agora, que somos os alvos...
I don't think you're in there, but if you are, just know I'm gonna break down your door.
Penso que não estás aí, mas se estiveres, quero que saibas que vou arrombar a porta.
The experiments were bad enough, but now that there are targets on our backs, I don't know.
As experiências foram horríveis, mas, agora, que somos alvos... - eu não sei.
No, Sir, but while there are more than 300 steam generation plants within a two-hour drive of Manhattan, there are only 19 that were built between 1925 and 1939.
Não, senhor, mas existem mais de 300 centrais de produção de vapor, a uma distância de duas horas de Manhattan, e, existem apenas 19 que foram construídas entre 1925 e 1939.
But, you know, rape is happening at all college campuses, and there are perverse economic and reputational incentives to hide those numbers.
Mas a violação acontece em todas e há incentivos económicos e de reputação perversos para esconder esses números.
Look, I know it's not glamorous, and I know it's not like being among the stars, but you know, there are some things down here that aren't so bad.
Sei que não é glamoroso, sei que não é como estar entre as estrelas, mas... sabes, há coisas aqui que não são assim tão más.
You know, I think the family are all in England, but there might be some sort of addre...
Acho que a família está toda na Inglaterra, mas pode haver uma morada...
Mr Tode's other supplies are still there but there's no sign of the polonium.
Os outros materiais de Mr. Tode continuam lá, mas nem sinal do polónio.
There are lots of minibuses on this route. But yours is different.
Há muitos minibuses a fazer esta volta, mas o seu é diferente.
But with you, there is nothing, no such risk, because you are not doing anything here, you're absolutely useless, in every circumstance!
Mas com vocês, não há nada, nenhum risco, visto que vocês não vão fazer nada aqui, vocês são absolutamente inúteis, em qualquer ocasião!
Herodias, is it me, but since the crucifixion of the Nazarene, are there more Roman soldiers in the streets than usual?
Herodíades, serei eu, ou desde a crucificação do nazareno existem mais soldados romanos nas ruas do que o habitual?
But the one bright light in all the darkness is knowing that men like Steve McGarrett are out there, making sure the good guys always come out on top.
Mas, uma luz brilhante em toda a escuridão é saber que homens como Steve McGarrett andam por aí, a certificar-se que os bons saem sempre por cima.
But like people, there are some places that can't be saved.
Mas assim como as pessoas, existem lugares que não podem ser salvos.
But she's on the mend and I'm flying to Washington tonight, so that tomorrow she and I can get on a plane and fly to New Hampshire, where we are gonna win there, too!
Mas ela está a melhorar e eu vou para Washington esta noite para que amanhã eu e ela possamos entrar num avião e ir para Nova Hampshire onde também ganharemos.
There are many people just coming here and think they are Berlin, but we are Berlin.
Há muita gente que vêm para cá e parecem ser de Berlim, mas nós é que somos Berlim.
We have a lot of love now, but... there are other kinds of love.
Nós temos muito amor agora, mas... existem outros tipos de amor.
There are some footprints over here, but they just end.
Há aqui algumas pegadas, mas acabam depressa.
There are no fresh tire tracks, but keep the roadblocks going.
Não há marcas frescas de pneus. Vamos manter os bloqueios activos.
I'm not calling you anything, but you are calling Sylvia out there a liar.
Eu não, mas está a chamar a Sylvia de mentirosa. Não.
Well, my memory isn't what it once was, but, um, there are a few spots I never bothered to report to the Empire.
Bem, a minha memória já não é o que era antes, mas... existem alguns lugares nunca informados ao Império.
All the symptoms in the kids are gone, but the abnormality in their brains is still there.
Todos os sintomas das crianças desapareceram, mas... mas, a anomalia nos cérebros deles continua lá.
There are some people watching us through there, but you don't need to be scared of them.
Há algumas pessoas... a ver-nos através do vidro, mas, não precisas de ter medo delas.
There are limits on the applause later, but for now, why don't we all give them a big hand?
Haverá limites para os aplausos mais tarde, mas, por enquanto, que tal uma grande salva de palmas?
My crews, they are out there day and night... some of them losing their lives... but they will win back your neighborhoods for you.
As minhas equipas andam pelas ruas dia e noite, alguns deles a perder a própria vida... mas vão reconquistar a vizinhança para todos.
but there are limits 17
but there are others 19
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there are others 19
but there's more 55
but there was no answer 20
but there 57
but there's a catch 20
but there's no 20
but there's something else 61
but there's a problem 45
but there it is 67
but there's a 20
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there's nothing here 17
but there was 32
but there's something 16
but there you go 27
but there's not 22
but there's nothing i can do 29
but there's no time 25
but there's nothing 25
but there is 63
but there isn't 28
but there we are 16
but there you are 27
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
but there we are 16
but there you are 27
but there was a bit of a mix 41
but there's 84
there aren't any 65
there aren't 60
there are 1232
there are no rules 58
there are some 34
there are no accidents 24
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are none 51
there are three 23
there are people here 16
there are so many 43
there are two 35
there are only 79
there are no words 34
there are no 25
there are many 28
there are none 51
there are three 23
there are people here 16
there are so many 43
there are two 35
there are only 79