How was the traduction Turc
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How was the debrief?
- Sorgu nasıldı?
How was the first day?
İlk günün nasıldı?
How was the memorial?
Anma töreni nasıldı?
How was the workout?
Antrenman nasıldı?
How was the party?
- Parti nasıldı?
How was the ham, Lieutenant?
- Jambon nasıldı, Komiser?
- Hey, how was the party?
- Selam parti nasıldı?
- How was the trip?
- Yolculuk nasıldı?
How was the burial?
- Cenaze nasıldı?
Well, I thought that the email you sent to everybody explaining how it's over between you and Tammy was really, really beautiful.
Ben şu herkese yolladığın, Tammy ve senin aranızdakilerin nasıl bittiğini açıklayan e-postanı çok beğendim. Cidden çok, çok güzeldi.
Do you know how it was like for me here, working for both of us, worrying all the time?
Benim için burada olman nasıl bir şeydi biliyor musun ikimiz için çalışmak, sürekli endişe ediyor olmak?
How long was Alex in the FBI Academy before she finally admitted to you she wasn't in grad school?
Lisansüstü eğitiminde olmadığını sonunda sana itiraf etmeden önce Alex ne kadar süredir FBI Akademisi'ndeydi?
Which we know is how the Grand Central bomb was triggered.
Grand Central bombasının nasıl tetiklendiğini bildiğimiz gibi.
As I was walking through the campus this morning, I was thinking back to how difficult this training was, but also how rewarding.
Bu sabah kampüse yürüyorken bu eğitimin ne kadar zor olduğunu düşünüyordum ama aynı zamanda ne kadar değerli olduğunu.
When I didn't get a paper, I figured it was how they were kicking me out, and when it turned out all the papers were blank, I-I thought it was a game and I didn't want to mess that up, so I just kept my mouth shut.
Kağıt almayınca, beni bu şekilde şutladıkları anlamını çıkarmıştım ve tüm kağıtların boş olduğu ortaya çıkınca bunun bir oyun olduğunu düşündüm ve berbat etmek istemedim bundan dolayı çenemi kapalı tuttum.
The first part is how I saw you getting your diploma, and I couldn't help smiling'cause I was just so proud of you.
Birincisi, diplomanı alırken gülümsemeden duramadım çünkü seninle gurur duydum.
Vera was just gloating about how he got in with the right crew, how he got the jump on some men.
Vera sadece doğru ekiple içeriye düştüğü için sinsice seviniyor. Birkaç adamı nasıl hakladığına seviniyor.
If those guys that killed the officers that I was with... If they're not really cops, then how did they find me twice?
Benim yanımdaki polisleri öldüren adamlar gerçek polis değilse beni iki kez bulmayı nasıl başardılar?
How did you come to know that the two-faced Earl of Pembroke was securing the puffed-up worm?
İkiyüzlü Pembroke Kontu'nun ukala solucanı sakladığını nereden öğrendin?
I was reading this article about adopted kids, and it was just talking about how they're performing all the time, because they just want to be kept.
Manevi çocuklar hakkındaki bir makaleyi okudum sadece her zaman performansının nasıl olması gerektiğinden bahsediyor çünkü sadece saklamak istiyorlar.
Aren't you the one who was just saying how all the NSA does is violate other peoples rights?
Hep söylemez miydin NSA ın insanların haklarına nasıl tecavüz ettiğini
- And in return? You'll help me learn how S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to achieve something with the portal that Hydra, in thousands of years,
S.H.I.E.L.D.'ın nasıl Hydra'nın binlerce yıldır yapamadığı şeyi başardığını öğrenmemde yardım edeceksin.
How the air was sucked out of your lungs the moment they left.
Onların gittiğinde aldığınız hava nasıl ciğerlerinizden çekilir?
How about I tell you on the way to question whoever it was that saw her alive last?
Onu son kez kimin canlı gördüğü sorusuna göre söylememe ne dersin?
How about the guy you suspected she was having an affair with?
Şüphelendiğin elemanla nasıl bir ilişkisi vardı?
The original machinery used to open the portal was hydroelectric, but the nearest river is almost a half a mile away, which got me wondering how they powered it.
Geçidi açmakta kullanılan orijinal makine hidroelektrikmiş. Ama en yakın nehir neredeyse yarım mil uzakta. Bu yüzden nasıl güç verdiklerini merak ettim.
How that came to be, I can't really say, not in any scientific terms, but my sense and certainly Will's heartfelt belief was that the creature is the one responsible... that it caused the desolation.
Bunun nasıl olduğunu bilimsel terimlerle söyleyemem fakat benim hissettiğim ve Will'in inandığına göre bu çoraklaşmaya neden olan şey o yaratığın ta kendisiydi.
He just spent the whole time, like, repeating that he was innocent over and over again, and complaining about how the system had always been stacked up against him.
Tüm zamanı, sürekli masum olduğunu tekrarlayarak ve sistemin hep ona karşı olduğundan şikayet ederek geçirdi.
How... how do you know the program was designed for Bluetooth, Dr. Fluke?
Programın Bluetooth için tasarlandığını nereden biliyorsunuz, Doktor Fluke?
The entire package was worth almost $ 2 million, but I don't know how that's relevant because I didn't get it.
Paketin tamamı neredeyse 2 milyon dolar değerindeydi ama bu konuyla nasıl alakalıdır, bilmiyorum, çünkü terfiyi ben almadım.
Or should we assume your late husband took you to different doctors and didn't submit the charges to his insurance company so no one would know how often he was assaulting you?
Yoksa merhum kocanızın size ne kadar sık şiddet uyguladığını kimse bilmesin diye sizi farklı doktorlara götürüp ödemeleri sigorta şirketine vermediğini mi varsayalım?
You were proud of how bad you were at relationships, and the only thing that you ever cared about was your career and your sex life.
İlişkilerde ne kadar kötü olduğu hakkında kendini övüp duruyordun sürekli. Tek umursadığın şey kariyerin ve seks hayatındı.
I don't know how small the town was that you came from.
Ne kadar küçük bir kasabadan geldiğini bilmiyordum.
In any case, how much was the prize money?
Neyse, kaç para kazandın?
You told me how the man he was groveled and cried on the deck of this ship.
Bu geminin güvertesinde nasıl ağlayıp yakardığını sen anlatmıştın.
What was the witch on about when she said dad didn't know how to lead?
Babamın yönetmeyi bilmediğini söylediğinde cadı ne demek istiyordu?
I don't think that he understands how much higher this bail was than the others.
Bu kefaletin diğerlerine göre ne kadar yüksek olduğunu anlamıyor.
Ironically, that's how he got the chance to show the world what he was truly capable of.
İşin ironik yanıysa, gerçekte yapabildiklerini dünyaya bu şekilde gösterebilmişti.
And if you were all the way in Memphis, how was it that you ended up here?
Peki madem Memphis'deydiniz, nasıl oldu da buraya geldiniz?
The Dragon Eye was giving us clues on how to find it all along.
Ejderha Gözü onu bulmamız için başından beri bize ipucu veriyormuş.
Well, you have to admit, my experience with how you treated me and Louis was you being the bad guy.
Kabul etmelisin ki, Louis ve bana kötü adam gibi davrandığın için seninle ilgili deneyimim bu oldu.
If you think the ring was the problem with your last marriage, then I don't think you know how gay works.
Son evliliğindeki tek sorunun yüzük olduğunu düşünüyorsan gay ne demek bilmiyor olmalısın.
Hey, how did you know that she was breaking into the bank?
Bankaya girdiğini nereden öğrenmiştin?
How could I have forgotten what happened? I mean, it was all over the Internet.
Yani bu internetin her yerine yayılmıştı.
You know, I was going to take Emma for the night, but how about I take the three of you instead?
Bu akşam Emma'yı alacaktım ama onun yerine üçünüzü alsam mı?
Remember how he always wanted to do a treasure hunt episode of Horsin'Around but the network said it was too edgy?
Herb Horsin'Around'da bir hazine avı bölümü çekmek istemişti ama kanal çok aşırı bulmuştu.
- How was your mother's party in the end?
- Annenin partisi nasıl geçti?
If you're not going to do anything with this bottle of perfume over here, would you mind if I gave it to the girl, seeing as how it was her lifelong dream and all.
Buraya parfümün bu şişe ile bir şey yapmak için gitmiyoruz ıf, I kıza verdi sakıncası olur, Onu ömür boyu rüya ve tüm nasıl olarak görüyorum.
- No? How about the part where she sent me a telegram saying she was coming back?
Peki ya bana telgraf gönderip geri döneceğini söylemesine ne diyorsun?
How your job at the department was an important part of it.
Polisle yaptığın işin bunun önemli bir parçası olduğundan.
She was seduced by the darkness just like he was, so how does that make rumple any different?
Emma da Rumple gibi aynı karanlık tarafından ayartıldı Rumple'ın durumu neden Emma'nınkinden farklı olsun ki?
how was the party 44
how was the meeting 32
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was the funeral 19
how was the flight 35
how was the movie 19
how was the wedding 21
how was the drive 16
how was your weekend 70
how was the meeting 32
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was the funeral 19
how was the flight 35
how was the movie 19
how was the wedding 21
how was the drive 16
how was your weekend 70
how was your night 86
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your vacation 16
how was your week 21
how was it 649
how was your trip 166
how was your first day 31
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your vacation 16
how was your week 21
how was it 649
how was your trip 166
how was your first day 31