Hours and traduction Portugais
10,003 traduction parallèle
Only five hours and 40 minutes to go.
Só faltam cinco horas e 40 minutos.
I would say that the body's been in there two weeks, four days, seven hours and 12 minutes.
Eu diria que o corpo ficou ali durante duas semanas, 4 dias, 7 horas e 12 minutos.
When we first found it, there were crocs all over the bank over there and now I've been in here several hours and there's not one.
Quando chegámos, estava cheio de crocodilos naquela margem. Agora, estou aqui há horas e não há um sequer.
I've been here six-and-a-half hours and I've got one shot.
Estou aqui há seis horas e meia, e só uma tomada.
She looked a little upset so I questioned her a little bit about this and she just told me "just forget about it" and that somebody keeps calling at all different hours and blah, blah.
Parecia um pouco incomodada e eu fiz algumas perguntas e ela disse-me para esquecer, que alguém lhe telefonava a várias horas diferentes...
- [insects chirping ] - [ dog barks ] [ female reporter on TV] Six hours and counting.
2 ° DIA DE DELIBERAÇÕES Seis horas e continua.
[Richard] We put in long, long hours and since that first sighting on the first day we haven't had any other sign of the snow leopard.
Trabalhámos muitas horas, e, desde aquele contacto no primeiro dia, nunca mais encontrámos vestígios do leopardo-das-neves.
He worked every day for hours and hours.
Ele trabalhou todos os dias, durante horas e horas.
Uh, judging by the minor putrefaction of the body as well as the presence of maggot larvae on the wound here and the brown purge fluids leaking from every orifice, I would have to say between 48 and 72 hours.
A julgar pela leve putrefacção do corpo, assim como a presença de larvas na ferida e o fluído castanho a sair de todos os orifícios, eu diria entre 48 e 72 horas.
Maybe you should next time you're sitting in your little office with its vertical blinds and its fluorescent lighting and its lunch hours.
Talvez devesses na próxima vez que estiveres sentado no teu pequeno escritório com estores verticais e luzes fluorescentes e as suas horas de almoço.
Just... so that there is clarity in, uh, in this situation, you are hours away from being put on a plane and sent down a dark hole that only I will know about.
Apenas... para que haja clareza nesta situação, está a horas de distância de ser colocada num avião e ser enviada para um buraco escuro que só eu sei.
There's a Hacky-Sack-a-thon in the quad, naked fountain run in a few hours, and there's a winter dance at Adelphi Hall.
Vai haver futebol dramático no ginásio, corrida nua na fonte dentro de algumas horas, e dança de Inverno no Adelphi Hall.
Our data predicts he will strike again this year, and that he'll take two more victims in the next 72 hours.
Os nossos dados prevêem que vai atacar este ano e que vai fazer mais 2 vítimas nas próximas 72 horas.
See, I want this up and running inside of 24 hours, or you're not gonna like the tone of my voice anymore.
Quero isto a operar dentro de 24horas, ou nunca mais vais gostar do tom da minha voz.
The soup kitchen manager assigns the jobs, and the shifts are six hours.
O supervisor distribui os trabalhos, e são turnos de seis horas.
Now, given the time that Henri and his amis left the dispensaire, I'm estimating that they'll hit that point in about seven hours from now.
E agora, dado o tempo que o Henri e os seus colegas deixaram o dispensário, estimo que eles vão chegar até este ponto
It had to have been physically planted on my drive, but that would have taken hours. And my computer's not been out of my sight for...
Tinha de ser fisicamente colocado no meu HD, mas isso ia demorar horas, e o meu computador não ficou fora de minha vista por...
He's former military and he's only a few hours away in Kansas at- -
Ele é um ex fuzileiro e está a algumas horas de distância - no Kansas, na...
Just the thing that Kate Kolfax has been using for the last three hours to try to decode the e-mails between Vivian Prince and The American.
É exactamente o que a Kate Kolfax está a usar nas últimas três horas para descodificar os e-mail's entre a Vivian Prince e o Americano.
And cord swelling tends to peak 24 to 48 hours after a trauma.
O inchaço chega ao máximo entre as 24 e as 48 horas após o trauma.
I waited for Quinn and kept calling for at least a couple hours, and that is when Boyle returned.
Esperei pelo Quinn e estive a ligar durante duas horas, e foi quando o Boyle voltou.
So, pre-party on and we'll head over to Carter's popup in a few hours.
Então, pré-festa e vamos direto para a da Carter em algumas horas.
And, uh, you are scheduled to leave from the White House lawn in two hours.
E, está previsto sair do relvado da Casa Branca daqui a duas horas.
All with hundreds of hours of paratroop training and experience.
Todos com centenas de horas de treino e experiência de pára-quedistas.
Yeah, I mean, the whole thing, it was the pain, the sweating, the itching, countless hours just laying in bed staring at the ceiling and just thinking that the world was gonna end, and I don't think that I could've gotten through
Sim, a coisa toda, eram as dores, os suores, a comichão, as horas sem fim deitado na cama, a olhar para o teto, a pensar que o mundo ia acabar e acho que não teria aguentado
And then a few hours later, after his morning prayer... he is going to torture her to death.
E depois, algumas horas mais tarde, depois da oração matinal dele, vai torturá-la até à morte.
Yeah, right around the corner, and they got a happy hour for another two hours, and they got craft beers- - do you like craft beers?
- É ali na esquina, e há "happy hour" de duas horas, tem cervejas artesanais, gostas?
Can you tell us where you were between the hours of 12 : 00 midnight and 2 : 00 a.m.?
Pode dizer-nos onde esteve entre as 0h e as 02h?
I've been pouring through the man's life for hours now, trying to find someone he would plausibly approach for such a task, and I have nothing to show for it.
Há horas que analiso a vida do homem, tentando perceber quem abordaria para tal tarefa, e nada tenho.
It's been about eight hours since we've seen them last, and this is the point we last had them.
Foi cerca de oito horas desde que os vi passado, E este é o ponto que última tinha-lhes.
Ah, yeah, there's been one around. About three hours ago, but a few people have turned up on the beach and we haven't seen it since.
Havia uma há cerca de 3 horas, há poucas pessoas na praia não a vimos desde então.
Container ships plough through these waters 24 hours a day, heading in and out of Los Angeles.
Navios cargueiros cruzam estas águas 24 horas por dia chegando e partindo de Los Angeles.
And before you went rummaging through Steven Avery's bedroom, once, twice, three times, whatever it was, for hours, would it have been fairer to Steven Avery if someone other than a person who had been deposed in his lawsuit
E antes de andar a mexer nas coisas do quarto de Steven Avery, uma, duas, três vezes, quantas tiverem sido, durante horas, não seria mais justo para o Steven Avery que outra pessoa, não envolvida no processo dele,
And that would include after hours, on weekends or in the evenings, right?
E podia ser fora de horas, fins de semana, noites, certo?
It's under oath and it's a difference of four and a half or five hours.
Estava sob juramento e há uma diferença de quatro horas e meia a cinco.
Just how many hours or days it'll take the jury to weigh all the testimony and evidence in the case is anyone's guess.
Quantas horas ou dias vão demorar a pensar nos testemunhos e nas provas, ninguém sabe.
News that that juror had been dismissed came after the jury had been deliberating for four and a half hours yesterday.
Soube-se que tinha sido dispensado, depois de quarto horas e meia de deliberação.
The jury has reached a verdict after about 20-plus hours of deliberation and that verdict will be read at 5 : 30 this evening.
O júri tem um veredito, depois de mais de 20 horas de deliberações e o veredito será lido às 17h30, esta tarde.
I deliberated for four hours with the jury and had to leave because of a medical emergency.
Deliberei com os jurados durante quatro horas... JURADO DISPENSADO... tive de sair devido a uma emergência médica.
Krystal needs to do a test dive during daylight hours so she knows the exact distance she can get from Yoram and still maintain a clear image once darkness falls.
Krystle precisa de fazer um mergulho de teste durante o dia para saber a distância exata que pode manter de Yoram e ainda assim obter uma imagem nítida ao anoitecer.
We've been out in the park since six o'clock this morning and there's a couple hours of daylight left.
Estamos no parque desde as seis da manhã, e daqui a duas horas vai começar a escurecer.
Every two hours, and I need to eat something first.
A cada duas horas, e preciso de comer algo antes.
You're three-and-a-half hours late.
Estão três horas e meia atrasadas.
The hours finally passed, and the group boarded the next train to our destination.
As horas lá passaram e o grupo embarcou no comboio seguinte para o nosso destino.
But just for a couple hours, and then... back at it, first thing in the morning.
Mas só umas horas, e depois voltamos a isto logo de manhã.
Arabella in the womb. And Patrick. Thirty-nine hours on Earth.
A Arabella ainda no meu ventre e o Patrick, 39 horas depois de ter nascido.
We're a little bit more than 48 hours away from the showdown in Las Vegas between Vinny Pazienza and Roberto Duran.
Estamos a pouco mais de 48 horas do combate entre Vinny Pazienza e Roberto Durán.
And, um... I sat there for hours, and it got really cold, and then, this old Buick pulls up and this tall skinny guy gets out.
E fiquei ali sentada horas e horas, enregelada, até que um velho Buick encostou e um gajo alto e magro saiu do carro.
Once Hilliard gets his hands on you, he won't let you go for hours, and I was rather hoping to do that myself.
É só o Hilliard ver você que não te largará por horas e sou eu quem pretende fazer isso.
And we should have been there three fucking hours ago, so let's go, bitches!
Devíamos ter chegado há três horas. Vamos lá, suas galdérias.
So BP company men Vidrine and Kaluza are hoping that we have tamed this bitch and are ready to displace drilling mud at 1800 hours is that correct, Captain?
Vidrine e Kaluza, BP esperam que domestiquem esta Besta... E prepararem para remover a lama às 18 : 00. Certo, capitão!
andromeda 21
and you 7643
ando 91
andrews 141
andiamo 19
anderson 358
android 81
anders 163
and now 4728
andersen 24
and you 7643
ando 91
andrews 141
andiamo 19
anderson 358
android 81
anders 163
and now 4728
andersen 24
and i 3645
and then i met you 29
andie 143
and you know it 1023
and just like that 171
and i will 353
and i'm proud of you 44
and i'm grateful 35
and you know 574
and i said yes 53
and then i met you 29
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and you know it 1023
and just like that 171
and i will 353
and i'm proud of you 44
and i'm grateful 35
and you know 574
and i said yes 53