Get her out traduction Portugais
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How the hell are we gonna get her out of there?
- Como vamos tirá-la dali?
I promised I'd get her out safely, Hetty.
Eu prometi mantê-la segura, Hetty.
You ain't gonna get her out?
Não vai tirá-la dali?
Get her out of here.
I'm gonna get her out of here and then we're gonna talk.
Mando-a embora e depois conversamos.
I said, get her out!
Disse-te para a mandares embora!
Somebody get her out of here before she hurts herself.
Alguém que a tire daqui, antes que se magoe.
So let's get her out of the hot seat and into a limo...
Por isso, vamos tirá-la daqui e metê-la numa limo...
Like, way deep... and I think we maybe need to get her out.
Muito envolvida. Acho que temos de a salvar.
- What about her? We have to get her out first.
- Temos de tirá-la de lá antes.
I'm gonna get her out.
Vou tirá-la de lá.
They had to call the paramedics to get her out.
Chamaram os paramédicos para a tirar.
We gotta get her out of there.
- Temos que tirá-la de lá. - Sim.
- Diggle, get her out of here.
Diggle, tira-a daqui.
Get her out of there now!
Tira-a já daí.
- Get her out of here.
- Leve-a daqui.
- But I just can't get her out of my...
- Não. - Mas não consigo tirá-la...
- Get her out of here.
- Miller, tira-a daqui.
Fine, get her out of here.
- Está bem. Tire-a daqui.
Get her out of here.
Tirem-na daqui.
Get her out of your head.
Percebeste? Tira-a da cabeça.
- Harris, where? Where? - Get her out!
Ponham-na fora!
Max, get her out of here.
Max, tira-a daqui.
Yeah, let's get her to let us out of here.
Sim. Vamos convencê-la a tirar-nos daqui.
To frame her cheating husband and get out of her marriage.
Para montar uma armadilha ao marido e poder sair do casamento.
Just get the girl, put her in the car, and get out of there.
Apanha a miúda, põe-na no carro e sai daí.
Get her out of here.
Tira-a daqui.
Let's get to the ley lines and get her out.
Vamos tratar disso e tirá-la de lá.
Just crush her self-esteem and get out.
Apenas esmaga-lhe a auto-estima e vai te embora.
70 years of captivity, and she was the face that I clung on to- - the notion that one day I'd get out and see her again.
Em setenta anos de cativeiro foi ao rosto dela que me agarrei, e a ideia de um dia poder fugir e vê-la novamente.
We resurrect her, take her with us, and get out of town.
Vamos ressuscitá-la, apanhamo-la e saímos da cidade.
A reverse mortgage is a financially sound way for Maw Maw to get money out of her house now, so she can live it up while she's still alive.
Uma hipoteca reversa é uma maneira financeiramente sólida da Vó obter o dinheiro da casa agora e viver nela enquanto estiver viva.
No, you left out, "if you get her in trouble, I'll kill you."
Não, deixaste de fora, "se tu a meteres em problemas, eu mato-te."
Get her the fuck out of here.
Manda-a embora, raios.
I gotta get these to Vee so she can get'em out to her people.
Tenho de dar estes à Vee para os poder enviar ao pessoal dela.
Look, I think that she needed to get it out of her system, all right?
Ela precisava de fazer algo para descarregar a fúria, entendes?
They're tying up loose ends. " We need to get her checked out.
Estão a amarrar as pontas soltas. "
What you're gonna do now is get your sister to come out of the house and put her hands on her head.
O que vais fazer agora é convencer a tua irmã a sair da casa... com as mãos sobre a cabeça.
Finley, we can't let her get out of here.
Finley, não podemos deixá-la sair daqui.
You should get Emery out of the Sector before a guard sees her.
Tu deverias de tirar a Emery do Sector antes que os guardas a vejam.
Not that I can get a word out of her to confirm any of that.
Mas ela não me disse nada, nem para negar nem para confirmar.
I couldn't get out of it, some get-together with her and her brother.
Não consegui escapar. Uma reunião com ela e o irmão.
We kill their witch, destroy her spell book, and get the hell out...
Matamos a bruxa deles, destruímos o seu livro de feitiços, e saímos...
The sooner we get her and the baby out of there, the better.
Quanto mais cedo a tirarmos daí, melhor.
I told her to get out.
- Disse-lhe para sair.
Um... the night you kicked Dani out of the house, she came back to get her stuff, and I I had a few beers.
Na noite em que expulsaste a Dani de casa, ela voltou para levar as suas coisas e eu... Tinha bebido algumas cervejas.
I was waiting outside while the doctor was working on her, and then I saw him run out and get in his car.
Eu estava a aguardar lá fora enquanto o médico estava a tratar dela, quando o vi sair a correr e a entrar no carro dele.
Get her out of here!
Sai daqui!
He leaned over to get something out of her purse.
Ele estava a tentar roubar-lhe a bolsa.
I'm gonna jab her if I can get it in and then she'll be out, he'll be weakened, right?
Vou espetar isto nela. Então ele vai perder o controle.
She shorted out her bracelets, dug these implants they gave her out of her, and somehow used Mattoo's handprint to get herself out of here.
Ela fez um curto-circuito nas pulseiras, tirou os implantes, e, de alguma forma, usou a impressão da palma da mão do Mattoo para sair.
get her out of here 293
get her out of there 56
get her outta here 27
get her 319
get here 39
get her off 17
get her back 40
get her up 52
get her in 18
get her off me 23
get her out of there 56
get her outta here 27
get her 319
get here 39
get her off 17
get her back 40
get her up 52
get her in 18
get her off me 23
get her inside 27
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of interest 20
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896