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An ex tradutor Espanhol

3,449 parallel translation
An ex-military lawyer.
Una abogada ex militar.
But what ASA Hellinger won't tell you is that Brandi had an ex-boyfriend, a young man living in her hometown, who became obsessed with her, who stalked her.
Pero lo que la Ayudante Hellinger no les dirá es que Brandi tenía un ex-novio, un joven que vivía en su ciudad natal, que se obsesionó con ella, que la acosó.
Oh, he's working like everything's normal... and he didn't hire an ex-con to kill his wife.
Está trabajando como si todo fuera normal... y no hubiera contratado a un ex convicto para asesinar a su mujer.
Actually, you know, I got a text once from an ex-girlfriend
Bueno, ¿ sabes? , una vez recibí un mensaje de una ex-novia
I could spot an ex-wife when I see one.
Puedo distinguir a una exesposa cuando veo una.
Liam's not an ex-client.
Liam no es un ex-cliente.
He's just... an ex.
Es solo... un ex.
He needs an ex-lap.
Necesita una laparotomía exploratoria.
She put me with an ex-con who looked at Leland's books.
El me puso con un ex-convicto que ojeo los libros de Leland.
It seems her father is an Ex-army major!
parece que su padre es un ex militar
He is almost certainly an ex-slave, and he was a baker and a contractor.
Es casi seguro un ex-esclavo, y era panadero y contratista.
Joy was an ex-cokehead and a prostitute.
- Joy era ex cocainómana y prostituta.
Then, given that you're an ex-con, likely carrying concealed weapons, you have a choice.
Como es un ex convicto que quizá porte armas ocultas, le doy a elegir :
I have an ex-policeman becomes a private detective
Tengo un ex-policía que convierte en detective privado,
He insisted that the only American to be able to interview him would be Frankie Andrea, an ex-teammate he had feuded with for years.
Él insistió en que el único entrevistador americano fuera Frankie Andreu, un excompañero con el que se había peleado durante años.
Yeah, I still can't believe he's an ex-mob enforcer.
No puedo creer que era un mafioso.
All right, we've got, uh, an ex-Triad member looking for work.
Ex miembro de las triadas, desempleado.
Your son and Otis Blake were killed by an ex-soldier called Dean Warns.
Tu hijo y Otis Blake fueron asesinados por un ex soldado llamado Dean Warns.
As an ex-villain, you know how a villain thinks, how a villain acts.
Como exvillano, sabe cómo piensa un villano, cómo actúa un villano.
I got an ex-Navy buddy who sells them to me wholesale.
Un amigo que era de la Marina las vende al mayoreo.
- We need an ex-boyfriend in there.
- Necesitamos un ex novio en ese país.
- Who's like an ex-boyfriend that really pissed you off.
- Quién es como un ex novio que realmente le molestó.
- I don't have an ex-boyfriend.
- No tengo un ex novio.
You don't have a single, you're 17 years old and you don't have an ex-boyfriend?
Usted no tiene una sola, tienes 17 años de edad y no tiene un ex novio?
So would you hire an ex-convict?
entonces emplearías a una ex-convicta?
So, hold up, you're an ex, too.
También eres un ex.
I've chased Taliban insurgents in Kabul, hunted war criminals in Serbia, and here I am in a rotten old gas station in the middle of Hicksville, Washington, US of A, chasing an ex-nightclub bouncer - turned-errand boy.
Perseguí a insurgentes talibanes en Kabul, perseguí a criminales de guerra en Serbia, y aquí estoy, en una gasolinera podrida en medio de Villa Patán, Washington, EE.UU, persiguiendo a un ex portero de club nocturno vuelto mandadero.
- Lindsey has an ex-husband?
¿ Lindsey tiene un exmarido?
Already broken your parole condition by leaving the country. An ex-wife at the embassy.
Violó su libertad condicional dejando el país, su ex está en la Embajada.
He is an ex-legionnaire, who betrayed his own legion for greed.
Un ex legionario, que traiciono a su propia legión por codicia.
And I found a way to be single and have an ex-wife without it costing me a Penny, which has to go down as the biggest win of my career.
Y he encontrado una manera de ser soltero y tiene una ex esposa sin que me cueste un centavo, que tiene que subir o bajar el victoria más importante de mi carrera.
Never go out with an ex.
Nunca salir con una ex.
Come on, it's not like somebody's gonna hire an ex-con.
Por favor, nadie va a contratar a una exrea.
I was just wondering if you might know anything that jumps out at you, anyone new in her life, an ex-boyfriend or someone.
Me preguntaba si sabes algo, si notaste algo, alguien nuevo en su vida, un ex novio o alguien.
Better to dress as an ex Marine who is wanted for murder?
Sí, mejor, vístete como ex Marine que se te busca por asesinato.
Hashi, don't know a thing as an ex Marine? Semper Fi.
Hashi, no tienen idea de un ex Marine, Semper Fi.
I had an ex-girlfriend drop by, and we had a little confrontation.
Tuve una visita de una ex-novia, y tuvimos un poco de confrontación.
Huh? Seems kind of strange for an ex-con renting to a lawman.
Parece algo extraño que un expresidiario le alquile a un oficial.
And that, it makes you more than just an ex-boyfriend.
Y eso, te hace algo, más que un ex-novio.
Well, you know what the best thing to bring to an ex's wedding is, right?
Bueno, sabes qué es lo mejor que puedes llevar... a la boda de un ex, ¿ verdad?
You know what you're not supposed to do at an ex's wedding?
¿ Sabes lo que se supone que no debes hacer en la boda de un ex?
An ex-con named Wayne Starkie, a rapist.
Un ex-convicto llamado Wayne Starkie, un violador.
Jim and I are pretty sure she had an affair with her ex-assistant Hunter.
Jim y yo estamos bastante seguros que tuvo una aventura con su ex-asistente Hunter.
You really gonna hit your ex-wife with an obstruction of justice charge?
¿ En serio vas a acusar a tu ex-mujer de obstrucción a la justicia?
If they knew you were the guy who took me, first of all, they'd be pissed, but more importantly, if they did their homework, they'd know you were ex-CIA, and who better to pin an assassination on
Si supieran que eres el tío que me cogió, lo primero de todo, estarían enfadado, pero más importante, si han hecho su trabajo sabrían que antes trabajabas en la CIA,
I have it on good authority from my model ex-girlfriend and an actual lesbian gynecologist that I know exactly what I'm doing, so it's got to be you.
Sé por fuentes fiables como mi ex-novia modelo y una verdadera ginecóloga lesbiana que sé exactamente lo que estoy haciendo, así que tienes que ser tú.
I just got an e-mail from my ex-wife.
Es solo que acabo de recibir un e-mail de mi ex esposa.
A friend of a friend knew a couple of guys who were renting an entire building, a former strip joint called "Good Times."
Un amigo conocía a unos tipos que rentaban todo un edificio, un ex club de desnudistas llamado "Buenos momentos".
I can't believe I was such an idiot to lower myself to be with such a pathetic jailbird.
No puedo creer que fui tan idiota de rebajarme a andar con un patetico ex reo.
An army general and a former minister.
Un General del Ejército y un ex Ministro.
Lucas Hood had virtually no living relatives, an estranged ex-wife and son he ain't seen in years.
Lucas Hood virtualmente no tiene parientes, una desconocida ex-mujer y un hijo al que no ha visto en años.

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