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Get her off me tradutor Espanhol

295 parallel translation
Get her off me.
Quítenmela de encima.
- Get her off me! - No, please!
- ¡ Llévensela de aquí!
Get her off me!
¡ Quítamela de encima!
Get her off me!
¡ Quitádmela de encima!
Mom, get her off me!
¡ Mamá, sácamela de encima!
Get her off me!
Apártenla! - Muévanse.
- Get her off me!
950 01 : 04 : 12,703 - - 01 : 04 : 15,501
Get her off me!
¡ Sáquenmela!
- Tommy, get her off me!
- ¡ Tommy, sácala de aquí!
- Get her off me.
- Sácamela de encima.
We're burying her today, and I'd like to get the afternoon off to go to her funeral.
Hoy es el entierro... y me gustaría tomarme la tarde para asistir a su funeral.
Yes, sir... he's taking a shortcut across this bank, and thinking I'm going to get scared... and swing her off.
Sí, señor está tomando un atajo por aquí pensando que me voy a asustar y a desviar el rumbo.
Antes de que empiece a cantar, encuentra un modo de cerrarle la boca.
I brushed her off. She's trying to get even with me.
Yo la dejé, y quiere vengarse.
Yes. She's with me. He made her get off at Porta Nova.
Está aquí a mi lado, le ha conducido hacia Porta Nuova.
Tell me, captain, how do you think you'II get her off?
Dígame, capitán, ¿ cómo piensa salir de aquí?
Right off the bat, she turns on her heater and goes overboard to try to get me to go to her place.
Aparece en mi casa y hace todo lo posible por convencerme que vaya a su apartamento.
You tell her to quit sounding off about me, or she's gonna get in trouble.
Digale que renuncie de hablar de mi o se va a meter en problemas.
He said if I go there, he'd get her off my back in 24 hours.
Dice que si voy, él me la saca de encima en 24 horas.
that's all right the gamble didn't come off but it also kills Mrs Jones of Tooting and her cousin Harold and they didn't feel big bold and generous, they just got killed they elected me to see that they didn't get killed
Bueno, que pena, el asunto no salió bien. Sin embargo, resulta que mueren inocentes que no se sentían fuertes, atrevidos y generosos, pero los matan. Ellos me han elegido para que no los maten.
I don't care how you do it, but get her off.
Me da igual cómo lo haga, pero líbrese de ella.
I can't keep on going off to the ends of the Earth to get her back, it... it makes me a laughing stock.
No puedo seguir yendo a los extremos de los de la Tierra para obtener su espalda,... que me hace el ridículo.
- Get her off of me!
- ¡ Sáquenmela!
Get her off of me!
¡ Quitádmela de encima!
I bet you she's worried right now and lookin'for you, so why don't you just back off of me and go get her?
Seguro que está buscándolo, preocupada. ¿ Por qué no me deja en paz y va a buscarla?
She did too big a number on me to let her get off that easy.
Se portó muy mal conmigo como para dejarla escapar.
Let's get off of her.
- A ver si me consigues su numero de teléfono.
Last night, the middle of the night, I get a call from this jerk-off Farley, completely shit-faced some broad stuck her finger right in his eye.
Anoche, a la mitad de la noche, me llamó el boludo de Farley, le rompieron la cara alguno grandote le dio una trompada en el ojo.
Took me 3 hours to get her off.
Me llevó tres horas.
I just got mugged by an ex-bush monkey, that's gonna get her clock cleaned, if she don't get off me.
Me tiró al suelo una ex-mona del desierto que está a punto de recibir lo que merece.
And where did you get the idea now that nobody loved you,... when I've never stopped doing anything else,... despite the humiliations I suffered for having laid eyes on your mother,... although I've been cast off from her side,... although they chased me away like a dog,... have I ever stopped loving you?
Y ¿ de dónde ha sacado la idea ahora de que nadie la ha querido, cuando yo no he dejado de hacer otra cosa, porque a pesar de las humillaciones que sufrí por haber puesto los ojos en su madre, pese a que me hayan separado de su lado, pese a que a mí me hayan corrido como a un perro, yo nunca he dejado de quererla?
Get her off me!
She asked me to get her some toothpaste, a toothbrush and how do you call to take off make-up?
Me ha pedido que le subiera dentífrico, un cepillo de dientes y... ¿ cómo se llama eso para desmaquillarse?
Help! Help, get her off of me.
¡ Auxilio!
Pal, do me a favor, and get her down off there.
- Colega, bájala. ¿ Qué me dices?
I wanted her to toss and turn, throw off the sheets, get up for a glass of water, look in the mirror, and undress before going back to bed... thinking of me.
Quería que se volteara, corriera las sabanas, se levantara por un vaso de agua, mirara al espejo, y se desvistiera antes de volver a la cama... pensando en mí.
So I move into the centre lane I get ahead of this woman who felt, for some reason, I'd cut her off.
Voy por el carril central y me pongo delante de esa mujer que creyó que la había cortado.
Do me a favour, just get her to back off, will you?
Hazme un favor, haz que ella se vaya, ¿ sí?
I'll soon get another kidney once I've sold off a bit of her property.
Aunque me comprare otro cuando venda alguna de sus propiedades.
Get her off of me!
Sácamela de encima!
I was only a kid when Marilyn was at her peak, but in college I used to love sneaking off to the movies... so I could get lost in the magic of those big, luscious blue eyes.
Yo era un niño cuando Marilyn estaba en la cúspide, pero en el colegio me encantaba escaparme al cine... Y perderme en la magia de esos luminosos ojos azules.
It takes her four or five minutes to get the flash off her for me to see a little titty.
Le lleva cuatro o cinco minutos para bajarse y que yo vea un poco de tetitas.
Then suddenly she leaves her varnished perch and, like a butterfly flutters away, alighting with such quiet grace that I get a wild urge to chase her even at the risk of snapping off her wings.
Pero de su brillante fondo lacado, con un movimiento súbito, destaca y revolotea como una mariposa, y se posa con tal gracia silenciosa que siento un verdadero furor por alcanzarla, aunque ello me haga quebrarle las alas.
Get her off of me!
¡ Dile que me suelte!
You just want me to sign off on the story..... so you can finish your job and the lady can get her medal.
Usted sólo desea que yo firme su historia de modo que pueda cumplir su misión y la dama pueda obtener su medalla.
I cut her off, then she was calling me and I couldn't get to her.
Me suplicó ayuda y no pude hacerlo.
Her mother came in the kitchen and looked at her and she looked at me and I didn't tell her to get off the counter.
Su madre entró en la cocina y la miró y me miró y no le dije que se bajara del mostrador.
We better give her some grandkids soon so I can get her off my back.
Hay que darle nietos pronto para que me deje en paz.
Apparently, it is. I can't get her off my mind.
- No me la puedo sacar de la cabeza.
Get her hands off of me!
¡ Aparta sus manos de mí!
I'm gonna use her to get to the master and whoever tipped him off.
Voy a usarla para encontrar al amo y al que me delató.

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