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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ Y ] / You find anything

You find anything traduction Portugais

2,705 traduction parallèle
Did you find anything?
Descobriste alguma coisa?
How do you find anything here?
Como se encontra alguma coisa aqui?
You find anything interesting?
Encontraste alguma coisa interessante?
- Did you find anything?
- Encontraste alguma coisa?
Did you find anything?
Descobriste alguma coisa? Talvez.
- You find anything? - I ran the data twice.
Encontrou alguma coisa?
Are you sure there was a weapon? Did you find anything?
Tem a certeza que ele estava armado?
You find a tumor, you find anything... You close up, and you make a plan for that.
Se encontrares um tumor ou o que seja, fechas e fazes outro plano.
You find anything?
- Encontrou alguma coisa?
Did you find anything out?
Descobriste alguma coisa?
You find anything?
Descobriste alguma coisa?
So, uh, did you find anything else about Dr. Rachel Holden?
Bem, encontraste mais alguma coisa sobre Drª. Holden?
Did you find anything at Naomi's apartment?
Encontraste alguma coisa no apartamento da Naomi?
You guys call me if you find anything interesting.
Telefonem-me se encontrarem algo interessante.
Did you find anything?
Encontraste alguma coisa?
But, uh, did you find anything on Heather Martin?
Mas encontraste alguma coisa da Heather Martin?
Look, just run any tests that come to mind and call me if you find anything.
Faça as análises de que se lembrar e ligue se descobrir alguma coisa.
I don't understand how you find anything with this antiquated system.
Não sei como encontram seja o que for neste sistema antiquado.
You find anything in the civilian's quarters?
Encontraste alguma coisa nas cabines dos civis?
You find anything else on Shaw? Uh-huh.
Encontraste mais alguma coisa sobre o Shaw?
You find anything on the knee?
Encontraste alguma coisa no joelho?
You find anything on Annie?
Descobriu alguma coisa sobre a Annie?
Well, ask anyway, and let me know if you find anything out.
Pergunte mesmo assim, e diga-me se descobrir alguma coisa.
Okay, did you find anything?
E encontraste alguma coisa?
Hey, did you find anything?
Encontraste alguma coisa?
If you find out anything... I'll call you.
- Se descobrir alguma coisa...
I'll let you know if we find anything. All right.
- Aviso-te se encontrarmos algo.
- I'll let you know if we find anything.
Aviso-te se descobrirmos alguma coisa.
See if you can find anything.
Grace, investiga a luta no bar.
You know, it doesn't need to be spelled out for me, I don't have to find anything. It was already there.
Não é preciso explicar-me, não tenho nada a descobrir aqui.
Find anything in Jared's locker when you were there?
- Encontraste algo no cacifo do Jared?
- I don't think you're gonna find anything.
- Acho que não vão encontrar nada.
If anything happens to Hannah, you'll find out.
Se acontecer alguma coisa à Hannah, vais descobrir.
What makes you think they can find anything more than we have?
O que te faz pensar que podem encontrar alguma coisa, além do que temos?
Is there anything you want to tell me before I find out anyway?
Há alguma coisa que queira contar-me antes que eu descubra?
I find anything, I'll let you know.
Se encontrar alguma coisa, vou informá-lo.
The U.S. marshals are taking it from here. Did you find anything at Evan Arnold's house?
Encontraste alguma coisa em casa do Evan Arnold?
I-I didn't say anything to anyone because I find that people tend to treat you differently if they think you're rich.
Não disse nada a ninguém pois sei que as pessoas te tratam de maneira diferente quando sabem que és rico.
Anything you can find.
Tudo o que puder encontrar.
Now look at you just sitting there, not doing anything to find her killer.
Agora olhe para si sentado aí, sem fazer nada para encontrar o assassino.
Were you able to find out anything about that online support group Mrs. Dolan was in?
Conseguiu encontrar alguma coisa sobre o grupo de apoio que a Sra. Dolan estava?
Let me know if you find out anything.
Diga-me se descobrir alguma coisa.
Uh, if you find out anything, would you let me know?
Se descobrires algo, dizes-me?
I didn't say anything. How did you even find this place?
Como é que encontraste este lugar?
And I'll call you as soon as I find anything.
Ligo-lhe quando descobrir alguma coisa.
- So did you find out anything? - I did.
- Descobriu algo?
You get the ability to heal. But tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find.
Mas esta noite vão querer matar tudo o que encontrarem.
You find out anything on the girl, Carter?
Carter, descobriu alguma coisa sobre a miúda?
I'm a Grimm, and I'm gonna help you find your daughter, but we don't have a lot of time to talk before Hank gets back, so if there's anything you think I should know, now would be the time.
Sou um Grimm, e vou te ajudar a encontrar a tua filha, mas não temos muito tempo para conversar até o Hank voltar, então se tiveres algo que aches que eu deva saber, agora é o momento certo.
Look, we'll call you as soon as we find out anything.
Olha, ligamos-lhe assim, que descobrirmos alguma coisa.
Did you find out anything about the Greek fire?
Encontraste alguma coisa acerca do fogo grego?

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