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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ B ] / Both gasp

Both gasp tradutor Espanhol

100 parallel translation
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the talented daughter of the notorious Blossom Murphy"? ( Both gasp )
Damas y caballeros... les presento a la talentosa hija de la famosa Capullo Murphy?
[Both Gasp] Gloria, dear, last year, Lila Lee put you in the 50 % bracket, right?
Gloria, el año pasado se te calificó en el 50 por ciento, ¿ no?
[Both Gasp] James Woods!
- James Woods!
In other news, Thomas Edison, the greatest inventor of all time [Both Gasp] - is apparently still inventing... despite the notable handicap of being dead.
En otras noticias, Thomas Edison, el inventor más grande de la historia aparentemente sigue inventando a pesar del considerable obstáculo de estar muerto.
- [Both Gasp] - Quick! The barn!
¡ Rápido, al granero!
- [Both Gasp] - Hallelujah!
¡ Aleluya!
- [Both Gasp] - Welcome to my nightmare.
Bienvenidos a mi pesadilla.
[Both Gasp] I'm with Jim Hope of Kid First Industries... which has generously stepped in to educate our children.
Estoy con Jim Hope de Industrias Los Niños Primero quienes intervinieron para educar a nuestros niños.
[Both Gasp] We're the Hell's Satans out of Bakersfield!
¡ Somos los Satanes del Infierno de Bakersfield!
- [Both Gasp] - Now eat it.
Ahora... cómetela.
- [Both Gasp] That's my third monocle this week.
Ése es mi tercer monóculo esta semana.
( both gasp ) I'm so sorry. I have to ask you- - are you the gentleman who yells obscenities outside Papaya King?
Lo siento, debo preguntárselo ¿ es Ud. el hombre que grita insultos afuera de Papaya King?
What am I saying, "may"? . - [Both Gasp]
¿ Qué dije, "puede"?
- ( both gasp ) - He's covered the whole place.
- Ha cubierto todo el lugar.
Knitting pattern. ( both gasp ) knitting pattern guy has come to life, qualified as a doctor, and asked you out?
Es un verdadero modelo.... calificado como médico te invita a salir a ti.
[BOTH GASP] Say your prayers.
Digan sus oraciones.
# The whole plantation's humming # [Both Gasp]
Tienes a toda la plantación cantando desde que trajiste a Dixie a su lugar.
[Both gasp ] [ sirens] Please, grandma!
¡ Por favor abuela, tienes que ayudarme!
- Come on. [Both grunt ] [ Both gasp]
( Música )
[Laughs maniacally ] [ Saw buzzing ] [ Both gasp]
Voy a plantarle cara a mis miedos y voy a plantarle cara al hombre.
I got him! ( bones snap ) ( both gasp ) Dinner'll be ready in half an hour.
Lo tengo! La comida estará lista en media hora.
[both gasp ] [ muffled groan]
[Ambos sorprendidos ] [ Gruñido tapado]
No dice. - Now let me go or I'll kill the gay news team. - [Both Gasp]
Pero primero, os sugiero que os deis la vuelta para que podais ver a través de esa ventana a la madre de Steve desnudandose.
- Yeah, but you're dumb enough to bring a porn star. - ( Both gasp )
Sí, pero eres lo bastante tonto como para llevar a una estrella porno.
Damn it. [Both gasp]
( BOTH GASP ) Santa claus!
¡ Papá Noel!
( AMBOS garraspean )
- ( Exhala PABLO ) - ( AMBOS GASP )
[Man ] Who's there? [ Both Gasp ] [ Both Laughing]
¿ Quién está ahí? ¡ Vamos, vamos, corre, corre!
[Both gasp] I gotta get rid of this before Peter comes out.
¡ El heterosexual ex cliente de mi ex esposo gay! Tengo que deshacerme de ésto antes de que Peter salga.
[voices whispering ] [ ringing ] [ both gasp]
[susurrando voces ] [ timbre ] [ Ambos jadeo]
And look at this! [Both gasp]
¡ Y mira esto!
- The utmost limit of... BOTH : A gasp of breath. "
- "El último límite es..." "Una bocanada de aire."
half the intro and two choruses. ( both gasp ) ( piano playing )
La mitad de la introducción y dos estrofas. ♪ Ganas de bailar. ♪
[Both Gasp, Scream]
[Both Gasp]
- ¿ Qué pasó?
- [Both Gasp ] - [ Grunts] If somebody's in here, you're in for some serious ass forkir!
¡ Si alguien está aquí adentro, prepárese para una buena horquillada!
- [Humming ] - [ Both Gasp] What do you have to say about the Leader now, huh?
¿ Qué dicen del Líder ahora?
- [Both Gasp]
- ¿ Les gustó?
[Both Gasp]
- [Both Gasp ] - [ Chuckles] Well, it's not like that's a crime.
Eso no es un delito.
- # # [Rolka ] - [ Both Gasp] Looking for these?
¿ Buscan esto?
- [Both Gasp] I guess I'll just crawl back to live in a sewer... periodically emerging to sue you. - What?
¿ Qué?
[BOTH GASP] you hearing what I'm hearing, kid?
¿ Escuchas lo que yo?
[Both Gasp] What are you doing here?
- ¿ Qué hacen aquí?
[Both Gasp] What? What the hell?
- ¿ Qué diablos?
Where nothing ever goes wrong. [Both gasp]
- ¡ Oh por Dios!
[Both gasp]
Vale, vale.
( both gasp ) Meanwhile, cindy and I Were having a lovely evening,
Mientras tanto, Cindy y yo estábamos teniendo una preciosa velada, excepto que no bromeaba sobre el complejo de su compañera de piso.

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