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You see that tub of type 2 diabetes over there with the ass in the front of his pants, looks like he was born to die on the toilet?
Vês aquela banheira ali, com diabetes tipo 2, com um traseiro enorme, de quem irá morrer na retrete?
Looks like you're walking, Holmes.
Parece que tens de ir a pé, Holmes.
Looks like an assassination attempt anyhow.
Parece uma tentativa de assassinato, seja como for.
Ahh! Looks like I'm just in time for the fun.
- Cheguei a tempo da diversão.
I had a meeting with the bursar's office this morning, and in light of everything that's happened, it looks like the D.M. Jamison athletic scholarship... is going to be discontinued.
Tive uma reunião com a tesouraria esta manhã e devido a tudo o que aconteceu, parece que a bolsa de estudo D.M. Jamison será cancelada.
But looks like we're in for a long, long night.
Mas... parece que vamos ter uma noite muito, muito longa.
Looks like Artemis was telling the truth.
Parece que Artemis estava a falar verdade.
Looks like an alarm system schematic.
Parece um esquema de sistema de alarme.
And because he looks like he could kill somebody with his bare hands.
E porque se parece com alguém, capaz de matar com as próprias mãos.
Looks like it's just us.
Parece que somos só nós.
My problem is it costs money to maintain my garden and lawn, all for naught when the yard next door looks like you're raising ticks.
O meu problema é que custa dinheiro manter o meu jardim e relvado, tudo em vão se... no quintal ao lado se estão a criar carraças.
Looks like some drawings...
Parece alguns desenhos.
She looks like an astronaut preparing to go to the moon.
Parece um astronauta que se prepara para ir à lua.
What's this... looks like sweetmeat?
O que é isso, parece doce.
Looks like he's had another child.
Parece que ele teve outro filho.
No-no-no... he looks like brother Badri... with big eyes.
Não, não, não ele parece o irmão Badri com grandes olhos.
Looks like foul play.
Parece um assassinato.
Looks like it.
Parece que sim.
No, I know what she looks like.
Não, eu sei como ela é.
Looks like lipstick put on wrong.
Parece'baton'posto à toa.
So, looks like we're ready for the off.
Assim, parece que estámos prontos para a saida.
Oh, looks like I'll be on Beatrix Potter duty tonight, young lady.
Oh, parece que esta noite vou estar de serviço na Beatrix Potter, senhorinha.
Well, it looks like we have a victim with a gunshot wound.
Parece que temos uma vítima com ferimento de bala.
And after I saw how trashed your lab was it looks like the bad guys knew about your research too. Oh...
E depois de ver como o teu laboratório estava destruído, parece que os maus também sabiam da tua pesquisa.
Looks like we should go talk to a real expert.
Parece que devíamos ir falar com um perito a sério.
That's what it looks like.
É o que parece.
So it looks like we're okay.
Portanto, parece que estamos bem.
Looks like.
Parece bem que sim.
As I told you on the phone, it looks like a stroke.
- Como lhe disse ao telefone, parece-nos que foi um AVC.
Now it looks like I'm not even gonna be around.
Agora parece que nem sequer vou estar por cá.
That is what true healing looks like.
Aquilo que é cura de verdade.
- That little one looks like trouble.
- O mais pequeno parece travesso.
Hm. Looks like I was the good luck charm that brought him home.
Parece que fui o amuleto da sorte que o trouxe para casa.
Looks like you needed a bigger boat.
Parece que precisava de um barco maior.
Looks like it melted.
Parece que derreteu.
- Your face looks like my asshole!
- A tua cara parece o meu cu!
Looks like I have a C-section scar.
Isto parece a cicatriz de uma cesariana.
And now when it looks like he'll succeed, you're prepared to just give up.
E agora quando parece que ele vai ter sucesso, está preparado para desistir.
Looks like they hired a private company to keep people out.
Parece que contrataram uma empresa - para manter as pessoas longe.
A tiny drone that looks like a bee.
Um pequeno drone que parece uma abelha.
Looks like I'll be ♪ VotingForMellie after all. "
Parece que afinal de contas vou "# votarpelamellie".
And it looks like they did...
E parece que o fizeram...
Well, looks like family let you down tonight.
Bem, parece que a família deixou-te mal hoje à noite.
Looks like the White House briefing was an emergency meeting.
Parece que a reunião na Casa Branca foi uma reunião de emergência.
Looks like she's not the only one.
Parece que ela não é a única.
I think I can remember what she looks like...
Acho que consigo lembrar-me como ela é...
It looks like her, curled up as a piece of shit.
Parece-se com ela, enrolada como um pedaço de merda.
If I see SWAT, choppers, a coyote I don't like the looks of...
Se eu ver a SWAT, helicópteros, um coiote cuja cara não me agrade...
For instance, when one of the other kids at the pool looks at you like that, it means he wants you to kick him in his bathing-suit area.
Por exemplo, quando um puto na piscina olha para ti assim, significa que ele quer dar-te um chuto no traseiro.
He looks just like a monkey.
Parece um macaco.
I like the way she looks.
Gosto do aspeto dela.
looks like you 19
looks like fun 19
looks like blood 19
looks like rain 22
looks like it's just you and me 28
looks like it 369
looks like you were right 19
looks like mr 28
looks like a 44
like 39801
looks like fun 19
looks like blood 19
looks like rain 22
looks like it's just you and me 28
looks like it 369
looks like you were right 19
looks like mr 28
looks like a 44
like 39801
likely 68
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
likewise 551
like a bird 44
like a 442
liked 74
likes 62
like my father 47
like a virgin 32
like you mean it 28
like a dream 34
likewise 551
like a bird 44
like a 442
like me 894
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like your brother 20
like a baby 70
like a princess 21
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like an angel 29
like i said 2538
like i told you 172
like you told me 16
like a cat 27
like always 190
like you 1448
like us 230
like hell 158
like i care 29
like you said 759
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112
like always 190
like you 1448
like us 230
like hell 158
like i care 29
like you said 759
like yours 81
like it or not 353
like father 112