Catch him tradutor Espanhol
4,948 parallel translation
Did they catch him?
We could catch him.
Nosotros le atraparemos.
I'm glad you didn't try and catch him.
Me alegro de que no intentaras cazarlo.
So what you're saying is, you didn't request assistance because you wanted to catch him with your own hands?
Entonces está diciendo que... ¿ no pidió refuerzos porque quería atraparlo por su cuenta?
Then you catch him, you bastard, instead of just running your mouth!
¡ Entonces intenta atraparlo tú y deja de hablar!
As soon as I catch him, I'll pull out both his eyeballs and play pool with them.
Si lo atrapo, voy a arrancarle los ojos y jugar al billar con ellos.
Jang Tae San, I will definitely catch him.
- Esté segura que atraparé a Jang Tae San.
They need to catch him in the act.
Necesitan atraparlo en el acto.
Wait. Did someone catch him?
Espera. ¿ Alguien lo atrapo?
I-I was just waiting for, uh, Windsor to come down, maybe catch him off guard.
Absolutamente. E-estaba esperando a que, Windsor bajar, quizá pillarle con la guardia baja.
What do you mean "catch him off guard"? I don't know, I've been doing this a long time.
¿ Qué quieres decir con "pillarle con la guardia baja"?
It'd be better to catch him alive.
Sería mejor capturarle vivo.
Now you have the chance to catch him.
Ahora tienes la oportunidad de capturarlo.
Either you catch him or I send in Plan B, I'm not risking anything with McCrane.
Si no lo detienes enviaremos un plan B, no voy a arriesgarme con McCrane.
If you catch him, you know what to do.
Si lo atrapas, ya sabes lo qué tienes que hacer.
So we catch him, and then what?
Lo atrapamos, ¿ y luego qué?
Catch him.
You had your chance to catch him and you blew it- - if you were really trying.
Usted tuvo su oportunidad de pillarle y la malogró... si es que de verdad lo estaba intentando.
No, we didn't catch him.
- No, no lo atrapamos.
I need you to ask Vincent to help catch him.
Necesito que le pidas a Vincent que ayude a atraparlo.
Okay? I don't want Vincent to kill this beast, I want him to catch him.
No quiero que Vincent mate a esta bestia, quiero que la atrape.
They catch him?
¿ Lo atraparon?
No, we didn't catch him.
No, no lo atrapamos.
I'll try and catch him... ( Speaks indistinctly )
Intentaré atraparlo...
And what if we do catch him?
¿ Y qué si le cogemos?
We get her to wear a wire, maybe we catch him in a lie.
Si conseguimos que lleve un micro, quizá le cojamos en una mentira.
Catch him!
¡ Cogedlo!
You know I'm gonna catch him, Charlie, right?
Sabes que voy a atraparlo, Charlie, ¿ verdad?
As for my father, he's shouting, "catch him! Catch him!"
En cuanto a mi padre, él está gritando " ¡ Agárralo!
It's a good thing they didn't catch him, then.
Es algo bueno que no lo hayan cogido entonces.
Catch him!
¡ Atrápenlo! ¡ Sosténganlo, vamos!
We can still catch him.
Aún podemos atraparlo.
I realised that if I did not try and match his hunger for betterment, then he would get so far ahead of me I would never catch him again.
Me di cuenta de que si no lo intentaba y combinaba su hambre de superación, entonces él llegar tan lejos por delante de mí que Yo nunca le cogería de nuevo.
We need to catch him in the act.
Tenemos que pillarle con ellas en la masa.
You can catch him later.
Puedes cogerle luego.
Catch him.
Justice took years to catch him.
Que la justicia ha tardado años en agarrarle.
I won't stop until we catch him.
No voy a parar hasta dar con él.
Let's do something. We'll look for that dog together. And we'll catch him alive.
Vamos a hacer una cosa, vamos a buscar a ese perro juntos y vamos a agarrarlo con vida.
- Catch him, catch him!
- ¡ Cogedlo, cogedlo!
You will never catch him.
Nunca lo cogerás.
Auggie, I didn't stay to try and catch him.
Auggie, no me quedé para intentar cogerle.
Auggie, I didn't stay to try to catch him.
Auggie, no me quedé para intentar atraparle.
Now get over here and catch him.
Ven aquí y ayúdame a bajarle.
Tú no tenías que dejarlo atraparte.
That there's a serial killer out there and that we'll never catch her without him.
Que hay una asesina en serie... suelta y que no la atraparemos jamás sin él.
Hey, you forgot to tell him that boats flip, catch fire, and people drown.
Hey, usted se olvidó de decirle que los barcos dar la vuelta, se incendian, y las personas se ahogan.
Did you see him catch the pen with his right hand?
¿ Lo viste tomar el bolígrafo con la mano derecha?
You're sure you didn't catch a glimpse of him?
¿ Estás seguro de que no le pudiste ver?
If I catch who done this to my son, I'll kill him.
Si pillo al que le ha hecho esto a mi hijo, lo mato.
He's gonna help us catch Henry, we're gonna keep that picture of him taking the briefcase to ourselves, and he gets to keep all of Henry's diamonds.
Va a ayudarnos a atrapar a Henry, y nosotros vamos a mantener esa foto suya cogiendo el maletín para nosotros, y él consigue quedarse con los diamantes de Henry.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
catch 385
catcher 26
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himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
catch 385
catcher 26
catch me if you can 46
catchy 51
catcher in the rye 27
catch up 88
catch your breath 35
catch and release 16
catch me up 20
catch me 65
catch you later 192
catch her 49
catching up 25
catcher in the rye 27
catch up 88
catch your breath 35
catch and release 16
catch me up 20
catch me 65
catch you later 192
catch her 49
catching up 25