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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I told

I told traduction Portugais

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- I told them girls to stay... - What? Hunkered down in the hotel room, but...
Disse-lhes para ficarem no hotel, mas...
I told you. He bolted.
Já te disse, bazou.
To build rapport and earn his trust, I, uh, I told him certain things about me.
Para criar uma relação e ganhar a sua confiança, eu contei-lhe algumas coisas sobre mim.
I told you, I'm not going back.
Eu disse-lhe que não ia voltar.
I told her what we do to rats where I come from. Bitch shut up after that.
Eu disse-lhe o que fazemos aos bufos na minha terra.
I told her I was hungry!
Eu disse-lhe que tinha fome!
I told you everything I knew.
Eu disse-te tudo o que eu sabia.
What if I told you that's a lie?
E se eu disser que é mentira?
What if I told you every memory you have of mental illness... the voices, hallucination...
Se eu disser que as memórias de doença mental... As vozes, alucinações... Eram apenas o teu poder?
- I do. I told you.
Eu contei-lhe.
I told you not to.
Disse para não se mexer.
And I told my dad, and he said... at first he said, "They talk to me, too," but he meant it like a... metaphor.
Contei ao meu pai, e ele disse, primeiro disse, "elas também falam comigo", mas ele quis dizer como uma metáfora.
- I told you. David.
- Eu disse-te, David.
I told him... before, not now... but they took her.
Eu disse, antes, não agora. Eles levaram-na.
I don't... I don't know, I-I just thought... if I told you, it would... it would make things worse.
E achei que se te contasse,
I told you we need to replace this operating system.
Já disse que precisamos substituir este sistema.
I told you not to trust them, okay?
Eu disse para não confiares neles.
I told you I don't need any help!
Já lhe disse que não preciso de ajuda!
What if I told you... I ran away? To fight the bad guys.
E se eu te disser que fugi para lutar contra os maus?
I told you baby, that's not gonna happen, okay?
Já te disse que isso não vai acontecer, querida.
I told you, they would come after us.
Bem te disse que eles nos seguiriam.
I told you everything was gonna be fine!
Bem te disse que ia ficar tudo bem.
It's Larry. I told you my name is Larry.
- Já disse que me chamo Larry.
I told you to wait in the waiting room.
Mandei-te esperar na sala de espera.
What if I told you we had another chance to destroy the Baudelaires?
E se tivessemos outra hipótese para destruir os Baudelaire?
I told you a library would be good for morale.
Eu disse que uma biblioteca levantaria a moral.
I thought I told you I can't.
Não te disse que não podia?
I told you I'd tell you if they did.
Disse que te dizia se contactassem.
And so I told him I'd be back in a minute, I covered him with my jacket, and then I ran off.
E disse-lhe que já voltava, cobri-o com o meu casaco e fui embora.
Like I told you, all roads lead to the cartels. What do you got, Mae?
- Como eu disse, todos os caminhos levam aos cartéis.
I told you to have their supper on the table a half hour ago.
Há meia hora que o jantar devia estar na mesa!
I'm sorry I vexed you, but I'm glad I told her just what I did.
Lamento tê-la envergonhado, a si, mas estou feliz com o que eu disse.
I told you that brooch meant a great deal to me.
Disse-te que estimava muito aquele alfinete.
I appealed to your humanity, your decency, and you told me to go fuck myself.
Apelei à tua humanidade e decência. Tu disseste-me para me ir lixar.
Truth be told, I actually think he liked me.
Para dizer a verdade, acho que ele gosta de mim.
I never told you this,
Eu nunca te disse isto.
I'm cranky, and I don't take criticism well, and I don't like being told what to do.
Sou rabugento, não aceito bem as críticas e não gosto que me digam o que fazer.
When I was a kid and you told me to go to the police station, did you know it was me?
Quando era miúda e me disseste parar ir à esquadra da polícia... Sabias que era eu?
I've told you everything that I know.
- Eu já disse tudo o que sei.
I should've told you about the man - and being adopted...
Acerca do homem e de seres adoptado.
Then, I'm told I'm different.
Mas dizem-me que sou diferente.
They were possessed, and then... saved. Giles told me I could find Rev out here.
O Giles disse-me que o Padre estava por aqui.
I have a feeling there's lots of things they never told us about.
Sinto que há muita coisa que nunca nos contaram.
I'm going to tell you something I should've told you a long time ago.
Vou dizer-te uma coisa que devia ter dito há muito tempo.
I mean, think about what Sara Yee told us he whispered to her...
Pensem no que a Sara Yee disse que ele lhe sussurrou.
Why should I care? Because everyone I just told you about is a hostage inside that crisis right now.
Porque eles são todos reféns desta crise, agora.
I've told you things about my life I haven't even told my own family.
Contei-te coisas da minha vida que nem a minha família sabe.
I already told you, it's not gonna hurt him.
Já disse que não lhe fará mal.
Marilla Cuthbert, if you had told me that Matthew was meeting a... kangaroo from Australia, I couldn't be more surprised.
Se me dissesses que o Matthew ia buscar um canguru australiano, espantar-me-ia menos.
- Sugar? ... I would've told you, for mercy's sake, not to think of such a thing, that's what!
... eu ter-te-ia dito que não fizesses tal coisa!
- You were told not to touch it. - I'm sorry.
- Disse-te para não lhe mexeres.

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