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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ M ] / Maybe we should go

Maybe we should go traduction Portugais

711 traduction parallèle
Maybe we should go up.
Talvez devêssemos subir.
Maybe we should go for a ride, honey.
Devemos ir, querida.
We'll be in the car, maybe we should go.
Nós estaremos no carro, talvez nós devemos ir.
Maybe we should go, we're intruding.
Parece-me que estamos a incomodar.
Maybe we should go out and get a snack.
Talvez devêssemos ir comer um "snack".
Maybe we should go ask some others.
Talvez devêssemos perguntar aos outros.
Maybe we should go a little easier on the spending.
Devíamos ter mais cuidado com os nossos gastos.
Maybe we should go out there and give O'Hanlan some help.
Devíamos ir até lá e ajudar o O'Hanlan.
If all those people think they're right maybe we should go with them!
Se toda aquela gente acha que tem razão talvez devamos ir com eles!
Maybe we should go back to the van and try to get back into town.
Talvez devemos voltar até onde deixamos a carrinha e tentar voltar para a cidade.
David, maybe we should go further.
- Devíamos ir mais longe.
Maybe we should go deeper still.
- Devíamos ainda ir mais fundo.
Maybe we should go out together... you and I, sometime?
Talvez devêssemos sair juntos... tu e eu?
But just in case, maybe we should go in the house and bar the door for a while : All right?
Mas pelo sim, pelo não é melhor entrarmos e barrarmos a porta.
Maybe we should go find him :
- Talvez o devessemos procurar.
Maybe we should go back.
Talvez devêssemos voltar.
- I think maybe we should go.
- Acho melhor irmos.
Maybe we should go double or nothing sometime. Sit down!
Para a próxima jogamos ao tudo ou nada.
Uh... maybe we should go in now.
Talvez fosse melhor entrarmos.
Maybe we should go and we CAN help him.
Loomis, és o único que me pode ajudar.
Maybe we should go back to the living room and start over again.
Talvez devêssemos voltar para a sala e recomeçar.
Maybe we should go have a look.
Deviamos ir ver.
Maybe we should go out and find some...
Se calhar devíamos ir procurar alguns...
Maybe we should go to Morty's.
É melhor irmos ao Morty.
Joe, maybe we should go and keep him company.
Joe, talvez devêssemos fazer-lhe companhia?
- Maybe we should go.
- É melhor irmos.
Well, maybe we should go and find out who this nice guy is.
Bem, talvez devêssemos descobrir quem é o rapaz simpático.
Maybe we should go take a look in the basement.
Talvez devamos ir dar uma olhadela na cave.
Maybe we should go back.
É melhor desistirmos.
Maybe we should go look for your mom.
Talvez seja melhor irmos ver a tua mãe.
Maybe we should go inside.
- Talvez devêssemos entrar.
Maybe we should go now.
Talvez devêssemos ir.
Maybe we should go bowling.
Devíamos ir jogar bowling.
- Maybe we should go to the Head.
Talvez devêssemos ir ao director e dizer-Ihe que não podemos fazer isto.
I think that maybe we should go back to your place tonight.
Acho que seria melhor irmos até tua casa, esta noite.
Paul, maybe we should go...
Paul, talvez devêssemos ir...
Well, maybe we should go over the turns again?
Bem, talvez devêssemos estudar as curvas novamente?
Maybe we should go forward again.
Talvez, devêssemos ir para a frente novamente.
- Maybe we should go now.
Está na hora de irmos.
- Maybe we should go to the hotel.
- Devíamos ir para o hotel.
- Maybe we should go to Hawaii.
- Talvez devamos ir para o Havaí.
Maybe we should just go tell the sheriff.
Talvez devêssemos dizer ao xerife.
Peter, maybe we should, maybe we should both go back to New York.
Peter, deveríamos, deveríamos voltar... para Nova York por um tempo.
I should have just stuck to being an agent. Maybe if we tell him we'll do anything he wants, promise not to tell on him. Maybe, then he'll let us go.
Talvez se lhe dissermos que faremos o que ele quiser, se prometermos que não o denunciamos...
- So maybe we should just go and hide. - What are you doing?
- Devíamos ir esconder-nos!
- Maybe we should forget this, go home.
- Talvez devessemos esquecer isto, vai para casa.
Maybe we should all go.
Talvez devêssemos ir todos.
- Maybe we should go- -
- Talvez devêssemos ir...
Maybe we should let the children go away.
Talvez devessemos deixar as crianças irem embora.
Maybe we should just go back.
Talvez devêssemos voltar atrás. Atrás?
Maybe we should go ahead and have kids.
Talvez devêssemos ter filhos.

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