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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ W ] / With him

With him traduction Portugais

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You're gonna have to move back in with him.
Vais ter de reatar com ele.
We think it has something to do with him being a Grimm.
Deve ter a ver com ele ser um Grimm.
But he wants Diana with him.
- Mas ele quer a Diana. - Não vou desistir da minha filha.
But she's obsessed with him.
Mas ela está obcecada por ele.
You know, I didn't have a problem with him at first, then he kinda got weirder and weirder.
Não tinha nada contra ele no início, mas de repente ficou muito estranho.
Want nothing to do with him.
Não quero nada com ele.
Okay, so what do we do with him?
O que é que vamos fazer?
I was just with him. - He was beaten to death, same as Hampton. - Raju?
Estive com ele há pouco.
Apparently, Diana drew them when she was with him.
Aparentemente, a Diana desenhou-os quando estava lá.
That skull thing tried to pull me in here with him.
A caveira tentou puxar-me para cá.
I should have gone with him.
- Devia ter ido com ele.
And who's going down in the tunnel with him?
E quem vai descer ao túnel com ele?
Guess he brought the staff with him.
Ele trouxe o cajado.
Zerstoerer's coming for the stick that Nick has with him right now.
O Zerstoerer quer a varinha que está com o Nick agora.
Don't hurt him. He wants me to be with him.
Não o magoes, ele quer que eu fique com ele.
Anyone supposed to be working with him out there?
Alguém devia estar lá a trabalhar com ele?
What's wrong with him?
- O que se passa com ele?
Like it's not bad enough I'm trapped in a car with him all day forced to listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Como se não bastasse estar preso a ele, num carro o dia todo, a ouvir Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I dipped out when it got to that point, so he went without me, took Luke with him.
Quando chegou aí, desisti. Por isso ele foi sem mim, mas levou Luke com ele.
He's out of the office, so I'm just gonna have to connect with him to confirm.
- Ele está fora do escritório, por isso vou ter que lhe ligar, para confirmar.
And you have to stay with him... ♪ And the city lights ♪ to keep your loved ones safe.
E temos de voltar a dormir com ele para manter os que amamos em segurança.
- You should get in touch with him.
- Devias contactá-lo.
I remember that the first time I ever did a bump was with him, and I was in tenth grade.
A primeira vez que experimentei uma linha foi com ele e eu estava no décimo ano.
If Mike puts himself in front of the character and fitness committee, will you stand up there with him?
- Se o Mike se apresentar perante o comité, achas que o podes defender?
We talked about it, and I agree with him.
Falámos sobre isso e chegámos a acordo.
- Then I wanna petition the court to sit at the table with him.
Então, quero pedir ao tribunal para sentar-me com ele.
If Mei's still with him, then maybe katoa is too.
Se a Mei ainda está com ele, o Katoa talvez esteja, também.
You've been in contact with him.
Esteve em contacto com ele.
Because I was working with him.
Porque estava a trabalhar com ele.
You're buddies with him now.
Agora és amiga dele.
I just was here with him last night.
Estive aqui com ele ontem à noite.
He... he called me Hiccups because I had the hiccups this one time I was on the phone with him.
Ele chamava-me Soluços porque tive isso uma vez ao telefone com ele.
Just meet with him.
Fala com ele.
That's all I'm asking you to do. Just meet with him.
É só isso que peço.
We ask the questions. You can't let him live with his parents.
Não pode deixá-lo com os pais.
No, I don't wanna talk to him about it until I have a better handle on what we're dealing with.
Não, não quero falar... até termos a certeza com o que estamos a lidar.
We shot him with that poison, and it worked.
- Atiramos nele com o veneno.
It was like somebody hit him with a cattle prod.
Era como se tivessem picado com um aguilhão.
Did the parole officer give you anything we can check him with?
A oficial dele disse como o achar?
You better sit down with your home boy and get him talking about his distributor, before he gets a shiv stuck his liver.
É melhor o teu rapaz falar sobre o seu distribuidor, antes que lhe enfiem uma faca no fígado.
Well, we're sticking him in the sex-offender's wing, so I think the worst thing he's gonna have to deal with is some friendly neighborhood pederast.
Fica na ala dos criminosos sexuais, por isso o pior que lhe pode acontecer é lidar com um panasca da vizinhança.
He was in a gang called the pharisees, until god hit him with a bolt of lightning on the road to Damascus.
Ele estava num gangue chamado os Fariseus, até que Deus o atingiu com um raio, na estrada para Damasco.
I hooked him up with Sofia to keep him happy, but the dumb son of a bitch fell in love with her, told her some things he shouldn't have.
Paguei-lhe a Sofia, para o manter feliz, mas o burro, filho da puta, apaixonou-se por ela. - Disse-lhe coisas que não devia.
I can't start a new life with Carlos by lying to him... stealing from him.
Não posso começar uma vida nova com o Carlos a mentir-lhe e roubar-lhe coisas.
That's another thing God's gonna need to explain, but we're never gonna find him with that damn cowboy on our asses and I don't know how to stop him.
É outra coisa que Deus vai ter de explicar. Mas nunca O encontraremos com este maldito cowboy atrás de nós. E eu não sei como impedi-lo.
Once we saw it wouldn't go back with us, we told him it had to be destroyed.
Quando vimos que não voltaria connosco, dissemos-lhe que tinha de ser destruído.
Um, I don't know if you guys like movies, but, every movie I've ever seen starts with the sub writing his name on the board, and the kids can throw something at him.
Também reagiria assim a mim. Não sei se gostam de filmes, mas, em todos os que vi, o substituto escreve o nome no quadro e os miúdos atiram-lhe algo.
Because you just lashed out at Louis when your intention was to let him down gently, and I find it hard to believe it had nothing to do with this office being empty.
Custa-me a crer que o vazio deste escritório não tenha influenciado.
- You finally told him to pick a hairstyle and stick with it?
Disseste-lhe para parar de mudar de penteado?
I'm gonna be in the same room as him, looking at an image of what he made with her.
Vou estar com ele, numa sala, a ver o que ele fez com ela.
I let him know, "Don't come back here. You stay with the..."
Disse : " Não voltes cá.

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