Maybe we can help traduction Portugais
291 traduction parallèle
Well, maybe we can help you talk a bit better, and you can tell me more about it then, right?
Talvez possamos ajudar-te a falar um pouco melhor, e podes contar-me mais sobre o assunto depois.
Maybe we can help you.
Talvez te possamos ajudar.
Okay. Hey, maybe we can help.
Talvez nós podemos ajudar.
Maybe we can help you.
Talvez possamos ajudar-te.
You needn't be happy about what I did, but maybe we can help each other now.
Não gostas do que fiz, mas agora podemos ajudar-nos.
I mean, maybe we can help you.
Talvez possamos ajudá-la.
Maybe we can help.
Talvez possamos ajudar.
Tell us who this Sato guy is and maybe we can help you.
Diga-nos quem é esse tal Sato e talvez possamos dar uma ajuda.
Wait here. Maybe we can help you.
Espera, talvez te ajude.
- Maybe we can help him out.
- Talvez possamos lhes ajudar.
- Maybe we can help each other.
Talvez possamos fazer favores mútuos.
Maybe we can help you find it.
Talvez consigamos ajuda-lo a encontrar.
Maybe we can help you find another source of energy.
Talvez vos possamos ajudar a encontrar outra fonte de energia.
Maybe we can help him figure it out.
Talvez podemos descobrir qual é todos juntos.
Maybe we can help you find Starling and your ship and get us back to where we belong.
Talvez possamos ajudar você a achar Starling e sua nave e nos levar de volta ao lugar que pertencemos.
Maybe we can help each other get through this.
Talvez possamos ajudar um ao outro a passarmos por isso.
Maybe we can help you adjust your sensors.
Possivelmente possamos lhe ajudar a ajustar seu sensores.
Maybe we can help you with that power core.
Talvez nós possamos ajudar você com esse centro força.
Okay, maybe we can help each other out here.
Okay, talvez nós nos consigamos ajudar uma à outra.
Maybe we can help each other out.
Talvez possamos ajudar-nos mutuamente.
- I don't know. Well, maybe we can help you find out.
Talvez possamos ajudar-te a descobrir.
Maybe we can help each other.
Talvez poderíamos nos ajudar mutuamente.
Maybe when we get to shore we can get some help, make her sail again.
Talvez quando alcançarmos terra possamos arranjar ajuda. Fazê-lo voltar a navegar.
Industry's opening up and if we can scrape together enough money with maybe your help, well, we can go.
Com indústrias a abrir. E, se juntarmos dinheiro suficiente... talvez, com a sua ajuda, possamos ir.
Maybe you can help him. We can't.
Talvez possa ajudar-te, nós não conseguimos.
If we can get him across the river, maybe we can get some help.
Se conseguirmos cruzá-lo para o outro lado do rio, possivelmente consigamos ajuda.
I can--I'll help you clean... and we can go out together... and maybe you could buy me some regular clothes.
Posso... Posso te ajudar a limpar... E podemos sair juntos...
Maybe we can help survivors.
Talvez possamos ajudar os sobreviventes.
If I can convince them that we have a chance, maybe we can do something to help :
Se os convencermos de que é a nossa oportunidade, poderemos ajudá-los.
Maybe it would help if we took the jewellery off. No. Can't.
Talvez fosse mais fácil se lhe tirássemos as jóias.
Maybe we can pick up a bunch of the guys who'll help.
Podemos arranjar uma série de tipos para ajudar.
Maybe we should go and we CAN help him.
Loomis, és o único que me pode ajudar.
( Deskey ) We love you, Mel, but... maybe you've already given us all the help we can handle.
Nós adoramos-te, Mel mas... talvez já deste toda a ajuda que poderias nos dar.
Maybe we should set up a date and I can help you hang it.
Talvez devêssemos marcar uma data e eu posso te ajudar a pendurar.
Course, we're a little early, so we can help him decorate, and maybe put out the food.
Claro, que chegamos mais cedo e vamos ajudá-lo na decoração, E talvez colocar a comida na mesa.
Now, if you help me, maybe we can, uh...
Se me ajudarem, talvez possamos navegar até à costa antes que exploda.
Well, maybe there's something we can do to help.
Possivelmente possamos fazer algo.
Maybe never. Nothing we can do to help.
Não podemos fazer nada.
If we communicate with them, maybe they can help us.
A Enterprise está perto. Se nos comunicarmos, poderiam nos ajudar.
Maybe you don't know where she is but we can help each other find her.
Talvez não saibas onde ela està, mas podemos ajudar-nos um ao outro a encontrà-la.
Maybe we can get that new superhero to help us find the guy this hair belongs to.
Talvez possamos pedir ao novo super herói para ajudar a encontrar o dono deste cabelo.
If we can keep him stable, maybe the next slide will take us someplace where we can get him help.
Se o conseguirmos manter estável, talvez o próximo deslize nos leve para algum lado onde o possamos ajudar.
Maybe we can get a little help from the alien vessel's data banks. Good idea.
Talvez possa nos ajudar o banco de dados da nave alienígena.
Maybe some alien race we've never even met before can help us.
Talvez alguma raça extraterrestre... de que nem sequer ouvimos falar antes nos possa ajudar.
Yeah, or... like when we're having a baby together and I'm in labor, you can maybe help me to the car instead of looking for magazines you want to flip through while you're at the hospital.
Sim, ou... quando vamos ter um bebé juntos e estou a dar à luz, podias ajudar-me a ir para o carro em vez de procurares revistas para ler enquanto estiveres à espera no hospital.
Maybe we can use him to help us navigate or something.
Talvez possamos usá-lo... para nos ajudar a navegar ou qualquer coisa assim.
We should be happy for his help. Maybe he can do your work, Simeon.
Talvez ele possa fazer o teu trabalho, Simeon.
Maybe not, but we can help shut these holograms down before anyone else gets hurt.
Pode ser que não, mas podemos ajudar a eliminar esses hologramas antes que alguém mais saia magoado.
Maybe we can find somebody else to help her.
Talvez possamos encontrar outra pessoa para a ajudar.
I mean, aside from the fact there's nothing in the Book that can help us, maybe we should just let bad enough alone.
Tirando o facto de não haver nada no Livro que nos possa ajudar, talvez devêssemos deixar isto como está.
Maybe we can get you some help.
Talvez consigamos ajudar-te.
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we can 78
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we could 91
maybe we should 174
maybe we don't 19
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we 41
maybe we do 42
maybe we can 78
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we could 91
maybe we should 174
maybe we don't 19
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we 41
maybe we do 42
maybe we'll get lucky 49
maybe we don't have to 20
maybe we should stop 17
maybe we should go back 18
maybe we should wait 20
maybe we should just 34
maybe we should take a break 21
maybe we are 18
maybe we missed something 20
maybe we should go 49
maybe we don't have to 20
maybe we should stop 17
maybe we should go back 18
maybe we should wait 20
maybe we should just 34
maybe we should take a break 21
maybe we are 18
maybe we missed something 20
maybe we should go 49
maybe we should just go 16
we can help each other 41
we can help 71
we can help you 138
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe next time 255
we can help each other 41
we can help 71
we can help you 138
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe not tomorrow 22
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maybe another time 111
maybe next week 45
maybe not today 46
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe someday 76
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maybe i am 188
maybe it won't 17
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maybe i don't 50
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maybe it's me 32