I thought so traduction Portugais
7,375 traduction parallèle
Yeah, I thought so too.
Pois, também pensava isso.
At least I thought so, but that was a lie.
Pelo menos, era o que eu pensava. Mas era uma mentira.
I wouldn't have thought so 30 seconds ago.
- Há 30 segundos achava que não!
But I have kind of put a lot of thought and time into this, so I'd like to savor the moment a little bit before I slice you open, okay?
Mas gastei muitos planos e tempo nisto tudo, para aproveitar casa pequeno momento antes de eu te cortar, sim?
I considered doing something. I was so jealous, and even now, the thought of what a life without you might portend frightens me.
Estava com ciúmes, e até agora, o pensamento de como seria uma vida sem ti, assusta-me.
He was so afraid that I would fall off and get hurt, and I thought he was just being silly, because that's how I always was, so angry.
Ele tinha medo que caísse e me magoasse. E eu pensava que ele estava a ser tolo, porque era sempre assim, irritado.
I guess he thought that Vincent was more right for the job, so...
Suponho que pensou que o Vincent era o mais certo para o trabalho, por isso...
Although I thought the last four places we looked at were great, so...
Embora eu ache que os últimos quatro locais que vimos eram magníficos, então...
Well, that might explain why Bob and Carol thought I was so valuable to whoever's behind it all, right?
Bem, isso explica porque é que o Bob e a Carol pensavam que eu seria assim tão importante - para quem está por detrás disto, não?
He's really busy, so I thought I'd ask the boss.
Está muito ocupado. Lembrei-me de perguntar ao chefe.
Said it was 18th-century Britannia silver, so I thought you might be able to authenticate it.
Disse que era prata "Britannia", do século 18, então, pensei que poderia autenticá-la.
I wasn't sure if his unique circumstance was the thing that might be causing any of this, so I thought if anybody understood, it was you.
Não sabia se o estado de saúde particular dele era aquilo que poderia estar a causar tudo isto. Pensei que, se alguém fosse entender, seria você.
I thought you of all people would understand that, living with one of them under your own roof for so many years.
Pensava que tu, entre todas as pessoas, entendias isso, ao viver com uma delas debaixo do teu telhado durante tantos anos.
I thought he was in bed. So did I.
- Pensei que estivesse a dormir.
Oh, I thought it would be so different without Betsy. But Dr Samuels seems to only have eyes for Harriet now.
Achei que seria tão diferente sem a Betsy, mas o Dr. Samuels parece só ver a Harriet agora.
In any case, I could afford to help him, so I gave him a pot of money and I thought that'd be the end of it.
Como podia ajudá-lo, dei-lhe um pote com dinheiro e achei que ficaria resolvido.
Ladies and gentlemen, this beautiful, talented young woman was just telling me how much she likes my earlier stuff, so I thought, let's give her something, all right?
Senhoras e senhores, essa bela e talentosa jovem disse-me que gosta dos meus primeiros temas. Vamos tocar para ela.
So... people thought I was a lesbian.
Então, as pessoas achavam que eu era lésbica.
So, like, I'm trying to keep that thought in my mind as I'm looking at my husband who is, like, hunched over in pain, moaning, groaning, crying a little bit.
Portanto, estou a tentar ter isso em mente enquanto olho para o meu marido, que está dobrado com dores, a gemer, a suspirar e até a chorar um pouquinho.
She had to cry a lot, so I thought she did good.
Teve de chorar imenso e eu achei-a ótima.
So I put all kind of chili sauce in my pho, and the lady that worked there, she would get mad at me'cause she thought I was just playing around and wasting all her sauce.
Então, eu fazia isso e a mulher que trabalhava lá ficava zangada comigo porque achava que estava no gozo e a gastar o molho picante dela.
The storybook has me written as a villain, and villains always lose, so... He thought you might have a clue as to who the author is so I can make him change that.
O livro escreveu-me como vilã e os vilões perdem sempre, por isso... ele pensava que pudesses ter uma pista sobre quem é o autor para o obrigar a mudar isso.
That's what I thought, too, so I had CSU do one last sweep of her car, looking for any fingerprint or DNA evidence.
Pensei isso, então, pedi à Análise Forense que procurasse no carro dela, pela última vez, alguma impressão digital ou evidência de DNA.
Yeah, I figured that when you didn't show up for work this morning, so I thought I'd lend a hand.
Imaginei quando não apareceu no trabalho. Então, pensei em ajudar.
That was last year, so we thought, yeah, I know, we thought you could all come to ours this year...
Isso foi o ano passado, por isso pensámos... Sim, eu sei. Pensámos que podiam vir este ano a nossa casa.
Well, his dad didn't know about the allegations, so I thought under the circumstances...
O pai dele não sabia dessas alegações, por isso, devido às circunstâncias...
I always thought my parents bought a bar so that they could have a free place to drink.
Achava que os meus pais compraram um bar para poderem ter onde beber de graça.
So I thought that maybe we could find you a place nearby and they could stay with you half the time.
Pensei que te podíamos arranjar uma casa perto e eles podiam ficar contigo metade do tempo.
And when I came back, I thought, you know, he was gonna be so happy to see me, like- - like I pictured him all the time when I was away.
Como eu sempre visualizei, enquanto estava longe.
So I just thought because I liked him, I loved him.
Como gostava dele, pensava que o amava.
You know, he was so sensitive that the one time that I thought about cheating on him, he fuckin'must have been psychic or something.
Ele era de tal modo sensível que a única vez que pensei em traí-lo, ele adivinhou. Devia ter poderes psíquicos.
The doctors haven't been much help so I thought maybe getting him out of the city might be a good thing.
Os médicos não têm sido uma grande ajuda então, pensei que se o tirasse da cidade talvez lhe fizesse bem.
I never thought I'd miss the internet so much.
Nunca pensei que ia sentir tanta falta da Internet.
But since you and August spent so much time together, I thought seeing you would jog his memory.
Como tu e o August passaram tanto tempo juntos, pensei que ver-te podia refrescar-lhe a memória.
Your primary account is overdrawn, so I thought you might want to transfer some funds from your other account.
A sua conta está com saldo negativo. Achei que gostaria de transferir fundos da outra conta.
I couldn't get ahold of Alice, so I thought I would go to her place and, you know, just see if she would talk.
Não consegui falar com a ela, então, resolvi ir ao seu apart. e ver se ela queria falar.
Said you were looking into the story, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Disse que estava a investigar a história, por isso resolvi tentar.
All this time, I thought the reason you were always acting so weird around me was because of me.
Todo este tempo, pensei que te comportavas de modo estranho por minha causa.
Yeah, I thought it might also be useful for you to know that the University of Southern Maine also has, um, solid research facilities- - not like UCLA, but solid- - so it might be good for Ralph.
Pensei que seria bom saberes que a Universidade de Southern Maine também tem bons laboratórios de pesquisa, não como os da UCLA, mas bons e porreiros para o Ralph.
It was vacant, so I thought :
Estava disponível e pensei :
I thought I knew you, so you want to give me a hard time.
Pensava que te conhecia, por isso estás a dificultar as coisas.
Oh, I thought you might like a rest, so I put a nice big sofa-bed down there.
Pensei que gostarias de um descanso, então coloquei um grande sofá-cama ali.
Sorry. I just got so used to cooking for Josh, I thought he was talking to me.
Desculpe, tenho cozinhado por aqui, achei que era comigo.
I thought so too until I looked at the other targets.
Pensei também assim, até ver os outros alvos, pessoas com dívidas, apostadores compulsivos,
You fucking married him, and I thought, "Okay, so... I was wrong."
Casaste com ele, e eu pensei : "Muito bem estava enganado".
I thought our daughter would be married here, but in the end, she wanted a destination wedding, so we all traipsed off to Provence, which, of course, is exactly like here, only more expensive.
A nossa filha podia casar aqui mas preferiu casar no estrangeiro. Fomos todos para a Provença, que é exatamente como aqui, mas mais caro.
I spent the last six weeks doing everything I promised so that we could be together, which is what I thought you wanted too.
Nas últimas seis semanas fiz tudo o que prometi para ficarmos juntos, pensando que querias o mesmo.
I just thought since you're here and you seem kind of bored and we get along so well...
Achei que como está cá, parece algo aborrecida e nos damos tão bem...
Now, I met him, and he said he was married, and I was married, so I thought, " Well, good.
Conheci-o e ele disse que era casado e eu era casada, por isso pensei : " Bem, ótimo.
I mean, all these years, we thought Thomas Hodges burned Silas's land, but apparently, arson isn't interesting enough for Solloway, so he turned our grandfather into a baby-killer.
Estes anos todos, achámos que o Thomas Hodges queimou a terra do Silas. Fogo posto não é interessante que chegue, então, transformou o avô num assassino de bebés.
I... look, I-I never thought I'd meet a producer in Hollywood who understood my work so well.
Nunca pensei conhecer um produtor em Hollywood que entendesse a minha obra.
i thought so too 90
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought 2845
i thought you loved me 27
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought i was going to die 44
i thought you were mad at me 17
i thought 2845
i thought you loved me 27
i thought you were sleeping 18
i thought you'd never ask 124
i thought you were my friend 71
i thought i did 154
i thought you were 177
i thought i was going to die 44