Ask yourself this tradutor Espanhol
311 parallel translation
But before you waste too much sympathy on these little people, like your English friends, just ask yourself this :
Todo lo que les pido es esa "Perla de Caridad Cristiana", citando a nuestro gran poeta americano, John Greenleaf Whittier. Un aplauso para él, amigos.
Ask yourself this :
No te has preguntado...
If you are, ask yourself this question :
Si lo es, hágase esta pregunta :
Ask yourself this question.
Hágase usted mismo esta pregunta.
Ask yourself this, Professor.
Piénselo bien, Profesor.
It appals me to think there's a connection between myself and that man, but consider his crimes, Chief Inspector, and ask yourself this.
Me aterra tener que pensar que existe la más remota conexión entre yo y ese hombre, pero... considere sus crímenes, Inspector Jefe, y pregúntese esto.
We invite you to join with us and ask yourself this one simple question- -
Los invitamos a que se nos unan y se hagan esta simple pregunta- -
When you undertake the trip it suggests, ask yourself this question :
Mientras disfrutas del viaje que ahí se te indica, pregúntate...
If you really want to understand Mr. Donnelly's view on family values and ask yourself this question.
Si quieren conocer la opinión del Sr. Donnelly sobre la familia, echen un vistazo a su hermano y pregúntense lo siguiente :
Ask yourself this :
Pregúntate esto :
Ask yourself this problem?
¿ Eso no te molesta?
And ask yourself this honestly.
Y plantéatelo con honestidad.
Ask yourself this : Do you believe Peter Benton is a good surgeon?
Hazte una pregunta. ¿ Crees que Peter Benton es un buen cirujano?
Now, ask yourself this : Should County have excellent surgeons on its staff?
¿ Debe tener el County cirujanos excelentes en su equipo?
If you ask me, you framed this thing yourself.
Yo digo que tú planeaste esto.
But then ask yourself, why would anyone trod from the usually well traveled roads of this modern age, from the luxury of an air conditioned automobile?
Háganse está pregunta : ¿ Por que motivo alguien sé apartaría de los caminos habituales, abandonando el lujo de un auto con aire acondicionado?
Ask yourself, is this really kindness?
Puede ser, si a esto lo considera hacer el bien.
And I'm going to ask you that when the proof is all in, to see if you don't say to yourself that this is a tragic case of a mistaken identity.
Les pido que, en vista de todas las pruebas, se den cuenta de que estamos ante un caso trágico de identidad equivocada.
Think about it, and then ask yourself do you live here, in this country, in this world, or do you live instead in the twilight zone?
Piénselo. Y luego pregúntese a sí mismo si vive aquí, en este país... en este mundo, o si, en cambio, vive en La Dimensión Desconocida.
There will come a time when you will ask yourself : "What did he do in the war? This man, Yamura?"
Llegará un momento en el que usted se preguntará qué hizo en la guerra, este hombre Yamura.
I would ask you to keep this to yourself.
Le pido que guarde el secreto.
Don't ask for sympathy from me. You're doing this to yourself.
No esperes que tenga piedad, te lo has hecho tú mismo.
This is a.44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off you've got to ask yourself one question : "Do I feel lucky?"
Ésta es una Magnum.44, la pistola más poderosa del mundo que volaría tu cabeza sin problema tienes que preguntarte una cosa : "¿ Es mi día de suerte?"
But being this is a.44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and will blow your head clean off you've got to ask yourself :
Pero como ésta es una Magnum del 44, la pistola más poderosa del mundo que volaría tu cabeza sin problema tienes que preguntarte una cosa :
You could have saved yourself all this bother. Why didn't you ask to see me?
Querido Doctor, se podría haber ahorrado todo esta molestia. ¿ Por qué no pidió verme?
But you may ask yourself how did this little village with its handful... of warriors manage to hold out against the all powerful Roman invaders?
Pero tal vez se preguntan cómo esta pequeña aldea y su puñado de guerreros pueden resistir a los poderosos invasores Romanos...
I'm gonna ask for a mistrial. I'll request that you disqualify yourself from this case.
Voy a pedir que declaren el juicio nulo y que usted se retire de este caso.
I venture to suggest that you ask to see this material about Minsk yourself.
Me atrevo a sugerir que pida para visualizar este material acerca de Minsk usted mismo.
Laura, I don't pretend to know what this is about... and ordinarily I do anything you ask... but you specifically told me you could handle the missing fish client by yourself.
¿ Laura? No sé de qué se trata. Normalmente hago todo lo que me pides.
Darling, I just can't ask you to tie yourself to me with all this hanging over my head.
Querida, no puedo pedirte que te ates a mí con todo esto sobre mi cabeza.
You can ask him yourself this evening.
Pregúnteselo Ud. Esta misma tarde, si quiere.
You owe it to yourself, now you have to ask yourself. This is my life.
Pregúntate : " Esta es mi vida.
in this restaurant, I really think that you need to ask yourself one simple question.
en este restaurante, necesitas hacerte una sencilla pregunta.
Pondering this here phenomenon we call Cicely, Alaska, you might ask yourself :
Al considerar este fenómeno que llamamos Cicely, Alaska, podrían preguntarse :
You ask yourself why you make this?
Preguntate por qué haces esto.
The question you have to ask yourself, will he be this loyal to you?
La pregunta que tiene que hacerse, es qué tan leal con usted será.
You have to ask yourself what is going on with this team and how long... will owner Hank Murphy put up with this kind of behaviour from his manager.
Deben preguntarse, ¿ qué pasa con este equipo? ¿ Por cuánto tiempo aguantará el dueño Hank Murphy la conducta de su manejador?
You have to ask yourself what brought the person to this point, what was seen in his face, his manner, that...
Tienes que preguntarte qué es lo que ha llevado a la persona hasta ese extremo. Qué se ve en su cara, en su actitud, que le haya llevado por ese camino.
So in this, this business of show, you gotta ask yourself...
Así que en este negocio que llamamos show business, tienes que preguntarte lo siguiente.
When you see this next picture, I hope you ask yourself the question :
Cuando vean la siguiente foto, espero que se hagan esta pregunta :
- For God's sake. - I want you to consider my age and ask yourself how I maintain this.
- Quiero que consideres mi edad y te preguntes cómo mantengo esto.
You should ask this question to yourself.
Eso deberías preguntártelo a tí mismo.
Don't ask yourself so much whether this or that is good for you.
No te preguntes mucho si esto o eso es bueno para ti o no.
Joey, if this takes seven days you'll be able to meet God and ask him about it yourself.
Si te toma siete días podrás conocer a Dios y preguntarle tú mismo.
Why ask this woman when you're providing answers yourself?
- Señoría, ¿ por qué cuestionar a esta mujer cuando parece tan dispuesta a que Ud. las deduzca?
Oh, well, then you have to ask yourself, is this the right house for you?
Entonces deben preguntarse sIésta es la casa indicada para Uds.
And... and ask yourself, why is this an orphan?
Y tienes que preguntarte, ¿ por qué es un " "caso huérfano" "?
Your arrest was dumb. But if you don't look back and ask yourself how this happened...
Fue estúpido tu arresto pero si no ves un poco hacia atrás y te preguntas cómo pasó esto...
"Ask yourself that, and the question of what to do in this life becomes so simple, it's terrifying."
"Pregúntate eso, y la pregunta de que hacemos en esta vida se vuelve simple, es aterrador."
If you have sons and daughters, ask yourself : would you risk that to this man's remorse?
Si tienen hijos, pregúntense si confiarían en el remordimiento de este hombre.
More importantly, you have to ask yourself "What does this have to do with this case?"
¡ No tiene sentido! Pero lo que deben preguntarse :
ask yourself 98
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is different 405
this is me 479
this one 1756
this is weird 356
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083