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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ M ] / Maybe we could

Maybe we could traduction Portugais

3,924 traduction parallèle
Do you think maybe we could get a drink later?
Acha que poderíamos sair para beber um copo mais tarde?
Maybe we could do it early?
Podemos ir mais cedo?
Maybe we could have a little anniversary party, and they could film it.
Talvez a gente consiga uma festa de comemoração e eles podiam filmar.
Let me go, I mean, hey, man, maybe we could work together, team up?
Deixa-me ir, quero dizer, ei, talvez pudéssemos trabalhar juntos, trabalho de equipa?
Now if we could just cut one of them... maybe we could possibly...
Se cortarmos um deles, talvez possamos...
Estava a pensar, talvez pudéssemos beber ou comer algo.
Yeah, about tonight, maybe we could- - Harrison, those are Daddy's things.
Sobre esta noite, talvez possamos... Harrison, essas coisas são do pai.
I was just wondering if you could take a look at what we've got. Maybe we could put our heads together, push this thing down the field, you know?
Só queria saber se podias dar uma olhadela no que temos, e talvez pudéssemos juntar ideias e descobrir alguma coisa.
Maybe we could reschedule?
Talvez possamos remarcar?
Maybe we could reschedule?
Tudo bem. - Talvez possamos remarcar?
Well, maybe we could invite him to the White House. - Oh. - You know, once he's back up on his...
Talvez possamos convidá-lo para a Casa Branca, quando voltar a ergue...
Maybe we could... visit once in a while.
Talvez pudéssemos... Visitar-nos uma a outra de vez em quando.
Listen, um, I've had such a good time talking to you these past few times that I was thinking maybe we could meet.
Ouve... passei um bom bocado a falar contigo destas últimas vezes, que... estava a pensar que nos podíamos encontrar.
If it weren't for the memory virus, maybe we could have saved him.
Se não fosse pelo vírus da memória, talvez tivéssemos conseguido salvá-lo.
Maybe we could use the imposter.
Talvez possamos usar a impostora.
I thought maybe we could go again.
Pensei em fazermos outra vez.
Or I could shoot in advance and maybe we could go to Honolulu again.
Ou podia gravar antecipadamente e talvez pudéssemos voltar a Honolulu.
If you're done, maybe we could focus on where you were this morning, specifically at 9 : 27 a.m.
Se já acabou, podemos concentrar-nos em onde estava esta manhã, especificamente às 9h27.
Maybe we could, you know, aim for middle-ground fun.
Podemos apontar para uma diversão moderada.
Damian, if maybe we could go through our time, maybe...
Damian, pensa no tempo que passámos...
And, uh, and then... maybe we could, um, discuss it over coffee?
E talvez... possamos discutir isto com um café?
Maybe we could start with something simpler. Why don't you take her to Disneyland?
Podíamos começar por algo mais simples.
Uh, maybe we could talk to Saynay's last cellmate.
Talvez se falassemos com o último companheiro de cela do Saynay.
Slow down. Anyway, I just thought maybe we could find you a new family.
De qualquer maneira podemos procurar uma nova família para ti.
I thought maybe we could grab some lunch.
Pensei em almoçarmos.
Yeah, well, we weren't, so maybe next time you could put a tie on the door or send a text or...
Pois, bem, não chegámos, portanto para a próxima coloquem uma gravata na porta ou enviem uma SMS ou...
Maybe she did it so we could tell you.
Talvez ela o tenha feito para podermos contar-te.
We're low on Stoli and Cuervo, so maybe you could stretch it out, make it last till I can make a call?
Temos pouco Stoli e Cuervo, então vamos esticá-los. Fá-los durar até eu pedir mais.
I thought if maybe I could pull off some kind of half-assed intervention... but he broke out last night, ran away... naked... had a seizure, and here we are.
Achei que se por acaso pudesse arranjar algum tipo de intervenção... Mas ele passou-se ontem à noite, fugiu... nu... Teve uma convulsão, e aqui estamos.
So, you know, I'm thinking maybe next month... me, you and Christine, we could rent a cabin at, uh, Palmer River, and we can go fishing, huh?
Estava a pensar em, talvez, no mês que vem eu, tu e a Christine alugarmos um chalé no Rio Palmer e irmos pescar?
And I thought maybe you were coming back around, and we could be friends again.
E julguei que estivesses a voltar... e pudéssemos ser amigas outra vez.
I-I figured maybe she could stay tonight, and we'd try and find her a home tomorrow.
Pensei que talvez ela pudesse ficar por esta noite, e amanhã poderiamos tentar encontrar-lhe algum lar.
Maybe could we order another meal?
Talvez pudessemos pedir mais um?
Is there something we could get you? Like, maybe a cup of coffee?
Podemos servir um café?
I know we don't have a flux capacitor, but I thought, if we could get it up to 88, maybe something would happen.
Sei que não temos um capacitor de fluxo, mas achei que se chegássemos aos 88, alguma coisa aconteceria.
But maybe we could have.
Mas talvez, nós pudéssemos tê-lo salvo.
Okay, but before we talk to Mom, I was thinking maybe I could just discuss this with you for a moment, which is that I'm- -
Está bem, mas antes de falarmos com a mãe, pensei que podia falar contigo.
If I can help find her, if we could save her, maybe it'll help let some of the light back in.
Se eu puder ajudar a achá-la, se pudermos salvá-la, talvez ajude a entrar a luz de volta.
If you're free, maybe after the ceremony, we could have dinner and talk like we used to.
Se estás livre talvez depois da cerimónia podíamos ir jantar e conversar como costumávamos fazer.
I know that we're not supposed to, but maybe they could assign someone different from your office to work with me.
Sei que não devemos fazer isto, mas talvez pudessem destacar outra pessoa do teu escritório para trabalhar comigo.
Maybe, if you want, we could go see a movie later, get Chinese.
Se quiseres, podemos ir ao cinema, mais tarde? E comer comida chinesa?
Could we maybe ask him to hurry the hell up?
Será que podemos pedir-lhe que se despache?
And since we just put eyes on Bradshaw, I thought maybe you could come with me to question him?
E já que localizámos o Bradshaw, pensei que talvez quisesse vir comigo para o questionar?
- Anyway, we parted on pretty bad terms, so... I kind of thought maybe I could...
Seja como for, separámo-nos zangados, por isso, achei que podia...
Listen, I was hoping that we could talk, over coffee, maybe.
Queria conversar com você, com um café, talvez.
Gonna pick him up. Figure we could pull a few jobs in Louisiana maybe push into Arkansas.
Vou buscá-lo e... talvez consigamos alguns trabalhos em Louisiana, talvez até no Arkansas.
Maybe I could call my old middle school, see if we can talk to some of the female students.
Posso ligar à minha escola preparatória, para ver se podemos falar com as alunas.
Well, could we maybe just talk inside?
Bem, podemos falar lá dentro?
So, that was, like, the first step... which ultimately ended up leading into our own conversations... about how we could maybe implement things in that sort of same way.
Esse foi o primeiro passo, que acabou por levar às conversas entre nós sobre como poderíamos talvez fazer coisas mais ou menos dessa forma.
Maybe sometime we could...
Talvez um dia destes possamos...
Anyway, I was thinking that, um, maybe, you know, if you wanted to, we could perhaps grab a drink?
De qualquer maneira, estava a pensar... Talvez, sabes, se quisesses, podiamos ir beber um copo?

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