Same as always traduction Portugais
559 traduction parallèle
- Same as always. In the classroom.
- Nas aulas, como de costume.
Just about the same as always : gambling, drinking, and killing. Mostly killing.
como sempre... jogo, bebida e assassinatos.
Nothing new happens there, we're the same as always.
Nada de novo acontece por lá, estamos na mesma.
But what did they say at today's meeting? The same as always :
Na reunião de hoje disseram o mesmo.
The market was the same as always. The wholesalers conspired to keep the prices down.
Os grossistas mantêm o preço baixo, como sempre.
- Same as always, Jim.
- O mesmo de sempre, Jim.
- Same as always, nothing. But I got some deals on.
Mas consegui uns bons negócios.
Same as always.
O de sempre.
Things will be the same as always when he gets back.
As coisas vão ser as mesmas quando ele voltar.
Same as always.
Como sempre.
Same as always.
O mesmo de sempre.
About the same as always.
Como sempre.
But you did come back to me, same as always.
- Mas recorreste a mim, como sempre.
- The same as always. They're very reasonable.
São espíritos muito racionais, conhecem-te bem.
The sharing up will be the same as always.
A divisão é a mesma de sempre.
Always the same girls, until they become like old friends.
São as mesmas, até são amigas.
Always the same old tales.
Sempre as mesmas velhas histórias.
Things are just the same as they always were... only you're the same as you were, too... so I guess things will never be the same again.
As coisas são como sempre foram, só que tu também és como eras. Por isso, acho que nunca mais serão iguais.
If you just hear always the same, if you always read in every newspaper the same, and if you have very few possibilities for other information, then you become very impressed by the things which you are told.
Oficial Conspiração Anti-Hitler Se ouvirmos sempre o mesmo, se lermos sempre o mesmo nos jornais, e se não tivermos acesso a outras informações, ficamos impressionados com as coisas que nos dizem e é muito difícil termos as nossas próprias ideias, sermos críticos.
The Jews have been this way throughout their entire history. Their faces bear the age-old features of the perpetual sponger : the eternal Jew, who in the course of time and worldwide wanderings has always been the same.
Seus rostos mostram as antigas características do parasita perpétuo : o eterno judeu, que no curso do tempo e na peregrinação mundial, tem sido sempre o mesmo.
Their faces bear the age-old features of the perpetual sponger : the eternal Jew, who in the course of time and worldwide wanderings has always been the same.
É assim na Polônia, e assim era na Alemanha. Os judeus têm sido assim em toda sua história. Seus rostos mostram as antigas características do parasita perpétuo : o eterno judeu, que no curso do tempo e na peregrinação mundial, tem sido sempre o mesmo.
The Jews have been this way throughout their entire history. Their faces bear the age-old features of the perpetual sponger : the eternal Jew, who in the course of time and worldwide wanderings has always been the same.
Eles negociam com a enfermidade das nações, portanto, esforçam-se para aprofundar e prolongar todas as condições de enfermidade.
No, no, but I feel that we ought to do something to make people feel that Manderley is just the same as it always was.
Não, mas sinto que devemos fazer algo para fazer as pessoas sentirem que Manderley é o que sempre foi.
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Além disso, eu não deveria ter falado nisto neste momento, mas acontece que... já fazem várias semanas que tens saído durante as tardes... e tens sempre resistido em me dizer aonde estiveste.
He wants a sidekick, a buddy, to go through the rough spots with and she has to feel that the same things are the rough spots or they're always out of line with each other.
Quer um apoio, alguém que passe com ele as fases difíceis. E ela tem de sentir como fases difíceis as mesmas que ele, ou nunca se ajustarão.
He don't always see everything the same as other people.
Não vê as coisas como nós.
Before you went away, I used to watch you every evening as you walked on your terrace always at the same hour, always alone.
Antes que se fosse, eu o observava todas as noites... andando no seu terraço... sempre à mesma hora, sempre sózinho.
No, no, but I feel that we ought to do something... to make people feel that Manderley is just the same as it always was.
Não, mas sinto que devemos fazer algo para fazer as pessoas sentirem que Manderley é o que sempre foi.
- Yes. - The same brat as always.
O malandro de sempre!
Up until now the nice part about this game is no matter how much you win or lose, we always kept it in the same crowd.
Até agora, a parte boa deste jogo, é que não importa se ganhe ou perde... e continuamos com as mesmas pessoas.
We're gonna work together, same as we always have.
Vamos trabalhar juntos, como sempre.
I only wish to tell you that we'll be always the same... I wish you'll be so happy as I am!
Só queria dizer que seremos sempre as mesmas... Quero que seja tão feliz como eu o sou!
- Maria, you are always welcome just the same as your father was.
- É sempre bem-vinda...
Just the same as it always was.
Exactamente como todas as outras foram.
The same as it always is.
- Oito. Como sempre.
You polenta-eaters always say the same things.
Vocês do norte falam sempre as mesmas coisas!
The same thing is the matter as is always the matter here.
O meu problema é o problema de sempre aqui. Veja.
Maybe we can cope with this by maintaining our sense of values. By carrying out our daily routine, the same as we always have.
Talvez o podamos afrontar se preservamos os nossos valores, a manter uma rutina, como sempre temos feito.
You concede the necessity of goin'to school... we'll keep right on readin the same every night... just as we always have.
Tu fazes a concessão de teres de ir à escola... e nós continuamos a ler da mesma maneira todas as noites... como sempre fizemos.
Same as we always do, take it out of the box.
A mesma coisa que fazemos sempre, tirá-lo da caixa.
Were the same people always present at each party?
Eram as mesmas pessoas, em todas as festas?
Always over same ground.
Sempre para as mesmas terras.
Deal? No offence, princess, but the way I look at it is women gets old and fat but money always stays the same.
Não se ofenda princesa mas, no meu modo de ver as mulheres ficam velhas e gordas, mas o dinheiro fica sempre igual.
Isn't it a little coincidental that when Antonio Carlos Carioca comes to town, it's always at approximately the same time that The Blaster makes his appearance?
Não será muita coincidência, que quando Antonio Carlos Carioca cá vem seja mais ou menos na mesma altura que o Demolidor faz as suas aparições?
Darling, always the same, days speed by... but the nights go very slowly.
Querido, é sempre o mesmo. Os dias vão a mil, mas as noites passam lentamente.
You may change as much as you want this awful smell will always stay the same.
Podes mudar as vezes que quiseres mas esse cheiro horrível continua sempre o mesmo.
I always had this fantasy about making love to two women at the same time.
Apresentei-as. Sempre tive está fantasia de ter duas mulheres ao mesmo tempo.
Seems to me it's about the same as it's always been.
Mas para mim, tudo me parece igual como sempre.
"Men are not like bees or ants, " always repeating the same acts.
" Os homens não são como as abelhas e as formigas, que repetem sempre as mesmas coisas.
Reporters always ask the same questions.
Paris em linha. Os jornalistas fazem sempre as mesmas perguntas :
As soon as they discovered that we did not go to make what they had always heard, they understood that we were but other human beings, e possibly felt the same that we, that we were not there for wanting.
Assim que descobriam que não íamos fazer o que sempre tinham ouvido, entendiam que éramos apenas outros seres humanos, e possivelmente sentiam o mesmo que nós, que não estávamos lá por querer.
same as usual 40
same as me 59
same as before 48
same as yesterday 19
same as last time 25
same as you 248
same as yours 16
same as us 18
same as it ever was 19
same as the others 21
same as me 59
same as before 48
same as yesterday 19
same as last time 25
same as you 248
same as yours 16
same as us 18
same as it ever was 19
same as the others 21
same as ever 26
as always 696
always 2079
always and forever 43
always alone 22
always a pleasure 163
always remember 37
always ready 22
always has been 106
always late 21
as always 696
always 2079
always and forever 43
always alone 22
always a pleasure 163
always remember 37
always ready 22
always has been 106
always late 21