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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ I ] / I went to him

I went to him traduction Portugais

1,443 traduction parallèle
- I went out to the desert and I killed him.
Fui ao deserto e matei-o.
I went to go see him,
Fui vê-lo.
- I went to meet him, he didn't show.
- Fui ter com ele e ele não apareceu.
I went to Hans'flat above the antique shop... just to check up on him because he was so...
Fui ao apartamento do Hans por cima do antiquário, ver como estava, achei-o tão...
I went and talked to him.
Eu fui e conversei com ele.
I went out to turn off my sprinklers and I seen him come up the road.
Eu saí pra desligar os sprinklers de irrigação e eu o vi subindo a rua.
- Just before I saw him, he went to the bathroom. Thank you. Sorry, eh.
Ela ligou ontem, mas desliguei o telemóvel e fiquei sem saber.
Today I went to see him.
Hoje fui vê-lo.
So I went over to that guy's place, and I once studied rockets with him
Por isso fomos para a casa daquele tipo, e eu acabei por estudar foguetões com ele
My plan was just to drop him off at the buffet while I went back to the sports book.
O meu plano era deixá-lo no buffet e depois ir lá buscá-lo.
I went to see him last night.
Fui vê-lo ontem à noite.
The ring was in my purse, I figured he must have taken it, so I went to find him.
O anel estava na minha bolsa, Eu pensei que ele o tivesse tirado, por isso fui procurá-lo.
No. After I went back inside, I looked through the peephole and saw him go to the elevator.
- Não, depois de voltar para dentro, espreitei pelo olho na porta e vi-o a ir para o elevador.
I just went there to play him again.
Apenas fui lá para jogar com ele outra vez.
Tell him I went to Atlanta.
Diz-lhe que fui para Atlanta.
Elliott had told me that if I went with him... that I wouldn't be able to see my mother anymore... that I couldn't even call her.
O Elliott disse-me que se eu fosse com ele, nunca poderia voltar a ver a minha mãe. Nem lhe poderia ligar.
Now if and it, it happened... that they forgive him... so he didn't have to do to hisself what he wouldn't let be done to him... well then, I guard, that man might think... setting forth afterwards... with whatever fucking loudmouth went along with him...
Agora, se acontecer... que eles o perdoem, de forma que não necessite de fazer a si o que não quer que lhe façam, bem, julgo que pensaria, ao ir-se embora depois, com qualquer desbocado que fosse com ele,
Last week when Mike and I went to the park, searching for Zach I sort of found him.
Na semana passada, quando fui com o Mike ao parque à procura do Zach. Acho que o encontrei.
And I went up to him afterward and introduced myself, told him I agreed with his stance on the death penalty.
E fui até ele depois disso, e apresentei-me. E disse a ele que concordava com a sua posição sobre a pena de morte.
I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went and forgot him.
Tenho que dizer à mãe que ele morreu. Já se esqueceu dele de novo!
- Would you mind if I went to get him?
- Posso ir chamá-lo?
The fact that he went after this girl purely out of spite, - I may never speak to him again.
Se ele foi com ela só por despeito, nunca mais lhe falo.
- Good. - One day, a couple of kids, they were messing around in his shop, and they chucked bleach in his eyes and they blinded him. I went to visit him in the hospital.
Um dia, alguns miúdos, andavam na galhofa na loja dele e esguicharam-lhe lixívia para os olhos e cegaram-no.
I went to find him.
Fui à procura dele.
I could just say his father died, and I went over to comfort him... with tequila, which we drank all night long, alone.
Digo que o pai dele morreu, e que fui lá para o consolar... com tequila, que bebemos toda a noite, sozinhos.
And then I went to his house, unannounced, and went off on him in his driveway.
E eu fui a casa dele e confrontei-o à porta.
I went in to see him today.
Fui vê-lo hoje.
I wanted him to take me seriously when I went to try and get Scott his job back, so I wore the suit my public defender bought me.
Eu queria ser levado a sério quando fui tentar recuperar o emprego do Scott, por isso vesti o fato que o meu advogado me comprou.
I went to look for him in the one place I didn't want to find him.
Fui procurar ao único sítio onde não o queria encontrar.
Now, when he didn't, uh, follow up for several months, I went to see him.
Como ele não disse mais nada durante meses... fui visitá-lo.
Stable. So it's his fault that I went bankrupt and nearly went to jail and you married Caleb Nichol only to watch him drown in a pool and Trey got shot?
É culpa dele que eu fui à bancarrota e quase para a prisão que tu casaste com o Caleb Nichol para o ver afogar-se na piscina e que o Trey foi alvejado?
It's for the time that I went to the bathroom after him and it was really, really smelly.
É da vez que fui a seguir a ele à casa de banho e cheirava mesmo muito mal.
I went by to see him this morning... and he told me he didn't want me to visit anymore.
Fui vê-lo esta manhã... e disse-me que não queria que eu voltasse a visitá-lo.
I went down to the gym to talk to Casey, and he said that the only way he'd pass you is if I'd go out on a date with him.
Fui ao ginásio falar com o Casey, e ele disse que a única maneira de te passar é se eu sair com ele.
When he didn't show up, I went to look for him.
Foi quando você me ligou.
I just went there to talk to him.
Só lá fui para falar com ele.
Before Billy, I used to love to lie down with Cody or just watch movies with him before he went to bed.
Antes do Billy, costumava adorar deitar-me com o Cody ou ver filmes com ele antes de ir para a cama.
I went to the bathroom and I warned him / her.
Fui à casa de banho e disse-lhe.
He played guitar and I ran away from home and went to San Francisco so I could go live with him.
Ele tocava guitarra. Eu fugi de casa... e fui para São Francisco morar com ele.
I wanted to bet him 200 cognac cherries, they were a rarity then, all went for export.
Queria apostar com ele 200 conhaques de cereja,... que eram uma raridade na época, pois todos iam para exportar.
I think went badly dismissed and he / she said him / it to Roy.
Acho que foste mal despedido e disse-o ao Roy.
We got to fighting, I got to pistol whipping him and it went off.
Andamos á porrada... Eu tentei tirar-lhe a pistola e ela disparou.
I never do it, but I went up to him.
Nunca o fizera, mas aproximei-me dele.
I went to Thenault about him.
Tudo no seu ficheiro foi inventado.
Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo.
Liga ao meu marido e diz para ir jantar comigo ao sítio onde fomos com o Massimo.
I, uh, went to go look for him in his... during his office hours... and, um, he's never been late before.
- Sim, fui procurá-lo ao seu... durante a sua hora de expediente... e, ele nunca se atrasou antes.
I went to see him at his mother's. He's a bit better.
" Acabo de o ver em casa da mãe e está um pouco melhor.
I went into the captain's cabin, and I remember saying to him that...
Entrei na cabine do Capitão, e recordo-me de ter dito a ele que...
I took him to the grocery store, and we were shopping. And he was right there in the cart. And I went back to get an onion'cause I forgot the onion, and I just...
Nós estávamos na mercearia, e estávamos a fazer compras, ele estava lá num canto e eu voltei atrás para ir buscar cebolas porque tinha-me esquecido delas e eu...
If I went to your father, and warned him against the mine?
Se fosse ter com o seu pai, e o avisasse da mina?
I went with him to the big shop I started working with them
Eu fui com ele a uma grande loja e comecei a trabalhar com eles.

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