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When i was eight traduction Portugais

284 traduction parallèle
She died when I was eight.
morreu quando eu tinha oito anos.
Dad bought it as a gift when I was eight years old.
Papai a comprou como um presente quando fiz oito anos.
My mother died, needlessly, when I was eight.
A minha mãe morreu quando eu tinha 8.
I know'cause I saw when I was eight years old.
O dinheiro está por todo o lado. Eu sei porque o vi quando tinha oito anos.
- My favorite route when I was eight.
- O meu passeio favorito quando tinha 8.
She died when I was eight.
Morreu quando eu tinha 8 anos.
Radio City when I was eight years old.
Radio City quando tinha oito anos.
I had one when I was eight years old.
Tive uma quando tinha 8 anos.
When I was eight years old.
Eu tinha oito anos.
No, because we left when I was eight.
Não, porque saí de lá aos oito anos.
When I was eight we went to play in the park.
Quando eu tinha 8 anos nós fomos brincar no parque.
I went underground when I was eight years old.
Fui para o subsolo aos oito anos.
See this? My daddy gave me this when I was eight years old.
O meu pai deu-me isto quando tinha oito anos.
Yeah but I knew about Santa when I was eight.
Sim, mas eu sabia a verdade desde os oito.
My mother died when I was eight so it was just my older brother to take care of me.
A minha mãe morreu quando eu tinha oito anos. Por isso foi o meu irmão mais velho que tomou conta de mim...
I was found wandering around when I was eight years old.
Fui encontrada a vaguear quando tinha oito anos.
When I was eight, this man came into the house and killed my da.
Quando tinha 8 anos, uns homens entraram na minha casa. Mataram o meu pai.
He died when I was eight.
Ele morreu quando eu tinha oito anos.
The first game he took me to was at Yankee Stadium when I was eight.
"O primeiro jogo a que me levou foi no Yankee Stadium, quando tinha oito anos."
Moved here when I was eight.
Viemos para cá quando eu tinha 8 anos.
I started writing when I was eight.
Comecei a escrever quando tinha oito anos. "
It happened to me when I was eight.
Aconteceu-me quando tinha 8 anos.
I remember when I was eight years old.
Eu lembro-me quando tinha oito anos.
My own dad left when I was eight.
O meu pai abandonou-me quando eu tinha oito anos.
He left me when I was eight months pregnant ;
Ele deixou-me quando eu estava grávida de 8 meses ;
My mother put me in ballroom classes... when I was eight years old.
A minha mãe meteu-me nas "Danças de Salão" aos 8 anos.
Well, I was just thinking. One time, when I was eight, we were hiking along this stream, and I saw something shining in the water.
Estava a lembrar-me de uma vez quando eu tinha oito anos, e nós passeávamos ao longo de um riacho e eu vi algo a brilhar na água.
- I had my tonsils out when I was eight.
Fui operada ás amígdalas quando tinha oito anos.
Actually, we got separated when I was eight.
Fomos separados quando eu tinha 8 anos.
She died when I was eight and she crawled underneath the... the porch.
Ela morreu quando eu tinha oito anos. Ela arrastou-se para debaixo... do alpendre.
We ran out of things to talk about when I was eight.
Deixámos de ter assunto de conversa tinha eu 8 anos!
When I was eight he locked me in his darkroom.
Quando eu tinha oito anos ele trancou-me na sala escura.
Tell me about how my dad spanked me when I was eight or how I kissed my first boy at the age of 12.
Diga-me que o meu pai me espancava aos oitos anos e que beijei o primeiro rapaz aos 12.
I was on my knees, thinking I'd let him count to eight, but when I got up on eight, for some reason the referee ended the fight.
e quando me levanto aos oito, o árbitro dá por terminado o combate, sem mais nem menos.
Oh, I invented that about eight years ago when I was eating dinner.
Inventei-o há cerca de oito anos quando estava a jantar.
After eight weeks I'd fairly dealt with the letter "A" and was hoping the diligence to get onto "B" when suddenly this morning the whole business came to end.
Após oito semanas, já conhecia bastante bem a letra'A " e estava ansioso para chegar à" B " quando, repentinamente, esta manhã acabou tudo.
In brief, Mr. Holmes. A document has been stolen from my private dispatch box and when I discovered my loss, which was at eight o'clock this morning,
Resumindo, Sr. Holmes, roubaram um documento da minha mala diplomática.
One, two, three, four, five, six, - seven, eight, nine, 1 0. - You helped me when I was hurting.
Uma, duas, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, dez.
When Joel told me he hadn't thrown up in eight years I was wondering if he was normal.
Quando o Joel me disse que não vomitava há 8 anos, pus-me a pensar se ele seria normal.
I was only eight years old, when I saw him.
Eu só tinha 8 anos, quando o vi.
When I was your age, I flipped burgers all summer just to buy an eight-track.
Na tua idade fiz hamburgers todo um Verão para comprar um gravador de cassetes.
As my friend, if I ever go to jail for murder don't leave me there for eight months if you know where I was when the murder took place.
Se algum dia me prenderem promete não deixar-me lá 8 meses se me viu á hora do crime?
I was eight years old when it started.
Eu tinha oito anos de idade quando isso começou.
When I was about eight years old watching the sunset, I asked Dad, "What's that bright star over there?"
Quando tinha uns 8 anos ao pôr do sol perguntei ao meu pai : "Que estrela é aquela?"
I was married to Mindy eight years when Patti and I...
Eu estava casado com a Mindy há 8 anos quando a Patty e eu...
And I'll lay you eight-to-five when he was a kid back in Sicily... my father, Vincenzo Cortino... never thought his life would turn out the way it did either.
E aposto 8 contra 5 quando ele era um miúdo na Sicília, o meu pai, Vincenzo Cortino, jamais pensara que a vida dele seria esta.
I was pumped up eight G's. I was ready to go on a run when you came along. - All right, listen.
Saquei 8.000 e ia ganhar uma série de mãos quando chegaste.
Hey, remember when we were eight and I beat you at wrestling? That was fun.
Ei, lembras-te quando tínhamos 8 anos... e derrotei-te no wrestling?
Agent Stevens... I was eight years old when my father discovered that corpse.
Agente Stevens eu tinha 8 anos, quando o meu pai encontrou aquele cadáver.
When I came to, she was gone, and the war had been over for eight months.
Quando dei por mim, ela tinha ido embora. E a guerra tinha acabado há oito meses.
When I left, she was eight months pregnant.
Quando parti, ela estava grávida de 8 meses.

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