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Why would it traduction Portugais

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Why? Why would it suddenly stop now?
Porque pararia agora subitamente?
Why would it suddenly stop now?
Porque pararia agora subitamente?
Why would it?
- Porquê?
Why would it?
porque tornaria?
Why would it?
Porque tornaria?
Yeah, but why would they set it up to look like a busted partnership?
Porque quereriam fazer parecer que tinham acabado a parceria?
You found out about it and told her that the price for your silence was a closet full of fancy duds. But why would I kill her?
Você descobriu e disse-lhe que o preço pelo seu silêncio era uma armário cheio.
Why would she risk it all by getting in touch with you?
Porque arriscar tudo a fazer contacto consigo?
That's why we're eating meatloaf, which somebody thought would be great if it was made of tuna.
É por isso que estamos a comer o rolo de carne que alguém achou que seria ótimo se fosse de atum.
And why would he tell us about it?
E porque é que ele nos disse?
Between $ 300,000 and $ 400,000, which begs the question, why would one of you have just dropped it in the back of a stranger's pickup truck?
Entre 300 mil e 400 mil dólares, o que levanta a questão : porque é que um de vocês acabou a colocar na parte de trás da camioneta de um estranho?
That's why it would be somebody else.
Sei disso. Por isso seria outra pessoa.
Why would I lie about it?
Porque ia eu mentir?
I'm having a hard time understanding why I would open her up when I could treat it endoscopically.
Não percebo porque teria de abri-la se podia tratá-la por via endoscópica.
Why would you toss it?
Por que o atiraste?
If it was just a mugging, why would you not want me to see you?
Se foi só um assalto, porque não querias que te visse?
Why else would I do it?
Se não, porque haveria de o fazer?
Which I'm sure would provide him with some much-needed closure... Which is why it's not gonna happen.
E tenho a certeza que lhe daria uma muito necessária resolução...
Why would Fuller make it up?
Porque é que o Fuller havia de inventá-lo?
Why would she try to destroy it?
Porque ia tentar destruí-lo?
Even if that were true, and it's not, why would I kill Niki now?
Mesmo que isso fosse verdade, e não é, porque iria matar a Niki agora?
Why would you take up any of it?
Porque tomaria sequer pouco?
Why else would he keep an Alpha journal around unless his memory was slipping? Right before my grandpa kicked it, he used to call me by the cat's name.
Antes do meu avô morrer, ele tratava-me por gato.
Soviets. But why, when it appeared that Americans were finally moving ahead in the race for space, would JFK offer to share
Mas porque razão, quando parecia que os americanos estavam finalmente à frente da corrida para o espaço, JFK se iria oferecer para partilhar tecnologia com o seu rival?
Why would you lie about it, son?
Por que mentiria sobre isto, filho?
Why would you want it?
Porque havias de o querer?
Why would Peach be fine with it?
- Porque havia de ficar na boa?
Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?
Porque iria ele roubar aquilo se nem sabia o que havia nela?
And if it didn't have anything to do with her murder, why would she write the locker number in her blood?
E se não tinha a ver com o assassínio porque escreveu ela o número do armário?
But it was like, "Why would we wanna do that?"
Mas era como... "Porque iríamos nós fazer isso?"
I just didn't understand why it would happen, and I said to Bernie, "Did you try and stop him?"
Eu simplesmente não entendia porque tinha acontecido, e perguntei ao Bernie, "Você tentou impedi-lo?"
Can you stop it? Why would I help you?
- Por que é que a ajudaria?
We'll tell her that's why she needs to leave, and it's probably the only excuse she would buy anyway. Uh-huh.
Dissemos-lhe que é por causa disso que tem que se ir embora, e será provavelmente a única desculpa que aceitará.
Having achieved the sort of success and money out of it all that... that could fulfil anyone's wildest teenage dreams, why we would still want to continue to do it.
Conseguimos um sucesso enorme, e dinheiro... o suficiente para poder... satisfazer os sonhos mais loucos de qualquer adolescente, e precisávamos entender porque queríamos continuar.
Okay, why would Scates sabotage the boat if he was trying to steal it?
Porque o Scates ia sabotar o barco se ele o tentava roubar?
Why didn't they put it inside where nobody would see it?
onde ninguém o veria?
- I don't know why it would be bad.
- Não sei porque seria mau.
Why would Paige have it?
Porque havia a Paige de o ter?
- Why would Paige have it?
- Porque havia a Paige de o ter?
Why would I say I'd do something and not do it?
Por que haveria de dizer que faria uma coisa e acabaria por não a fazer?
Why is it so hard for you to believe that someone would leave a voicemail?
Porque é que é assim tão dificil de acreditares que alguém deixaria uma mensagem no correio de voz?
Which is why I only put one bullet in this gun and why I would prefer not to use it.
É por isso que só coloquei uma bala nesta arma, e preferia não utilizá-la.
- So, why would David Adams go back to Afghanistan if it wasn't to work for Adanan Al-Ahmadi?
- Então, porquê David Adams ia voltar para o Afeganistão, se não fosse para trabalhar para o Adanan Al-Ahmadi?
Why would she say that if it was not true?
Porque diria ela isso se não fosse verdade?
Why the hell would you want it?
Por que raio é que o queres?
If connecting with Amelia is dangerous, why would he do it?
Ligar-se com a Amelia é perigoso, porque o fez ele?
But it's just if someone did have a lot of cash, why would they keep it at home and not in the bank?
Mas isto é só se alguém tinha muito dinheiro, porque é que iam tê-lo em casa e não no banco?
If it was two years ago, and I was still sitting on the couch, watching the news, waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for my daughter to explain why in the hell a building blew up and why has she been named a suspect... Maybe then, a phone call would've been nice.
Se fosse há 2 anos e eu estivesse no sofá, a ver o jornal, à espera do telefonema, que a minha filha explicasse porque o prédio tinha explodido e ela era a principal suspeita.
Why would I lie about it?
Porque mentiria?
If that's what's happened here, it would explain why Adam was running from the police instead of to them.
Se é o que está aqui a acontecer, explicaria por que o Adam tentava fugir... da polícia, invés de ir ter com eles.
Okay, it stands to reason Astrid would go there looking for her father, but why reach out to Mathers?
É normal que a Astrid procure o pai, mas porquê ligar para o Mathers?

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