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Maybe you shouldn't traduction Portugais

645 traduction parallèle
You shouldn't, and maybe you'll be happier now that it isn't.
Voce nao deve, e talvez voce sera mais feliz agora que nao e.
Faith, now. If you didn't like sand, maybe you shouldn't have left home.
Então não devia ter saído de sua casa.
You don't know. - Well, maybe I shouldn't, huh?
- Se calhar, não devia saber.
You know, maybe I shouldn't have sung for Charlie that first time I met him.
Sabe, eu não deveria ter cantado para Charlie na primeira noite.
Maybe you shouldn't paint places.
Talvez não devesse pintar paisagens.
Maybe you shouldn't have teamed up with him.
Talvez não te devesses ter juntado a ele.
Maybe I shouldn't have let you shut me out but you have no corner on pride, Duke.
Não devia ter-te deixado excluir-me mas não és o único com orgulho, Duke.
Prayer and those chuckleheads like Davis find out this fort has no business being here and maybe you'll be ordered out in time. Shouldn't somebody ride down and hurry that equipment?
Eu não sei, talvez rezar seja a melhor coisa a fazer... rezar para que um cabeça dura como o Daves... entenda que o forte não tem utilidade... ai talvez, vocês recebam a ordem de voltar a tempo.
Maybe you shouldn't, Lieutenant.
Talvez não devesse.
Look, maybe you shouldn't hang around here.
Olha, talvez não devas ficar por aqui.
Maybe you shouldn't ask so many questions.
Talvez não devesse fazer tantas perguntas.
If you think we're so ignorant maybe you shouldn't bring your friends here.
Se somos täo ignorantes näo devia trazer ninguém aqui.
Then maybe I shouldn't have come to you for help.
Então talvez não devia ter vindo até ti para pedir ajuda.
And maybe you shouldn't pay too much attention to everything that Julie Fowler tells you.
Não devias ouvir a Julie.
Maybe you shouldn't follow him into, maybe, where he's going into.
Talvez não o devesse seguir para onde ele vai.
Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but I don't want to see you tense.
Não devia ter dito isso, mas não o quero ver tão tenso.
Well, if you don't think we can, maybe we shouldn't try.
- Então, é melhor nem tentarmos.
You may be right, Bones, maybe I shouldn't have gone in.
- Talvez não devesse ter ido lá.
Maybe you shouldn't have. And pass up an opportunity to see you?
- Talvez não devesses ter vindo.
Maybe I shouldn't tell you this but he's superstitious about saying the name of a product before he has the account.
Talvez näo devesse dizer-lhe isto, mas ele é supersticioso quanto a dizer o nome do produto antes de fechar o contrato.
You know, I listened to this thing over and over again, figuring maybe I'd hear something that shouldn't be there, some sound that shouldn't be there... an ambulance or a fire truck, like if you were in a phone booth, something.
Nem sei quantas vezes ouvi esta gravação. Vezes e vezes sem conta. À espera de ouvir alguma coisa que não devesse lá estar.
Well, maybe I shouldn't be telling you some of this, but...
Se calhar não devia dizer-te isto, mas...
Maybe you shouldn't try.
Talvez não devesse tirar.
Well, maybe we shouldn't have listened to you, maybe Bensington was right.
Nós lamentamos não deve ouvi, talvez Bensington estava certo.
Maybe you shouldn't talk to anybody about this.
Talvez não devesses falar a ninguém sobre isto.
Maybe I shouldn't have asked you to teach me judo : until you'd fully recovered from teaching 20th-century battle strategy :
Talvez não te devia ter pedido que me ensinasse judo, até que recuperes da tua aula de estratégia de combate.
- Maybe you shouldn't dress like that.
- Ou não se vestir assim.
Then maybe you shouldn't.
Não devias.
You shouldn't have said maybe.
Não devias ter dito talvez.
Maybe you shouldn't have let her go.
Talvez não devesses tê-la deixado ir.
Maybe you shouldn't park on the grass, huh?
Talvez devas estacionar na relva?
Maybe you shouldn't go.
Talvez não devesses ir.
Maybe you shouldn't try so hard to forget your brother.
talvez você não devesse se esforçar tanto para esquecer seu irmão.
I was going to tell you something, but maybe I shouldn't. It's pretty bad.
la contar-te uma coisa, mas talvez não deva.
Maybe I shouldn't have come to you.
Talvez não devesse ter vindo.
Maybe we shouldn't have come back. I mean, Brooklyn certainly wasn't any worse than this. Look, you love her, so there must be something worth loving.
Talvez não devessemos ter voltado de certeza que Brooklyn não era pior que isto deve haver coisa pior que o amor
Maybe you shouldn't give up so easily.
Talvez não devesses desistir tão facilmente.
Maybe you shouldn't be working here so much.
Talvez não devesses trabalhar tanto.
Maybe you shouldn't be looking for any new faces in your life, either.
Talvez não me diga respeito, mas tu também devias evitar as caras novas.
Maybe I shouldn't have come, but I mean, as long as the harm's done, can't I just talk to you for a while?
Talvez não devesse ter vindo, mas já que os danos estão feitos não posso ao menos falar contigo um pouco?
Maybe you shouldn't have done it.
Talvez não o devesses ter feito.
Maybe you shouldn't.
Se calhar não.
Maybe you think I shouldn't wear a white gown, either.
Talvez aches que não deva usar vestido branco.
Maybe I shouldn't have let you see that letter.
Talvez não lhe devesse ter mostrado essa carta.
Maybe you shouldn't be smoking?
O senhor não deveria fumar.
John, maybe you shouldn't be in the picture business.
Talvez não devesses estar no cinema.
Well, then maybe you shouldn't have asked for dibs on his gold fillings.
Então, não deverias ter reivindicado prioridade sobre os dentes de ouro.
So I teased you a little bit, which maybe I shouldn't have done.
Então gozei-te um pouco, o que, se calhar, não deveria ter feito. Desculpa.
All right, so... maybe I shouldn't have sprung it on you like that.
Está bem, não te devia ter exposto daquela maneira.
Maybe you shouldn't go out.
Talvez não devesses sair.
Maybe you shouldn't blow up the hospital, Russell. Damn it, Belle.
Talvez tu não deverias explodir o hospital, Russell.

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