And who is she tradutor Espanhol
1,511 parallel translation
Is she some kind of crazy person who gets kissed once and decides to change her whole life?
¿ Es ese tipo de loca... a la que besan una vez y decide cambiar de vida?
Y cuán diferente y extraño es realmente para alguien que tiene 1 2 años.
I just want to know... who she is, and where she lives, and what she looks like.
Solo quiero saber quién es ella y dónde vive y cómo luce.
The only person who can tie Sam Purcell to Ellis Warner's killing is his wife, and she won't testify.
La única que puede relacionar a Sam Purcell con el asesinato de Ellis Warner es su mujer, y ella no va a testificar.
In round two your brother lands in jail if he's not careful and Fiona has some associates who are very interested to know where she is.
Porque en el segundo asalto, tu hermano termina en cárcel si no es cuidadoso y Fiona tiene conocidos que están más que interesados en saber dónde está.
Who is she and what are you doing?
¿ Quién es ella y qué estás haciendo?
Who knows how she is and in what condition.
Quién sabe cómo está... dónde está, en qué situación...
That first week in college, I saw you walking on the commons, and I thought, "Who is she?"
Esa primera vez en la universidad te vi caminando por el parque y me pregunté : "¿ Quién es?".
I know a girl name sophie who is in love with kevin, and she said that she would give up her life for him, and I watched her do it.
Sé de una chica llamada Sophie que estaba enamorada de Kevin... y dijo que daría su vida por él y la vi hacerlo.
I was trying to summon gabriel's mother... if that's who she is... and while I was waiting, I got this.
Estaba tratando de convocar a la madre de Gabriel... Si esa era ella... Y mientras estaba esperando, llegó esto.
So then the mystery is, is who is this ghost, and why did she lead us to that box?
El misterio es, ¿ quién es el fantasma y por qué nos ha llevado a esa caja?
The real mystery is, who is this ghost, and why did she lead us to that box?
El misterio es, ¿ quién es el fantasma y por qué nos ha llevado a esa caja?
She's your patient and you don't know who she is?
¿ Es su paciente y no sabe quién es?
We can stop this together, but you have to help me figure out who she is and-and why she would wanna do this to you.
Podemos parar esto juntas, pero tienes que ayudarme a averiguar quien es ella y porqué querría haceros esto a vosotras.
Denise is the only one who tried this and she could not get it down.
Denise es la única que lo intentó y no pudo comerlo.
I have to give credit to Louise Hay, it was she who opened my eyes... and showed that it is unlimited.
Y le tengo que dar crédito a Louise Hay, porque fue la persona que me abrió los ojos y me mostró que es ilimitado.
Find out who Rainbow is, where she lives and who this Professor is.
Encuentra quién es Arcoiris, dónde vive y quién es ese profesor.
And I called up Donna Smith from Denver. Who is now on nine different medications. And asked her if she'd like to come along.
Y llamé a Donna Smith de Denver,... que ahora tomaba nueve medicamentos diferentes, y le pregunté si quería venir.
Now, I need you to find out who she is... and then pick me up at Alterman's.
Ahora, averigua con quién... y ven por mí a Alertman.
And maybe she can tell me who this mystery man is.
Quizá me diga quién es el hombre misterioso.
And you know, she's the one who is sick. With cancer.
Ella tiene cáncer.
Imagine what Gives Vinci or Socrates... they would have carried out with its system of ocular capsule, but it is you who he / she has and he / she has that to make of this the best thing.
Imagine lo que Da Vinci o Sócrates... habrían realizado con su sistema de cápsula ocular, pero es usted quién tiene y tiene que hacer de esto lo mejor.
which means... she who loves and is loyal to her lineage.
Que significa... la que ama y es fiel a su linaje.
Is a girl who lives the 2nd floor of the building's front... and she is so beautiful she did my head stops working.
Es una chica que vive en el 2do piso de la casa de enfrente... Y ella es tan bonita que mi cabeza no para de trabajar.
My mother is here and she wants me to marry someone who I really don't know.
Mi madre está aquí y quiere que me case con alguien a quien no conozco.
Who we want in our wheels, and when last week thought Miss Nasira and I could not be friends, because she is Muslim and I'm Jewish.
A quién queremos en nuestros círculos, así como cuando la semana pasada pensaron que la Srta Nasira y yo no podíamos ser amigas por ser de diferentes religiones.
- This is such an optimistic movie about a girl who discovers herself and in doing so, she finds true loves.
Es una película tan optimista Una mujer que se descubre y se entrega a la busqueda de el amor verdadero. Y eso es muy difícil de hacer en una comedia romántica.
And then she finds out who Harriet's father is, and suddenly, "Ew!" She's lucky to get the farmer.
Luego descubre quién es su padre y se contenta con el granjero.
She'd tell you her glazed buttermilk is all-time, and... who are you talking to, creepy shut-in?
Ella te diría que su pastel de mantequilla de leche es un gran favorito, y... ¿ Con quién estás hablando, espeluznante ermitaño?
It is the women of Rome, like the she-wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus, who have raised a nation of wise statesmen and invincible warriors.
Esa es la mujer de roma Como la loba que amamanto a romulo y remo Que han levantado a una nacion de sabios estadistas
O holy and blessed lady, perpetual comfort of humankind, who by thy bounty and grace nourishes the whole world, and bears a great compassion to the troubles of the miserable as a loving mother would, you are she that is the natural mother
Bendita y santa Señora perpetuo consuelo de la humanidad quien con tu gracia y generosidad alimentas al mundo entero y llevas gran compasión a los problemas de los desdichados...
O holy and blessed lady, perpetual comfort of humankind, who by thy bounty and grace nourishes the whole world, and bears a great compassion to the troubles of the miserable as a loving mother would, you are she who is the natural mother to all things,
Bendita y santa Señora perpetuo consuelo de la humanidad quien con tu gracia y generosidad alimentas al mundo entero y llevas gran compasión a los problemas de los desdichados... Tú que eres ella, la madre natural de todas las cosas...
Well, we need to find out who she is and who took these.
Bueno, necesitamos saber quién es ella y quién las tomó.
And, no, I don't miss who she is now.
Y, no, no echo de menos a quién es ahora.
Before my mother died, she told me the most important thing in life is to find someone who loves you. And when you do, hold onto them no matter what. Because in the end, that's all that matters.
Antes que mi madre falleciera me dijo que lo más importante en la vida es encontrar alguien que te ame y cuando lo haces te aferras a él como sea porque al final, eso es lo único que realmente importa.
And when she is, these are the people who are staying... and these are the people who get the Jimmy Choo.
Y cuando lo este, estas son las personas que permanecerán... y estas son las personas que conseguirán el Jimmy Choo.
The police and medical investigators seem to know what they need to do, which is find out how Katarina got infected and who she came into contact with.
La policía y los forenses parecen saber qué es lo que tenemos que hacer, que es encontrar cómo se infectó Katarina y con quién estuvo en contacto.
If she walks and she is what you say she is, who knows who she's going to kill next.
Si se marcha y es lo que dices que es, quién sabe quién será el siguiente que vaya a matar.
Fellas, until we find out Who she is And how she died, Those steps are a crime scene.
Fellas, antes de que sepamos quien es y como murió,
Now all we have to do is make her tell us how she kills... and if she knows who he is. to get her to confess.
y si conoce a Kira. Y si es así que nos lo diga. Tenemos que lograr que hable.
Well, I just told her that there's a guy out there who's gonna see how amazing and... beautiful she is, and is gonna love her.
Bueno, pues que hay alguien allí fuera,..... que verá cómo de maravillosa y preciosa es, y que la querrá.
Because she is an understanding, kind, and loving woman who loves you.
Porque es una mujer comprensiva, amable y cariñosa que te quiere.
And someday when she's old enough, she's gonna ask me where her daddy is, who he was, and how he died.
Y algún día, cuando sea lo suficientemente grande va a preguntarme dónde está su papá. Quién fue y cómo murió.
.. who and where is she?
¿ Quién es y dónde se encuentra?
I went in and rinsed the soap out of her eyes and then I went back out and let her get dressed, which is what she told her mother, who did not listen.
Entré y le quite el jabón de los ojos... y volví a salir... y dejé que ella se vistiera, que es lo que ella le dijo a su madre... quien no le creyó.
A girl who cleans my house called, said today is her day, Tuesday, and she... her grandma died, she's sitting with a corpse.
La chica que limpia mi casa llamó diciendo que hoy, martes, era su día, y... que se había muerto su abuela. Volví y no las encontré.
She knows who she is and I want that.
Sabe quién es y yo quiero eso para mí.
And now not only is she totally unimpressed, but after I'm gone, she'll remember me as the idiot who was dumb enough to jump into a tub of cement.
Y ahora, no sólo está menos que impresionada, sino que después de que me muera, me recordará como el bobo tan tonto como para saltar a un tanque de cemento.
She wanted him to know who his father is, and if anything happened to her, to come find me.
- ¿ Vas a tajar jamón con esos pantalones? - ¿ Qué?
The next thing I remember... is your mother... sitting in my room telling me stories... about this... brilliant, loyal boy... who stuck by her through thick and thin... despite the many, many ways she had failed him.
Lo siguiente que recuerdo... es a tu madre... sentada en mi cuarto contándome anécdotas... sobre un... chico brillante y leal... que la apoyó en las buenas y en las malas... a pesar de las muchas formas en las que ella le había fallado.
Her style as an executive is a direct extension of who she is as a wife and a parent.
Su estilo como ejecutiva es una proyección de quien es como esposa y madre.
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who is he 36
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is she 1115
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who is she 1115
is she beautiful 26
is she married 28
is she with you 37
is she 1013
is she pretty 86
is she single 26
is she your girlfriend 37
is she ok 125
is she still alive 35
is she around 26
is she married 28
is she with you 37
is she 1013
is she pretty 86
is she single 26
is she your girlfriend 37
is she ok 125
is she still alive 35
is she around 26
is she in there 31
is she breathing 41
is she in 38
is she in trouble 26
is she okay 595
is she there 69
is she hot 46
is she coming 28
is she asleep 26
is she safe 29
is she breathing 41
is she in 38
is she in trouble 26
is she okay 595
is she there 69
is she hot 46
is she coming 28
is she asleep 26
is she safe 29
is she all right 347
is she dead 183
is she sick 56
is she here 231
is she still here 26
is she alive 73
is she not 35
is she crazy 28
is she gonna be okay 87
is she hurt 42
is she dead 183
is she sick 56
is she here 231
is she still here 26
is she alive 73
is she not 35
is she crazy 28
is she gonna be okay 87
is she hurt 42