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What time was this traduction Portugais

331 traduction parallèle
- What time was this?
- A que hora foi isso?
What time was this?
A que horas é que aconteceu?
What time was this? - Shortly after 11.
- Pouco depois de 23.
What time was this?
Gerda, a que horas foi isto?
Mrs. MacDougall, exactly what time was this?
Sra. MacDougall, exatamente a que horas foi isso?
It's 4 : 45, what time was this man killed?
São 4 : 45. A que horas é que o mataram?
What time was this?
A Janet é uma mulher ciumenta, sempre foi.
What time was this?
A que horas?
What time was this?
- Uma. Uma e meia.
And what time was this?
Que horas eram?
Hitler had got away without a war that far and there was great hope that he would get what he wanted without a war this time.
Até àquela altura, Hitler tinha conseguido fugir à guerra e esperava-se que ele conseguisse o que queria sem guerra.
- What was it this time, sir?
- Quanto tempo, senhor?
What was it this time?
- O que foi desta vez?
This time they showed what they was.
Agora demonstraram.
I nenets this report with what was preparing a long time.
Essa reportagem com o povo nenet eu preparei por muito tempo.
When the smoke cleared and what was left of the division limped off they again told Huxley that he must find the elusive Japanese garrison who, this time, were hidden in 45 miles of island atolls.
Nós a encurralamos após persegui-la por 4 dias... e, num breve confronto, encerramos o capítulo Tarawa. Nossas baixas foram poucas, mas deixamos para trás... quem poderia escrever o grande romance de guerra.
Lord, you sure knowed what you was doing when you put me in this very cell at this very time.
Senhor, é evidente que sabias o que fazias quando me puseste nesta cela e nesta ocasião.
And during all this time, what was the power source?
Durante todo este tempo, qual foi a fonte de energia?
Sergeant, I didn't find what I was looking for this time, either.
Sargento, não encontrei o que procurava desta vez, também.
What was in store this time?
Jim aceitou. Qual seria o programa?
What was she doing in the gallery at this time of night?
O que fazia ela na galeria a uma hora destas?
You'll have a hell of a time. I don't know what the occasion was that prompted this influx of... beautiful women...
Não sei porque repentinamente ponderas a tantas mulheres belas.
What was it this time?
- O que foi, desta vez?
E to see it, on this day strange, limpid and empty, the desert beaches, an immense barbed wire for all the side, at the time, I felt that it was a species of symbol of what the people felt, that they were prepared to abandon this, in order to continue with the war.
E vê-la, neste dia estranho, límpido e vazio, as praias desertas, um imenso arame farpado por todo o lado, na época, senti que era uma espécie de símbolo do que as pessoas sentiam, que estavam preparadas para abandonar isto,
It was in December of 1937, in Nanking, that the Japanese had committed, what it was until a time, one of the biggest atrocities of this century, when they had massacreed more than 200 a thousand Chinese the cold blood.
Foi em Dezembro de 1937, em Nanking, que os japoneses cometeram, o que foi até à época, uma das maiores atrocidades deste século, quando massacraram mais de 200 mil chineses a sangue frio.
The Winter it was each worse time e, in this height, almost at the same time, the German counterattack in the Ardenas appeared, what it opposed all our expectations.
O Inverno estava cada vez pior e, nessa altura, quase ao mesmo tempo, surgiu o contra-ataque alemão nas Ardenas, o que contrariou todas as nossas expectativas.
About this time, Harry became aware of her, what she was doing.
Por esta altura, o Harry apercebeu-se do que ela andava a fazer.
Oh? What was it this time? Sea monsters or ghost ships?
Qual foi ¿ Mar monstros ou fantasmas barcos?
Was this just a one-time thing, or what?
Isto foi uma ocasiäo única, ou quê?
Jake, listen- - l know what you're going to say, Dave... that I'm the boy who always cried wolf... but this time, it's the real thing... and this real thing is going to marry someone else, so... I thought it was worth... throwing two years of clean lungs out the window.
Jake, ouve... Eu sei o que tu vais dizer, Dave... eu sou o rapaz que se chorou de lobo... mas este tempo, é a coisa real. e esta coisa vai mesmo casar alguém, então...
This is their first time on Earth. Remember what that was like?
Esta é a primeira vez deles na Terra Lembra-se de como foi conosco?
This time Norl knew what he was doing.
O tal Norl parecia saber o que fazia... e para um gorila, o seu inglês não estava nada mal.
- What was the bet this time?
- Qual foi a aposta desta vez?
God knows what mashugana idea was going through his mind this time.
Só Deus sabe que ideia louca lhe passou pela cabeça desta vez.
What was it this time?
E o que aconteceu desta vez?
What makes this such a sad moment for me... is that the whole time I was locked... in that dark, dingy, dusty, dank dungeon... there was only one face that kept popping into my head.
Este é um momento muito triste. Durante o meu encarceramento naquela cave suja e poeirenta... havia só uma cara que não podia esquecer.
My guest at this time, Hulk Hogan... and what a battle that one was.
Que grande combate!
Ada, this time I've found what I was looking for.
Ada, desta vez encontrei o que procurava.
What was it about this time?
Qual foi o motivo desta vez?
W-what was it this time, huh?
O que foi desta vez?
In this particular case, a vast amount of time, effort and money was spent trying to determine precisely what happened on those two nights so close to Christmas,
Neste caso gastou-se muito tempo, esforço e dinheiro a tentar determinar o que se passou nessas duas noites perto do Natal.
She wanted to get out from under his shadow, you dig? So there was this big-time producer out on the West Coast said she could do what she wanted.
Então, houve uma grande produtora de tempo sobre a Costa Oeste disse que ela poderia fazer o que ela queria.
Also he saw me in the exhibition of flowers, he did not want them to me what was discovered what was walking speculating in the Stock Exchange, but this time with the money of his aunt.
Também me viu na exposição de flores, mas não quis que se descobrisse que andava a especular na Bolsa, mas desta vez com o dinheiro da sua tia.
In the only time that we passed by each other, it guaranteed me with all the certainty what in this afternoon would not rain since it was going to a party in the open air.
Na única vez que nos cruzámos, garantiu-me com toda a certeza que nessa tarde não choveria pois ia a uma festa ao ar livre.
And just as he was leaving, he placed his hand... on my stomach... like this. For a long time, I didn't know what it meant.
Quando estava a sair... pôs a mão... na minha barriga... assim... durante muito tempo.
- What time was this?
- A que horas?
All right, well, there's this blind guy at a party I was at and he felt my face for a really long time to see what I looked like.
Houve um cego, numa festa, que me tocou na cara durante imenso tempo. Bom. Para ver como é que eu era.
Last time, I was sore for a week. - What's this?
Na última vez, fiquei dolorida por uma semana.
What was your price this time? !
Qual foi o seu preço desta vez?
What's going on? This is exactly what happened the last time I was in here. Huh.
O que se passa?
Oh, what was it this time then?
O que foi desta vez?

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