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Born ready tradutor Espanhol

220 parallel translation
- l was born ready.
- Nací preparado.
- As I told you, I was born ready.
- Ya te lo dije, nací preparado.
Somehow I feel I was born ready.
Siento que nací estando listo.
I was born ready.
Nací lista.
- I was born ready.
- Si nací listo.
- We were born ready. - Wonderful.
Nacimos listos.
I was born ready, lard ass.
Yo nací listo, culo de manteca.
- I was born ready.
- Nací lista.
I was born ready.
Nací bien preparado.
Sure, I was born ready.
Seguro, nací para eso.
- Hey, I was born ready.
- Oye, yo nací listo.
Maurice, I was born ready.
Maurice, yo naci listo.
I was born ready.
Yo nací listo.
I was born ready, baby.
Nací listo, nene.
Stick was born ready.
Stick nació listo.
Oh, Alexx, I was born ready.
Alex, nací preparado.
I'm born ready.
¡ Nací preparado!
I was born ready, Nick.
Nací preparado, Nick.
I was born ready, man.
Nací preparado, hombre.
- Ready to run for it? - l was born ready.
Preparado para un spring
I was born ready.
Nací listo.
- I was born ready. - Well, today you buy a house!
- Usted compra una casa cualquiera.
- I was born ready.
- Nací preparado.
My booty was born ready to shake.
- Mi trasero nació listo para menearse.
I was born ready, motherfucker.
Yo nací listo, cabrón.
- I was born ready, baby.
Yo nací listo, nena.
- Born ready.
- Siempre lo he estado.
I was born ready.
Nací preparada.
When the baby is ready to be born, there is danger that she may transmit the disease to the child when it passes out of her body.
Cuando el niño está listo para nacer, existe el riesgo de que la madre pueda infectarlo durante el parto.
then we've got to have this dump cleaned up so that it'll be ready for when the child is born.
Bueno, pues entonces hay que adecentar esta pocilga para que cuando nazca el niño esté todo listo.
I was born ready.
Siempre lo estoy.
Honey, even if the worst happened and the baby was born with no immunities this time we're ready.
Cariño, incluso aunque pasara lo peor y el niño naciera sin defensas, esta vez estamos listos.
She was born and bred here, Cal, and ready for city lights.
Nació y se crió aquí, Cal, pero está dispuesta a vivir en la ciudad.
A tiny smile growing, getting ready to be born.
Una pequeña sonrisa crecía, lista para esbozarse.
Only thing we have to do, once we're born, is die, and I think I'm ready for that.
Lo único que tenemos que hacer una vez que nacemos es morir. Y creo que estoy listo para eso.
Ready to be born again, Mrs. Bowden?
¿ Está lista para renacer, Sra. Bowden?
There's a special place inside a woman where the baby stays nice and warm and safe until it's ready to be born into the world.
Sí. Hay un lugar especial en el interior de la mujer donde el bebé permanece abrigado y seguro hasta que está listo para venir al mundo.
Ready... Gee, if we die here in the past... does that mean that we don't get born in the future?
Listos... mmm, si morimos aquí en el pasado... eso significa que no naceremos en el futuro?
This child is ready to be born.
El niño está a punto de nacer.
Even though your son was only ten weeks old when he was born... physically he was nine months and ready to leave your womb.
Aunque estuvo solo 10 semanas en la panza... fisicamente es de 9 meses y estaba listo para salir.
These days, most of our young are born cable-ready.
Ahora los que nacer ya tienen incluido TV por cable.
It is four months since the pups were born It is four months since the pups were born and they're ready to leave, but they are facing one of the greatest hazards of this cruel sea.
Pasaron 4 meses desde que nacieron las crías y están listas para partir, pero enfrentan uno de los más retos de este mar cruel.
My mother was pregnant and ready to pop again and I stupidly thought that when Brad was born he'd take some of the pressure off me.
Mi madre se quedó embarazada y a punto para explotar a otra vez Y yo estupidamente pensé, que cuando Brad naciera no estarían tan pendientes de mi
And the dragon stood before the woman, which was ready to be delivered... for to devour her child, as soon as it was born.
Y el dragón se paró frente a la mujer que estaba por dar a luz a fin de devorar a su hijo tan pronto como naciese.
Lie down. Now you're being born. Ready?
Estás naciendo. ¡ Atraviesa la placenta!
Actually, I was born the day that Fidel Castro arrived... from Mexico, ready to start the revolution.
De hecho, nací el día que Ilegó Fidel Castro... de México preparado para empezar la revolución.
Are you ready to be born today?
¿ Preparado para nacer hoy?
and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born ".
Y el dragón se paró frente a la mujer que estaba para dar a luz a fin de devorar a su hijo tan pronto como naciese.
Okay, come on, the critters are over this way. You mountain lions ready to stop the Antichrist from being born? Sure.
Las criaturas están por acá, estan listos para detener el nacimiento del Anticristo?
- I was born ready.
Nací lista.
It is now December and they are ready to leave the place where they were born.
Ahora es diciembre... y están listos para dejar el lugar en el que nacieron.

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