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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I went to

I went to traduction Portugais

19,192 traduction parallèle
I went to that meeting.
Eu fui a esse encontro!
I went to see him whenever I could.
Não podia mais.
I went to Rennes.
Fui a Rennes.
I went to law school.
Andei em Direito.
When I went to take a look, she was running away and this gentleman's face was covered in blood
Quando eu fui ver ela fugia e o seu rosto estava coberto de sangue.
I went to use the toilet.
Fui ao quarto de banho.
Oh, I went to my buddy Will's place.
Fui a casa do meu amigo Will.
I went to my homecoming in that hat.
Fui ao baile de finalistas com ele.
So, I went to this grief group, thinking there might be men there who could commit,'cause, obviously, they'd committed before.
Por isso, fui para este grupo de luto a pensar que poderia haver lá homens capazes de assumir compromissos porque já estiveram comprometidos antes.
I went to Tahoe to tell you I love you.
Fui para Tahoe para dizer que te amo.
I went to Wharton. Wharton.
- Eu frequentei a Wharton.
After he was taken care of, I went to S.T.A.R. Labs, and that's when I found out a lot more had changed than I realized.
Depois de tratarem dele, fui ao Star Labs e descobri que tinha mudado muito mais do que imaginava.
I went to the army to change, and I haven't changed.
Fui para o exército para mudar, mas não mudei.
Do you remember when Tommy and I went to the U.S. Open and you tried to land a helicopter on the grounds because Tommy wanted to impress Maria Sharapova and then made dad blow that huge acquisitions deal?
Lembras-te quando o Tommy e eu fomos ao US Open, e tu tentaste pousar um helicóptero, porque o Tommy queria impressionar a Maria Sharapova, a fazer com que o pai perdesse aquela aquisição?
While you and anna were getting your thrash metal on Last night, I went to the boxing gym.
Enquanto tu e a Anna foram ao thrash metal ontem à noite, fui a academia de boxe.
I lived with her Until I was 12, And then I went to...
Vivi com ela até aos 12, e depois fui para...
There was one time in grad school where I went to a par- -
Uma vez, na escola...
I was about to go to Peru, so I went to the doctor.
Estava prestes a ir ao Peru, por isso fui ao médico.
I went to bed early.
Fui cedo para a cama.
I went to talk man-to-man.
Fui para falar de homem para homem.
I went to bed in Colorado once and woke up in Oregon.
Uma vez foi para a cama em Colorado e acordei em Oregon.
- I went to the park.
Fui ao parque.
I was forced, this charm me followed when I went to work... and has not abandoned me.
Vi-me obrigada, este encanto seguiu-me quando fui trabalhar e já não me abandonou.
One morning, when I went to look for her in school...
Wait, I still need to know where the money went.
Espera, ainda tenho de saber para onde foi o dinheiro.
I can't even remember if I went with you to the airport when you left for Canada.
Nem me recordo se te levei ao aeroporto quando foste para o Canadá.
But sir, I just went to use the washroom...
Mas senhor eu só fui ao quarto de banho. Senhor Sehgal.
I've already proved... that these girls went to RS Resort with the intent of extorting
Eu já provei neste tribunal que essas raparigas foram ao hotel com a intenção de extorquir.
So, I built this site to replicate the crime scene where the bomb went off.
Construi este modelo para recriar a cena do crime onde a bomba deflagrou.
Well, I hope you were planning on matching your carpet to your drapes,'cause I went ahead and saved you some time there as well.
Bem, espero que estivesses a planear em combinar o tapete com as cortinas, porque eu pensei nisso e poupei-te algum tempo lá também.
Hey, I went out of my way to help you meet guys, and you were nothing but ungrateful.
- Ei! Eu ajudei-te a conhecer homens, e tu foste ingrata.
These guys are bright, 18 to 25- - because young people are driven to prove themselves- - and- - if I had to guess- - Eastern European, because instead of focusing on our monetary system or electrical grid, they went after our military.
Estes tipos são brilhantes, têm de 18 a 25 anos, porque jovens querem auto afirmar-se, e, se tivesse de adivinhar, europeus orientais, porque, em vez de se focarem no nosso sistema monetário ou rede eléctrica, foram atrás do nosso Exército.
If I wanted to be judged, I would have actually went to court this morning.
Se eu quisesse ser julgado, teria ido ao tribunal de manhã.
Well, Jefferson and I went over the ship top to bottom.
O Jefferson e eu passamos a nave de uma ponta à outra.
I went back in time to change the timeline.
Eu voltei atrás do Tempo para mudar a Linha Temporal.
I went where I needed to go, I did what I needed to do, and I'm ready.
Fui aonde precisava de ir, fiz o que precisava de fazer, estou pronto.
I actually went to visit my mother.
- Fui visitar a minha mãe.
Uh, would it be okay if I talked to him before you went in?
Não há problema se falar com ele antes de entrares?
Yeah, I came to have you sign this before City Council went in to mutiny, but that can totally wait.
- Eu... Trouxe isto para assinar antes da reunião, mas, de certeza que pode esperar.
But traumatic events have a way of doing funny things to the memory, and if you think what you went through is not traumatic, again, I say mirror.
E não acha que passaste por uma coisa traumática, volto a falar do espelho.
You went to a meeting. I--I...
Foste a uma reunião.
And while you were cowering in the panic room, I went and got this file to make sure you weren't lying.
E enquanto te escondias na sala de pânico, fui atrás deste ficheiro para garantir que não mentias.
So you'd be fine if I went back to acting and waiting tables again?
Então não te importavas que fosse atriz e empregada de mesa outra vez?
I thought you went to go visit Adam this morning.
Pensava que tinhas ido visitar o Adam esta manhã.
I almost went to jail for it.
Quase fui preso por causa disso.
If our perp went to this much trouble to abduct Addison, I hate to think what he's gonna do to her.
Se o criminoso fez tudo isto para apanhar a Addison, odeio pensar naquilo que lhe irá fazer.
I take it you learned something when you went to see your father.
Presumo que tenhas descoberto algo ao visitar o teu pai.
She invited me to a party, and I went, and we fell asleep in the grass.
Ela convidou-me para uma festa e eu fui, e adormecemos na relva.
I had to wait for the baby to miscarry, so I went...
Tinha de esperar pelo aborto, por isso fui...
I went to Peru.
Fui ao Peru.
When I got to school, I saw a woman... that discussed others, seemed very agitated... So I went over and introduced myself.
Quando cheguei à escola, vi uma mulher que discutia com outras, parecia muito agitada por isso aproximei-me e apresentei-me.

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