Maybe we traduction Portugais
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I think maybe we're at that point now we're playing with words.
Acho que chegamos ao momento... agora estamos a jogar com palavras.
Maybe we should take this someplace more comfortable.
Talvez devêssemos ir para um sítio mais confortável.
Hmm. Okay, well, maybe we should take what we get and, uh, get out of here for a second.
Está bem, bem, talvez devêssemos levar o que temos e sair daqui por um segundo.
I was thinking, maybe... maybe we can do the same.
Estava a pensar, talvez... talvez possamos fazer o mesmo.
I mean, maybe we should go get him or something.
Quero dizer, talvez devíamos fazer qualquer coisa ou buscá-lo.
Maybe we should pull'em up now.
Vamos puxá-los.
It was really, really good, um, so... um, yeah, we're all heading out now, so, um, I probably won't catch you tonight, but, um... maybe we can talk tomorrow. Um...
Foi mesmo muito bom, por isso vamos sair agora e não vou poder falar contigo hoje, mas talvez dê para falarmos amanhã.
Maybe we're done.
Talvez tenhamos terminado.
But hey, while I'm in town, maybe we can grab a bite.
Mas, enquanto estou na cidade, talvez possamos sair para comer.
Maybe we offered him the wrong job.
Talvez não seja o cargo certo.
Maybe we're wrong about why Flynn's here.
Se calhar, enganámo-nos quanto ao objectivo do Flynn.
Search his ship. Maybe we'll find the truth there.
Vasculhem a nave dele, talvez encontremos a verdade.
Maybe we can surprise the guards.
Talvez possamos surpreender os guardas.
Hey, maybe we can all hang out when I get out of here. Like, see a movie.
Talvez possamos sair juntos quando sair daqui.
Maybe we'll find something at Braddock.
Talvez tenhamos mais sorte na Braddock.
If you tell us the truth, maybe we'll find her.
Se nos disser a verdade, talvez a encontremos.
Maybe we should call aunt Thelma in while we're at it.
Talvez devêssemos chamar a tia Thelma já que estamos aqui.
Well, if you're nervous about the sleeping arrangements, maybe we should talk about it.
Se estás nervoso sobre o combinado, talvez devêssemos conversar sobre isso.
Maybe we can find another witness.
Talvez encontremos outra testemunha. - Vai.
Now, we can't hurt the queen, but maybe we can trap her.
Não podemos magoar a Rainha, mas talvez a possamos prender.
Maybe we can work it out.
Talvez possamos fazer com isto funcione.
Maybe we should call Martin.
Penso que devemos ligar para o Martin.
Maybe we should head home.
É melhor irmos embora.
Maybe we're playing into his hands right now.
Podemos estar a alinhar no jogo dele.
Hold on. Maybe we can do the entering without the breaking.
Esperem, talvez possamos entrar sem arrombar.
Maybe we don't tell that story.
Talvez não contamos essa história.
Or maybe we should just have the crib in with us.
Ou colocamos o berço no nosso quarto.
Maybe we sit a minute.
- Vamos sentar-nos um pouco.
- Yeah. - Since we can't talk to Harry, maybe we try Sebastian.
Como não podemos falar com o Harry, podemos tentar com o Sebastian.
Maybe not up in DC, but, uh, down here, that's just... part of the way we do things.
Talvez não em DC, mas, por aqui é... - Faz parte de como agimos. - Sim, é uma má política.
I must have been maybe five or six and we were learning long division.
Devia ter cinco ou seis anos. Estávamos a aprender divisões longas.
But we don't have to be romantically involved, maybe.
Mas não tínhamos de ter uma relação amorosa.
I don't know, maybe put up a profile, and... see if we can... reel one in?
Não sei, criar um perfil e ver se conseguimos atrair alguém?
Maybe what we ought to do is take fish oil pills and encourage fish eating to get that omega 3 back up to that ratio that we have been accustomed to as a population.
Talvez devêssemos tomar comprimidos de ácidos gordos ómega-3, comprimidos de óleo de peixe e encorajar a ingestão de peixe para que o ómega-3 volte a subir para a proporção a que estávamos acostumados. "
Maybe we can talk about that.
Talvez possamos falar de preparar isso.
Or maybe Catalan's bigger than we think.
Ou talvez o Catalan seja demasiado poderoso.
Well, perhaps we're early. Maybe the Nazis haven't attached it yet.
Se calhar, chegámos cedo demais e ainda não a colocaram.
Maybe if you were more communicative, we could've avoided this whole thing.
Se fosses mais comunicativo, tínhamos evitado tudo aquilo.
Maybe not, but we're looking at both of them.
Talvez não, mas estamos a olhar para ambos.
Maybe instead of this, can we talk about getting back the Foosball table?
Porque não nos devolve a mesa de matrecos?
Maybe the same reason we are.
- Talvez pela mesma razão que nós.
So why don't we take being physical off the table and maybe later on, once we're more settled in, we can revisit it.
Então, porque não deixamos o contacto físico para lá e talvez depois, quando estivermos acostumados, podemos voltar a isso.
We might not be able to break out, but maybe they can break in.
Podemos não poder sair, mas talvez eles possam entrar.
We get a lot of street kids come in to shower, maybe use the gym.
Muitas crianças da rua vem aqui tomar banho, às vezes usam a academia.
Look, maybe it's time we just let him be.
Olha, talvez esteja na hora de deixá-lo ir.
If we exert ourselves, we have about 15 minutes, maybe less.
Se nos esforçamos, temos cerca de 15 minutos, ou menos.
Maybe it's better to say we'll do what we can to defend the ones we love.
Talvez seja melhor dizer que iremos fazer tudo o que pudermos para defender os que amamos.
Should we say something to him? Maybe.
Devíamos ir dizer-Ihe alguma coisa?
Maybe, but it would only take Kirk two minutes to find out that we're onto him and then we lose him and The Thrushes and any hope that we have of assessing how badly the breach of the Post Office has damaged national security.
Talvez, mas ao Kirk bastam dois minutos para descobrir que estamos atrás dele. E então, perdemo-lo a ele, aos Thrushes e qualquer esperança de avaliar o dano causado à Segurança Nacional pela infiltração na Agência.
So, maybe as we speak, we'll expose them.
- Ao falarmos, podemos expor-nos.
Maybe it's not why we're here but where we've been.
A questão pode não ser porque estamos aqui, mas onde estivemos.
maybe we can 78
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we could 91
maybe we should 174
maybe we don't 19
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we do 42
maybe we'll get lucky 49
maybe we will 21
maybe we can work something out 25
maybe we can help each other 18
maybe we could 91
maybe we should 174
maybe we don't 19
maybe we shouldn't 31
maybe we do 42
maybe we'll get lucky 49