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What time was it traduction Portugais

654 traduction parallèle
- What time was it?
- Que horas eram?
- What time was it, Mrs Halligan?
- Que horas eram, Sra. Halligan?
What time was it?
Que horas eram?
- What time was it, then?
- A que hora, então?
What time was it when we got out to Crazy Mary's?
Que horas eram quando fomos ver a Mary Louca?
What time was it?
- Que horas são?
- What time was it?
- A que horas foi?
Now, what time was it when you went out?
Que horas eram quando você saiu?
What time was it...
A que horas foi...
What time was it when you went out to fix the sign?
Que horas eram quando saiu para arranjar o letreiro? Por volta das sete.
The first time I heard what was happening in Germany with the Jews, it was the British Broadcasting, BBC, at two o'clock. ( sings BBC signal )
A primeira vez que soube do que os alemães faziam aos judeus Actriz sueca casada com alemão foi pela British Broadcasting, a BBC, às duas horas.
- What was it this time, sir?
- Quanto tempo, senhor?
I've tried to be good always. Ever since I was a little girl. But every time I'd see a new man's face... and I'd look into his eyes to see what was behind them... and I never knew until it was too late.
Sempre tentei ser boa desde que era uma menina pequena mas cada vez que via um novo rosto de homem... olhava para dentro dos seus olhos para ver o que havia por detrás
What was it this time?
- O que foi desta vez?
Newton thought it was small, solid particles. But that's not what scientists saw when they observed atoms for the first time.
Newton achava que era uma pequena partícula sólida... mas não foi o que os cientistas viram quando observaram... um átomo pela primeira vez.
I asked if you knew what time it was.
- Perguntei-lhe se tem horas.
And what made it even tougher was that she was around all the time... hovering over me, afraid I'd do injury to her precious brainchild.
E o que tornou o trabalho ainda mais difícil foi ela estar sempre por perto... pairando sobre mim, com medo do que eu estragasse a sua preciosa criaçao.
My father often told me that that December 25. Was the first time it ever been aware of Christmas, and what it really meant.
O meu pai disse-me que aquele 25 de Dezembro... foi a primeira vez que ele ficou a saber do natal... e o que realmente significava!
I asked my Gerda what time it was.
Eu perguntei que horas eram Gerda.
You promised my predecessor you would do what was needed but time is passing and it's leaning more each day. The big bell, Gertrude, I think it's falling.
O Sr. Presidente prometeu ao meu predecessor que trataria disso... mas o tempo passa e o buraco está cada vez maior... e o grande sino, Gertrudes, pode cair.
I don't know what time it was,
Não sei que horas eram,
Can you tell me exactly what time it was, sir?
Pode dizer-me exactamente a que horas foi?
Now, did you notice what time it was he went to the phone?
Lembra-se de que horas eram quando ele foi ao telefone?
But when I think back about it now... I realize that all the time I was talkin'... the thing that was really in my mind was to remember not to ask... what it was her boss, Rapallo, was so sorry for.
Mas quando lembro disso agora, dou-me conta de que todo o tempo enquanto falava, o que eu realmente pensava era em lembrar de não perguntar o motivo pelo qual seu chefe, Rappalo, estava tão arrependido.
What took a lot of time was putting it back in place.
O que me levava muito tempo era recolocá-la no lugar e camuflá-la.
What time did he say it was?
Que horas disseste que eram?
It was made according to what I heard by monks a far distant time.
Foi feito, segundo o que ouvi por monges há muito, muito tempo.
I didn't care what time it was.
Näo dava para esperar.
It's time they got what was coming to them.
É altura de acabar com isso.
You haven't known what time it was since the day we were married.
Não sabe as horas que são desde o dia em que nos casámos.
What was it the last time?
Quanto foi da última vez?
So to pass the time one day, I calculated what it was worth getting shot at.
De modo que um dia calculei quanto valia me deixar matar.
Everything in life has a right time and a wrong time. So what was it?
Então, era o quê?
I thought it was time to ask, what are you trying to pull?
Quero saber o que andas a tramar!
Eu queria ver que horas eram.
What was it you told me the last time?
O que é que me disseste da última vez?
For us it's all been great. But do you know what was the best time of all?
Conosco foi sempre tudo fabuloso, mas... sabe qual foi, de todas, a melhor época?
It's 4 : 45, what time was this man killed?
São 4 : 45. A que horas é que o mataram?
The first time we knew about it was when a guard, seeing what he thought was me in Garth's cell, released him.
A primeira vez que o soubemos foi quando um guarda, vendo o que julgava ser eu na cela do Garth, o libertou.
Yeah, that's it, and, uh, and he asked me what time it was
Sim, é isso mesmo. Ele perguntou-me as horas.
What was it this time?
- O que foi, desta vez?
E to see it, on this day strange, limpid and empty, the desert beaches, an immense barbed wire for all the side, at the time, I felt that it was a species of symbol of what the people felt, that they were prepared to abandon this, in order to continue with the war.
E vê-la, neste dia estranho, límpido e vazio, as praias desertas, um imenso arame farpado por todo o lado, na época, senti que era uma espécie de símbolo do que as pessoas sentiam, que estavam preparadas para abandonar isto,
It was in December of 1937, in Nanking, that the Japanese had committed, what it was until a time, one of the biggest atrocities of this century, when they had massacreed more than 200 a thousand Chinese the cold blood.
Foi em Dezembro de 1937, em Nanking, que os japoneses cometeram, o que foi até à época, uma das maiores atrocidades deste século, quando massacraram mais de 200 mil chineses a sangue frio.
But we obtain to leave the roads main and to go for the province e was extraordinary, because it was a wonderful time, in the villages the people received them e offered them optimum brandy, optimum wine, therefore said "stops what to leave everything for the Germans?"
Mas conseguimos sair das estradas principais e ir pela província e foi extraordinário, porque estava um tempo maravilhoso, nas aldeias as pessoas acolhiam-nos e ofereciam-nos o melhor conhaque, o melhor vinho, pois diziam "para que deixar tudo para os alemães?"
The Winter it was each worse time e, in this height, almost at the same time, the German counterattack in the Ardenas appeared, what it opposed all our expectations.
O Inverno estava cada vez pior e, nessa altura, quase ao mesmo tempo, surgiu o contra-ataque alemão nas Ardenas, o que contrariou todas as nossas expectativas.
It can have been confused, at the time, but the support organization to the attacking troops, it was the test of what it became inevitable the victory of America on Japan, since Pearl Harbor :
Pode ter sido confuso, na altura, mas a organização de apoio às tropas de ataque, foi a prova do que tornou inevitável a vitória da América sobre o Japão, desde Pearl Harbor :
Oh? What was it this time? Sea monsters or ghost ships?
Qual foi ¿ Mar monstros ou fantasmas barcos?
It's a long poem, written... a long time ago, and I'm sure... a lot of you have difficulty understanding... exactly what Milton was trying to say.
É uma longa poesia, escrita... há muito tempo e estou certo... que muitos de vocês têm dificuldade em entender... o que Milton queria dizer.
And by the time he had an inkling of what was truly happening, it was too late :
Quando começou a perceber o que estava a acontecer, já era tarde demais.
Jake, listen- - l know what you're going to say, Dave... that I'm the boy who always cried wolf... but this time, it's the real thing... and this real thing is going to marry someone else, so... I thought it was worth... throwing two years of clean lungs out the window.
Jake, ouve... Eu sei o que tu vais dizer, Dave... eu sou o rapaz que se chorou de lobo... mas este tempo, é a coisa real. e esta coisa vai mesmo casar alguém, então...
By the time they found out what Hitler really stood for, it was too late.
Quando souberam quem era Hitler já era tarde demais.

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